Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?
Oh, absolutely. It was when I first discovered TWoP. I had no idea people were writing anything like that. Unfortunately, the first few stories I read were of the poke-your corneas-out-with-a-pencil variety, so that put me off the whole thing for a while. Luckily, I stumbled on one that was actually well written.
Wonder where I found it? P&P, of course.
What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?
Olivia Benson. Although, to be fair, it would only be New Benson. Old Benson was hot. And Meredith Grey, though I generally just stick her in there for comic relief.
Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?
No, some of what I write is satirical. Snarkfic. Though I do usually put some slash in there. If it's part of the story, I will toss in some minimal male slash, but I keep it vague. It's really peripheral. I write original fic as well. I do think there's a difference between writing femslash and male slash. I believe that women tend to communicate more about their feelings and are more sensitive in regard to their partners. I guess I should amend that to 'women that I know'! I'm sure that there are men out there who are conscious of the need to satisfy their sexual partners. It's just not something I want to write about. The original fic that I write usually concerns how poorly people communicate with each other, and the ensuing drama that goes along with it. Occasionally, it gets published...
Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?
Not at all!
Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?
Heh-- anything with medical jargon in it is easy. Chalk that up to all these years of watching 'ER' and now, 'Grey's Anatomy'! Never cut an LVAD wire! Stat!
Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?
It all depends. Sometimes I do; not because I'm worried that someone reading my story will say ' Fritos didn't exist in the 1950s!'-- which, actually, they did, but because I become curious. I enjoy researching odd historical tidbits.
What's your preferred length of story to write and read?
Hmmm... I can't really give you any simple answer to that. If a story is good, I don't care how long or short it is. When I write, it's usually between 3000-7000 words. That's not counting something that's ongoing, though.
Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
Nope. Lord knows I've tried. I can put my left leg behind my neck, though.
Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?
I really enjoy reading the work of other writers-- too many to name here, and I'm afraid I might forget someone. It's the style of writing that knocks me out. It can be a pairing that I don't care about at all, but if it's well written, I'll read it. Probably more than once.
Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?
Nah... life is too short for petty crap, and I have a soft head!
Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?
Please don't tell my mother, but if someone screams with pleasure... unless it's Meredith Grey, in which case, nevermind. I do enjoy reading about headboards banging against the wall. In real life, you know... the soft head... heh. Not so much.
Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?
Why would you even need to ask? I always carry tissues and hand sanitizer, too. Where I live, it's just common sense!
If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?
I've never written real person slash. I will admit that I edited some once, and found it seriously... icky. Of course, it was male (I volunteered to do it for someone I didn't know well)... two NASCAR drivers f__king? No thanks. No offence to anyone who enjoys it, but... I'll pass. *g*
Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?
I think they all have their merits. Sometimes it's nice to have it right out there, but other times, it can be fun just ferreting it out.
Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?
Sometimes it's the way two characters look at each other. Sometimes, it's how I wish two characters would look at each other. Even an offhand remark can sometimes spark something. Occasinally, it might be something that does evolve from a real life situation.
Do you like cheese?
I adore cheese. I am in the process of very slowly committing suicide by triple creme French cheese. Shhh! As James Beard once said "Life is too short for boring food."
Every read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'
Yes. May I have my cheese now?
Why do you write fan fiction?
Because you make me feel guilty if I don't. No, really, I write it because I enjoy it. There's also the satisfaction of knowing that people will actually read-- and occasionally, give feedback, which is something I don't see as much in, say, a general fiction workshop. I've found that in those situations, you are more likely to hear "I don't like your title." or "You story seems to lack something..." Over time, I've come to realize those phrases seem to mean "Oops, I didn't read your story because mine is so much more important." I have not noticed that kind of behaviour when writing/reading femslash. I think the loveliest thing of all is when a person who doesn't know me, actually bothers to send an e-mail, telling me how much they liked whatever it was that I wrote.
Now... about that cheese?