Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?
I can't remember the exact dates or anything, but I was an avid Sam/Jack fan. I used to read those fics on the Sam and Jack Directory, on which I also have 3 of my first fanfics. 'Change of Regulations' was my first.
As I realized certain things about myself, I looked up Sam/Janet fics on the net, and the first one I ever read was 'Drive' by ocean gazer. It made me cry. I was so happy when she joined P&P, and I have read it many times. My research led me to P&P and I have never looked back.
I read quite a few fandoms now, but my fic 'A Little Space' (SVU Liv/Alex) was my first slash fic. I've written quite a few since then, not to mention reading thousands!
What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?
Helen Stewart. I love her to bits, but she really needs to get over her fears and insecurities and just accept the fact that she loves Nikki and should never be without her.
Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?
Well, I started with het, but I've written a general Stargate one as well. Although, reading over it, it did have some slight femslash elements to it. My femslash fics are slightly more fast paced than my gen one. I've almost exclusively been writing femslash ever since my first SVU fic, 'A Little Space', even though my fics 'Shifting Opinions' and 'A Compassionate Loophole' feature a little maleslash.
Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?
Up until recently I didn't even know what a Mary Sue was. It was only because of a story I was beta-ing that I learnt about the concept.
I don't think I've written, or will write, a complete Mary Sue, although some of my characters will show different aspects of the figure. The closest I've come would have to be the character of Ella in my Bad Girls fic, 'Life Lessons'.
Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?
Humour. Most of my stories contain lines that are intended to be funny, although one or two have been on the more serious side.
Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?
For some, yes. If I base my fics on a particular episode, then I will watch that episode and take notes, etc. For ' In Time' I watched Window of Opportunity (SG-1 s4) soooo many times. Luckily it's my favourite episode. I also look up certain topics I'm less familiar with on the internet. For my Stargate book I did extensive research, and also drew up layouts of the town and rooms, as well as designed all the main costumes. Although with my 'Life Lessons' fic I based it in the town and school I went to, and also included some of the events that happened throughout that year (thank God it's over ).
What's your preferred length of story to write and read?
Most of my fics are 1,000-5,000. I've always found it easier to keep it short but sweet. However, I like reading any length, from 1,000 to 50,000 (and then some). Although, I do hate incomplete stories, so I only start reading multi-parters that are finished.
Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
Just but it takes effort. I'm not going to get hanged for it, am I?
Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?
Where do I start? Ocean gazer, obviously, because she began my downward spiral into the wonderful world of femslash.
In general Debbie, Ralst, Del Robertson, Elizabeth Carter, Del, D.S., Celievamp, The Raven
Bad Girls Ally (Everlasting Love), Lynne (Family Tree was the first Bad Girls fic I read, and started my obsession), and Nico (Duty of Care kept me awake for days [several times])
C.S.I. - Corbeau's Alcove, Riayn (The Rantings of a Fanfiction Character never ceases to give me stitches from laughing so hard), Wingsfan, Wonko
Ok, so I shouldn't list them all. But the main point was that I have quiet a few authors that I admire and enjoy reading. I also read my SG fic ' In Time' every few months because it amuses me so much.
Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?
Yes, although I can't think of a specific time at the moment. I'm sure there was though. I love my pairings *hugs them possessively*.
Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?
The first realization of feelings is a storyline I always find adorable. Also, there are those few 'stuck in the elevator' ones And the strange alien illnesses And the personality clash really signifying that deeper attraction. I could go on
Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?
Don't know where that is, but of course I would. I hate it when I'm busting
If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?
If you mean by 'real person slash' that I wrote about actual events that happened, then no. However, if you meant that I wrote characters based heavily on real people, then yes. 'Life Lessons' has a couple of characters based on people I know. Of course I altered them to make Nikki and Helen get together.
Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?
Subtext is my preferred weapon of mass distraction.
Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?
Anywhere, really. Sometimes I'll be watching an episode and I suddenly leap up and run to the computer to let out whatever idea popped into my head. That's happened so many times it's not funny. For example, the episode of Rizzoli and Isles (2.03) inspired over 10 new ideas. Also from real life events and conversations that I've experienced or been told of. My SVU fic, 'A Little Space', was based on an issue I was dealing with at the time. A friend had told me that they wanted space, and when I saw them not long after the fic just came to me. Ooo, and all my references to "Because "/"Because isn't an answer," is a conversation I've had countless times.
Do you like cheese?
Yes; on toast, with tomato, biscuits, ham, etc, plain, melted, plain melted, cold, really cold, preferably yellow Australia's Bega Tasty Cheese is my favourite. I don't like the mouldy kind
Ever read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'?
Unfortunately . Really, what was I thinking? Like, hello! I know I come up with some pretty crazy shit, but some of my old stuff is just ridiculous!
On the other hand, I have been known to read over my more recent fics occasionally to cheer myself up, or to see how I've improved (or not), etc. Like I said above, I keep re-reading ' In Time'.
Why do you write fan fiction?
I love to write. Although sometimes exhausting, it is something that really makes me happy. I guess I love the characters, and want them to be happy, so I make it so Ok, that's a really screwed reason, but it's valid in my geeky ways. And I love making people laugh, which is so most of my stories contain humour of some kind (except that sad SG fic I wrote, 'When you were Gone').
Also, it gives me hope.