DISCLAIMER: CSI Miami and its characters are the property of Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.
SPOILERS: Tiny mentions of "Dispo Day" "Body Count" "10-7" and "Going Going Gone"…sort of. I should mention that I have only seen screen caps and a vague summary of this episode, so I KNOW that I'm butchering it. I also should mention that while I have seen parts of seasons 4 and 5, I haven't seen then in order so I may very well be playing fast and loose with the timeline, and I am no longer quite sure what exactly Natalia does in the lab. I see her doing just about everything these days, so if I have erred, I apologize.
THANKS: To emmacancook for the "what the hell would Natalia do at home if she were having a bad day" idea, and to serenitymeimei for the beta and *squee* support.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.

By racethewind10


She was wearing black again.

God that is so not fair thought Natalia Boa Vista, DNA expert and criminalist-in-training for the Miami Dade Crime Scene Investigative unit.

The woman in question was in fact wearing a snug, scoop necked black shirt and black pants that hugged and highlighted her athletic curves, and showed off the creamy skin of her neck and collar bones to good advantage. Black boots and leather belt completed the picture, the stark color highlighting the silver of the badge at the woman's hip and the gold of her long hair.

And damn but she looks amazing in that color

The object of Natalia's musings stood outside the DNA lab talking to another tech. The woman was framed by the gleaming steel and glass walls and haloed by the molten afternoon Miami sun that flowed through the lab, coating everything in warmth and brightness.

That same light seemed to pool around the recipient of Natalia's gaze, glinting off the straight fall of gold hair. Despite the dark clothing she wore, there was an aura of brightness and energy that surrounded CSI Calleigh Duquesne. It was as if the light itself was drawn to her, recognizing a kindred spirit.

Watching as the eyes of a passing male lab tech were snared by Duquesne's figure, Natalia almost chuckled; light wasn't the only thing drawn to the curving, trim figure of MDPD's ballistics expert and resident 'bullet girl.'

No, "Bullet woman"

Natalia had not known Calleigh when the petite southerner had first come to work for MDPD at the request of Lt. Horatio Caine, but there was a stillness and poise to the smaller woman that belied the moniker 'girl.'

Even within the last year, Natalia had witnessed Calleigh's growth, as Horatio increasingly gave her charge - not just of individual cases - but of the running of the entire lab. It had been a pleasure to watch, and not just for professional reasons.

Admit it, Boa Vista, you love the fact that you get to work with her a lot more now, Natalia scolded herself, not the least bit repentant. She had respected and admired Calleigh from the beginning of their working relationship, and those feelings had only strengthened, especially with the 'mole' scandal and subsequent shaking up of the department.

For weeks, Natalia had felt alone, shunned by her colleagues, all except for Cal. Duquesne, more than anyone, had tried to understand the position that Natalia had been forced into, and it had been largely due to her attitude that the rest of the CSI's were coming around. It made the taller woman grateful on many levels.

As usual though, thoughts of that time caused Natalia's mood to darken, and she turned back to her work with a frown, unaware that she was now the object of another's gaze.

She's wearing white again Absently thanking the tech for the report he had just given her, MDPD Detective Calleigh Duquesne turned her focus in the direction of the DNA lab and the woman working there. Though it was the ghost of a frown that had caught Calleigh's attention, it was the woman herself who held the detective's gaze.

Lab coats shouldn't be sexy, but they are on her Beside the requisite coat, the taller woman was also wearing a simple, low cut white top over tan slacks, and the snowy shade brought out the bronze of her skin; its snug fit accentuating a trim figure and full breasts. Natalia Boa Vista moved across the lab and sunlight glinted briefly off her hair, casting warm highlights in the caramel curls.

Though Calleigh was too far away to see the expression in Natalia's rich, chocolate colored eyes, the tilt of her head and the line of the body told of intense concentration.

The younger DNA tech was maturing; tested by the job, and tempered by the fallout from the revelation of her informant position, she was no longer as eager, or as outgoing as she had been.

Although a part of Calleigh regretted that transformation, the CSI in her admired the way in which the beautiful DNA expert had emerged from the trials stronger, more determined. Certain aspects of her personality had been honed in the last months, and Natalia was now out in the field more, taking a more active role in the daily hunt for Miami's criminal element.

And face it Cal, you like the fact that you get to work with her more Honest with herself, the small southerner easily admitted she enjoyed Natalia's presence. The younger woman had a keen intellect and a natural curiosity that were keys to being a good criminalist, and Duquesne found her energy and enthusiasm infectious. More than just enjoyable to work with, Calleigh was truly coming to think of Natalia as a friend - a commodity that was in short supply.

Calleigh adored her male co-workers, and was close to Alexx Woods - the kind, sharply intelligent coroner - but women in the field were still rare, and Calleigh didn't work with any of the female detectives enough to form friendships.

It was comforting to have another woman to talk to about cases, colleagues and general 'girl talk.' The small detective had grown away from her friends who had no connection to the criminal justice field over the years. They simply couldn't understand the things she dealt with, or her burning desire to hunt down the dangerous elements of society that preyed upon people like them; the innocents. Also, after Janet had been slain, Calleigh had withdrawn farther into herself, protecting a heart more fragile than she would admit to others.

Since John Hagen's suicide in front of her and the subsequent investigations into the lab, Calleigh had been closing herself off, shutting down parts of herself to simply continue functioning. She ignored the loneliness that while rare, still left her aching and raw when it snuck past her emotional defenses.

The woman currently glaring intensely at the results in her hand however, was slowly changing that. Working with Natalia was slowly eroding the scarred armor around the blonde's heart. Calleigh was rediscovering her love of the chase - of the puzzle that was a trail of evidence - and it was largely due to Natalia.

Unable to find any excuse not to, the petite detective turned and entered the DNA lab. She felt her heart lift as she was greeted by a warmth in velvet, dark chocolate eyes and a brilliant smile, which she couldn't help but return.

"Hey Natalia, whatcha got?"

Hearing the lab door open, Natalia was drawn away from her analysis only to receive a pleasant surprise. Calleigh walked in the door and Natalia couldn't help the smile that stretched across her full lips. Her smile was returned by one of Calleigh's rare, blinding grins, and Natalia felt her heart trip, not only at the sight, but at the sound of her name painted with the soft strokes of a gentle southern accent.

Down girl, Boa Vista chastised herself.

It was hard though, with the smaller woman so close – close enough to see the faceted depths of Calleigh's jade colored eyes and for a hint of ginger and vanilla to tease the edge of Natalia's senses.

The two spent a moment discussing the cases they were working before Natalia's pager went off; Detective Frank Tripp was in need of the results she had.

Sharing a grin, the two women parted. Just as Calleigh was about to walk out the door, a sudden need grabbed at Natalia.

"Hey Calleigh?" she waited until the blonde turned back.

"If you don't have any plans for Friday night, how bout dinner? I've got an in with the owner of that new restaurant, Infinite. You up for checking it out?"

After all, we're friends. Friends have dinner, no big deal. It's just colleagues, going out for dinner… at one of the hottest new places in the city. But just friends…riiiiiiiight Boa Vista, now you're just being sad.

Snarky mental dialogue aside, this was just an invitation between friends. Their case load had been grueling lately, and kicking back with Calleigh to talk had recently become Natalia's favorite way of relaxing - though it was usually just for coffee after work rather than dinner.

So it's been a hard couple of weeks, we deserve a treat.

Thankfully, her internal argument was apparently not visible in her expression because Calleigh simply smiled broadly.

"Sounds great. You'll let me know a time?"

"Absolutely. Now I better get these to Tripp," Natalia said, unable to keep the grin off her face.

Calleigh laughed, and the sound danced its way down Natalia's spine. "Heaven forbid you make Frank wait! I'll see you later Nat."

"Yeah, the world might end. Take care Cal," and with that the two returned to their separate duties, apart, but energized for the brief contact.

Calleigh strode toward ballistics, a tiny grin still tugging at her face. Although it was only Monday, she was suddenly very much looking forward to Friday.

Entering ballistics, she sorted through the pending cases, picking the most urgent and reviewing the file. It needed rifling tests for comparison to three different weapons, which meant her afternoon would be pleasantly spent at her favorite activity – playing with bullets.

A short time later, as the sharp retort of gunfire echoed in her sanctuary, a realization crossed Calleigh's mind.

If Natalia is going to be out in the field more, she should get qualified to carry And with that came thoughts of what it would be like introducing her friend to Calleigh's passion – firearms. One image in particular struck the petite woman with almost physical force, causing her to pause, and consider its affect on her.

Clearly, in her mind's eye, she saw Natalia standing at the outdoor range, sunglasses shielding her eyes, and a whisp of breeze teasing honeyed strands of her hair. Standing comfortably in shooting stance, her lean legs were spread shoulder width apart with her weight centered while toned, bronzed arms were locked in front of her; pointed confidently at a target some distance away.

Calleigh could see the gun, maybe a LadySmith like her own, or perhaps a slightly larger Glock 9mm, cradled comfortably in long fingered hands; she could imagine the slight coil of muscle beneath sun-warmed skin as the gun kicked back, and smell the familiar tang of gunpowder overlaying the more mellow fragrance of Natalia's regular perfume; but mostly she could feel the thrill of pride at the sight of this woman, competent and confident in her strength and a new-found ability. It was a visceral image, tempting and frightening in both its clarity, and the way in which it called to a part of Calleigh's soul.

Before she could bring her analytic mind to bear on her reaction, the image fled, leaving only the briefest of emotional impressions and a slight, lingering disquiet.

Shaking herself, Calleigh returned to her firing tests, letting the precise, controllable nature of shooting restore her equilibrium. She was however, definitely looking forward to Friday.

Their case load kept the two CSI's from exchanging more than brief greetings until Wednesday afternoon, when Calleigh stopped by the lab to suggest a coffee break. Natalia was only too happy to agree.

The two made the quick trip to a small, quiet coffee shop nearby that many officers frequented and, grabbing their drinks, sat at one of the outdoor tables. It was late morning and warm, but not yet oppressive and as the two friends talked about small things. Natalia felt herself relaxing under Calleigh's warm regard. The blonde was smiling more lately, and although it may have been simple wishful thinking, the taller CSI thought it might have something to do with their friendship. These last years had seen painful events come to pass for the entire team, and though Miami was a fresh start for Natalia, she better than anyone could understand the toll that life could take on a person.

Something of her thoughts must have played on her face because they were interrupted by a gentle touch on her hand. Starting, Natalia looked up to be met by a luminous green gaze that held deep concern.

"Natalia? Is everything alright?" The gentle southern accent wrapped around Natalia's soul, soothing away some of the edges that still remained sharp after all this time.

A part of the darker woman desperately wanted to open up to Calleigh, but she also knew that this was not the time or the place.

And face it Nat, you really don't want to go back there right now. Not yet Her past was still too raw, her new found sense of self too fragile, and though she trusted the woman sitting across from her, she didn't want Calleigh to think less of her.

So she smiled ruefully and shook her head.

"Thanks Cal," she said, placing her hand over the other woman's. "It's just been a long week."

Calleigh held her gaze for a second as if to say she didn't really buy it, but thankfully let it go and nodded. "If you ever need to talk Natalia, you know I'm here."

Warmed, the DNA tech nodded. "I know, really, I do, and I appreciate it Calleigh, It's just not anything I need to talk about now." Quickly changing the subject, Nat brightened, "Ooh, speaking of long weeks, I talked to my 'source' and we have reservations, Friday at 8:00, you still in?"

Natalia had lowered her voice in a conspiratorial whisper and Calleigh retuned the grin, "Absolutely, I've been dying to check Infinite out. Thank your source for me."

Natalia chuckled, "oh you can thank him yourself, he'll love it. He works there."

The two women finished their coffee, keeping talk light before Calleigh got a page and frowned.

"Something the matter?" asked Natalia

"Something the matter?" asked Natalia, and Calleigh looked up into that rich, velvet gaze.

"I'm not sure, but I'd better get back to the lab." The taller woman nodded and they got up to leave.

Calleigh was disappointed, she had been enjoying herself. The only damper had been Natalia's brief withdrawal for unknown reasons. Few cops tended to be talkative about their past – too many of them had painful secrets.

Like Horatio, hell, like me, Calleigh thought.

Even so, there was always some background on people. Not so with the woman sitting across from Calleigh.

Duquesne knew that Natalia had two sisters, both younger, that she lived in a very nice neighborhood, in a very nice house (according to Ryan) and that she was not originally from Miami. As co-workers, she knew the taller woman's favored colors, what car she drove, her tastes in food and what she drank when with friends, but all this was current knowledge. About her past there was nothing, not even a rumor, (though there was plenty of ridiculous speculation)

Only Horatio had once hinted at her background, but Calleigh knew better than to ask him. If her intense Lt. hadn't said anything before now, he had a good reason for not doing so.

So it was up to Calleigh to discover for herself. For a moment today, she had felt a flicker of something, a whisper of instinct, that said she was close to getting the taller woman to open up, but something still held her back.

Well, it's not like she's had a lot of reasons to trust lately came the bitter thought. Calleigh was still irritated at the Feds for putting Natalia in the position of having to spy on the lab.

Now however was not the time to question things. If she was right, and this page was from who she thought it was, then her day was about to get complicated.

Oh well, we've got Friday, she thought as the two friends made their way back to the lab.

Natalia lost track of Calleigh after they returned to the lab, losing herself in her work.

Around 3:00, she realized she was starving and her neck was aching. Stepping out of the lab, she strolled to the break room, nodding to people as she passed.

Grabbing a cup of the ever present coffee and digging a granola bar out of her private stash, Natalia was about to take a seat on the worn leather couch when Detective Frank Tripp stormed into the room.

"You seen Delko? He ain't answering his cell," the brawny Texan barked.

Shocked at Tripp's uncharacteristic rudeness, Natalia could only shake her head and watch the normally taciturn detective turn around and storm out.

Suddenly gripped by a sense of foreboding, Natalia dumped her coffee and snack and jogged after Tripp, her adrenaline spiking when she noticed the atmosphere in the lab had become charged.

"Frank!" she called, having to stretch her legs to catch up with him. "Frank, what's going on?"

As if seeing her for the first time, Tripp paused and turned to face her, giving her a long look.

Natalia started to get angry.

I am a member of this lab and I have a right to know damnit

She was about to open her mouth and say so when something in the big man's face softened a bit, and that's when Natalia started to really worry.

"Had a callout. Officer involved shooting, it came over the radio: Duquesne's been hit. No word on how it went down. I need a CSI to process."

"Duquesne's been hit."

The world dropped out from underneath Natalia. Her vision went grey and all she could hear was the pulse thundering in her ears.

Dimly, she became aware someone was calling her name with increasing urgency. "Boa Vista…Natalia!" the stricken woman looked up, the grey slowly receding from her vision.

"Duquesne is fine, Nat. The vest caught it. But we don't know what the hell went down there, cause she's still out of it. That's why I was looking for Delko."

Her heart still racing and the acrid taste of fear on her tongue, Natalia drew in a slow breath, only now realizing that Tripp had laid a large hand on her shoulder to steady her. He was giving her another long look, but this one was quieter, more considering somehow.

One thing was suddenly crystal clear to Natalia; she had to know for sure, she had to see Calleigh for herself.

"I can process," seeing Frank's expression, the CSI shook off his hand and snared his gaze. "I can process until Delko gets there," she dared him to object.

Tripp's only response was a gruff nod though, as he turned and motioned for her to follow him.

Calleigh woke to someone gently slapping her face and pain.

A lot of pain.

Her chest felt like it was on fire, and every breath ached. The pain there was matched by a fierce pounding in her head, and when she tried to open her eyes…

Shit. Bad idea, very bad idea… a cutting pain in her eyes as well.

"Cal, come on girl wake up, you're fine. Come on Calleigh."

That voice. That voice is familiar, she thought.

"Damnit Cal, I need to get out of here before I get my cover blown."

Cover blown, under cover…Jake!

And with that came full consciousness, memory and anger. The page had been from the lab, they had evidence pertaining to one of her suspects. Her hunt had led her to the docks where she had confronted the man, only to have Jake Berkley, former ATF undercover agent, (and boyfriend) show up. The situation had gone from tense to Hell in a moment and the suspect fired, the shot hitting Calleigh in the chest at close range.

The last thing she remembered was the muzzle flash. She never even heard the sound of the shot.

I must have hit my head against the containers on the way down.

Eyes still closed against the light, Calleigh tried to sit up, and could only moan as pain shot through her chest, making her heart trip and driving the breath from already starved lungs.

"Easy Cal, you're ok. Thank God for Kevlar. Just hang out, I called for a bus."

"Right now, Jake, the only thing I need is my gun, to shoot you with," she rasped, before a coughing fit took her and she couldn't breathe again.

Jake seemed to find this funny and laughed. "Boy Cal, you sure do know how to mess up a guy's investigation. I can't believe I just shot a guy for you."

Hearing the wail of sirens nearing, Calleigh decided that breathing was the better part of valor and that shooting Jake could wait.

The pain seemed to have finally abated to the point where she could at least think about sitting up, and when she started to move, Jake grasped her shoulders and helped her sit.

It might not have been the best idea, but the world didn't spin for too long and she was able to finally open her eyes.

With her head bowed as it was, the first thing her eyes found when they focused, was the hole in her shirt, right below her left breast.

Jake's chatter, the call of the sirens, the slap of the waves on the dock – everything faded away as she reached up a hand to touch the tear in the fabric. As she did, she felt something move, and a chunk of metal dropped in her lap to lay there, quiescent.

Unable to move, she simply stared at it.

For years, Calleigh Duquesne's specialty had been bullets. She was known throughout the forensic community for it. She had seen and identified bullets pulled from bodies, cars, trees, tires, even blocks of cocaine made to look like marble. She had identified bullets that had impacted officer's vests before, including one that had hit Tim Speedle in the dispo day disaster years ago. She had seen officers and friends get hit before, even go down.

In all her time on the force however, she had never been shot; not even grazed.

Looking down at the object gleaming dully in her lap, her mind, instead of responding to the sight of a bullet with its automatic catalog of caliber, type and striation, gave her instead a detailed and graphic portrayal of the damage this bullet would have visited on her body.

In her mind's eye - with a familiarity born of many an autopsy viewing - Calleigh saw shattered bone, lacerated and punctured tissue, ruptured blood vessels and organ collapse. She saw a rapidly spreading pool of blood - her blood - as it escaped from her body and formed a kind of dark, hideous halo around her.

She tried to turn the images off, tried to force herself to catalog the bullet, to examine it. This was her job. She could do this. But nothing came. She sat there, staring at the piece of metal in her lap that was suddenly a complete mystery to her, unable to make sense of what she was seeing.

This was how the EMT's found her.

The car ride to the docks seemed to last an eternity for Natalia. Her mind clung to Tripp's words, "She's ok, the vest caught it." And she played them over and over in her mind.

Staring out the window, she was unaware of Frank Tripp's regard.

Catching glimpses of the beautiful woman in his passenger seat, the wheels in the Texan's head were turning. He'd know Duquesne was friends with the DNA tech, and had made her position on Natalia's actions clear – not tolerating any sniping or un-professionalism toward the woman after her status as the mole was revealed.

At the time, Tripp simply had accepted her actions. Duquesne didn't tolerate bullshit of any kind, especially within the lab, and woe be to the idiot who looked at her big eyes and beautiful figure and underestimated the petite woman. She had a strong sense of morality and an impeccable aura of professionalism that she wouldn't compromise for anyone or anything. It made her respected by superiors and adored by her colleagues. Hell, the entire male population of the lab had had a crush on her at one time or another; it was practically a right of passage.

He hadn't given the women's relationship much thought; Calleigh's actions had been entirely within her character – looking out for a team member and not tolerating crap in the lab. But watching Natalia's face when she'd received the news about Duquesne being hit - Tripp wondered if maybe the guys weren't the only ones with crushes on the beautiful ballistics expert.

As they pulled up to the scene, Tripp could only mentally shake his head and hope Boa Vista didn't do something dumb. He didn't want to see either woman hurt, and relationships of any kind could be dangerous in this business.

As the MDPD Hummer pulled up behind several squad cars and an ambulance, Natalia felt her heart leap into her throat. Every instinct in her screamed to jump out of the Hummer and run until she found Calleigh, until she could see her and touch her and affirm for herself that the blonde was alive and whole.

Catching the considering look that Tripp cast her way however, Natalia savagely clamped down on her feelings. This was not the time.

Damnit Nat, come on she chastised herself. Calleigh's alright, Tripp wouldn't lie, you'll see her in a minute, now think like a cop and not a…

Not a what? Not a friend? But they were friends, and colleagues, and co-workers, so…

Not a…? But her mind trailed off, her subconscious refusing to take that thought any farther; especially here, surrounded by other cops, and with concern for Calleigh's wellbeing overriding everything else.

Grabbing her kit and gloving up, Natalia took a breath and wrestled the tempest of her emotions under control, something she had a fair amount of practice doing.

If there is one thing I'm good at, she thought bitterly, it's hiding my fears. In fact, that might just be the sole good thing to come of her abusive past – the ability to present a blank face to the world.

This wasn't the time to stroll down memory lane though, and with a last breath, Boa Vista strode evenly toward the ambulance.

Rounding the last of the emergency vehicles, her eyes were filled with the sight of Calleigh, lying partially upright on a gurney while an EMT checked her pupils. There was an oxygen mask on her nose, a pressure cuff on her arm, and her clothes were rumpled, but as Natalia drank in the picture she presented, the DNA tech didn't think she had ever seen anything more beautiful.

Despite her desire to go to her friend, Boa Vista looked at the number of personnel surrounding the blonde and a rakishly handsome man she didn't recognize, and knew that it would have to wait. Forcing down her frustration and ducking under the crime scene tape, she moved to join Tripp and Alexx Woods, already waiting at the body.

Quickly, Natalia photographed the victim, working around and out from the body so Alexx could begin her examination. She found her attention wandering though, and several times had to resist the urge to look over to Calleigh. About to move on to work the rest of the scene, the CSI heard a commotion coming from the direction of the ambulance. Eric Delko had arrived and appeared to be arguing with the stranger Natalia didn't recognize. Though they were yards away, the conversation was obviously becoming heated and Natalia heard words like "reckless" and "endangering Calleigh" coming from the tall Cuban CSI.

Finally returning her gaze to the object of the argument, Natalia felt her chest tighten in worry.

One thing that Natalia knew with absolute certainty about Calleigh Duquesne was the smaller CSI's intolerance for conflict between colleagues. She should have been standing in between Delko and the stranger, glaring them both down and intimidating them to silence. She should have at least been commanding them to stop from where she sat with the EMT. She was not. Instead she lay quietly on the gurney, letting the EMT check her vitals without a fuss.

Even from here Natalia could see the distance in Calleigh's expression and the pale cast to her skin. Suddenly not giving a damn about the crime scene, Natalia made to walk over to the smaller woman.

Before Boa Vista could move toward her friend however, several things happened; Delko and the stranger apparently finished their argument, the EMT finished and helped Calleigh sit up, and Delko moved over to talk to her. Natalia gritted her teeth and choked down her frustration. She trusted Eric though, and his concern was evident as he moved to help Calleigh stand, his body language showing his worry.

He's not the only one. Something is wrong. Natalia gave herself a mental slap. Of course something is wrong, she just got shot! Still, it was terribly disconcerting to see the normally vibrant woman looking so distant.

Just then the stranger came up and shouldered Delko aside, steering Calleigh away from the crime scene and talking to her. Watching Eric, Natalia saw she wasn't the only one pissed by the man's behavior. She just caught the tale-end of Eric's frustrated sigh as he stalked up to her and grabbed a spare kit.

Although she had seen Calleigh get up and walk away, Natalia still needed to know, and couldn't help herself form asking, "Eric, is she going to be alright?"

The handsome man ran a hand through close cropped black hair and stared after the retreating figures before turning back to Natalia and speaking in a smooth, softly accented voice, "I don't know. Physically? Yeah, the EMT's said it was just some bruising and she doesn't have a concussion, just got the wind knocked out of her. But with Jake here? I don't know, I'm worried about her. She looked so out of it."

Natalia couldn't help the question, "Who is Jake?"

Eric gave her a look she couldn't quite decipher before his apparent frustration with the other man won out.

"Jake Berkley," he said with a distinct edge to his voice, "was an undercover ATF agent who's now apparently working with MDPD. He's also Calleigh's ex and a jackass who thinks he's God's gift to police work and women."

The revelation startled Natalia, "ex?" As in ex-boyfriend? Natalia had at times wondered if there was something between the blonde ballistics expert and their soft spoken, intense Lt., but her only knowledge of Calleigh's past relationships involved the well known disaster that had been Detective John Hagen - by all accounts a powerful presence. The CSI's admittedly brief impression of Jake was of a boy, not a man. And Delko certainly thinks he's a loser. And say what you want about the man standing in front of her, when it came to the women in his life, Eric Delko was extremely protective.

As Eric moved to continue processing the crime scene, Natalia let her eyes flicker back to the direction Jake and Calleigh had gone.

They were out of sight so she turned back to the scene and refocused. She was unable however, to rid herself of the echoes of disappointment and jealousy? that the revelation about Calleigh's past had stirred.

As they finished processing the scene, Natalia kept expecting Calleigh to return, and she found herself increasingly unsettled when the smaller blonde did not. By the time she and Eric had finished, the rest of the emergency workers had left, including Tripp, and Calleigh and Jake were still no where to be found.

Although she had seen that Calleigh was physically fine, Natalia still hadn't spoken to the other woman, and her disappearance with the mysterious Jake left Natalia feeling raw and unsettled. It didn't help that she now knew exactly how close Calleigh had come to dying.

She had gotten the rest of the story from Tripp before he left: Calleigh had apparently confronted an armed suspect who, in a state of panic, fired on her. Jake had shot the man and called for backup. If it hadn't been for the vest however, Calleigh would have been dead. The shot would have gone right through her chest, doing irreparable damage. The thought alone was enough to make Natalia sick.

Eric gave her a ride back to the lab, and Natalia stared out the window, lost in thought.

Without the scene to concentrate on, or the presence of strangers to force her control, Natalia's mind refused to focus on anything but the events of the day. It was too easy for her to imagine her friend's body, broken and lifeless, laying in a pool of her own blood, or in a body bag on Alexx's table.

Her reaction to the images was nearly physical. Natalia's head swam and she had to force herself to breathe slowly, swallowing the sting of tears and the taste of bile.

"Hey Natalia, you ok?"

Eric's smooth voice thankfully cut into her tortured thoughts, giving her something else to focus on.

Get it together damnit, you can lose it when you get home, she chastised herself.

Swallowing, she clamped down on the fear and the nausea and turned to her co-worker.

"I'm fine Eric, just forgot to eat today, and then we got the callout. It's been a long day."

Delko looked at her, his own dark eyes searching hers for a minute before he nodded.

"Yeah well, don't go being sick on me ok? I don't want to clean up the Hummer tonight."

The words were gently teasing though, and Boa Vista gave him a wan grin. Bless him for trying.

"Hey Nat," he said, looking at her with worry. "Why don't you call it an early day. I can handle the evidence logging, there really isn't much to do anyway, and you're caught up on your cases."

When it looked like she might protest, Eric touched her shoulder gently, compassion in his dark eyes.

"Seriously Natalia, take the day, you've been working overtime all this week, and today was rough." Unspoken was the "seeing your friend take a hit" It didn't need to be said, the two CSI's were only too aware.

In the end it was easy to accept Eric's friendship and offer, and she smiled at him in thanks, patting the hand that was still on her shoulder.

By the time the DNA tech drove home, the toll of emotions and not eating all day had combined to leave her completely drained yet still keyed up. She was both edgy and exhausted. Sleep was an impossibility at this point and she couldn't concentrate on anything.

Walking in her door, Natalia dropped her purse and walked straight to her kitchen. Taking a bottle from an oak wine rack, the shaken woman poured herself a glass of wine and took a long sip.

The liquid was warm as it caressed its way down her throat and hit her gut. On a completely empty stomach, it didn't take long for the alcohol to spread a slow heat through her veins.

Taking a deep breath, Natalia decided the next step was a shower. Pouring a second glass of wine, she moved toward her bedroom.

By the time she undressed and ran the hot water, the wine had gone a long way to soothe her nerves and quiet the pounding in her head.

Stepping into the hot spray, the tanned woman leaned her hands against the tiled wall, and let the hot stream soothe away the tension in her neck and back. Some of her equilibrium restored, and a pleasant distance achieved by the wine, her mind drifted.

This time, there were no terrible images of Calleigh injured. This time, her subconscious chose to mull over the sheer strength of her reaction to her friend's injury.

Truth time Nat. This is more than friendship - you're falling for her. Resting her head against the wall, Natalia gave a self loathing chuckle. Classic Boa Vista, you finally get your life back together, survive hell at what was supposed to be a perfect job, make a wonderful friend, and what do you do? You fall for her.

Absently shampooing her hair, Natalia's mind happily supplied images of the lithe blonde from the beginning of their acquaintance: Calleigh, intense and focused on the evidence, smiling and triumphant as they caught the perp, laughing and gently mischievous at something a co-worker said, and warm and concerned this morning God, was it only this morning? her delicate hand warm on Natalia's fingers and her jade eyes reflecting infinite compassion.

Suddenly the heat in Natalia's body wasn't entirely due to the water. Groaning in frustration, she finished her shower and stepped out, wrapping her body in a large terry cloth towel and drying her hair.

Slipping on a white silk robe, Natalia absently wandered through her house, again unsettled as her restless mind kept coming back to the vision of Calleigh, pale and listless on the gurney.

And going off with that Jake. God I hope she is ok.

And there, really, was the problem. Natalia didn't really know if Calleigh was alright. Physically, yes. Natalia had seen the CSI get up and walk away. But the blonde's shocked state and Eric's opinion of the man who had taken her away from the crime scene made Natalia worry for the woman who - since she was being honest with herself – was rapidly becoming vital to her.

I should call her. See if she's ok. Friends do that, no big deal. But she's probably exhausted, and hell, Nat, you are going to see her tomorrow. Calleigh can take care of herself without you…..

Desire for reassurance warred with a reluctance to disturb or upset her friend as Natalia stood, staring unfocused at her kitchen.

I need a damn distraction.

Ever helpful, her subconscious teased her with a suggestive and completely inappropriate image of a certain kind of distraction with a certain blonde and Natalia bit her lip.

Not that kind of distraction. Something….ah. perfect.

Opening cupboards, the DNA tech began pulling out ingredients, along with scales, flour, seasoning, and a bowl.

It wasn't something she had told anyone, but baking was a secret pleasure for Natalia. As much as she loved her job, the sterile, microscopic world of the lab sometimes left her feeling disconnected; separate from the world around her.

A skill passed on from her grandmother when Natalia was still a little girl, baking was one of her secrets to relieving the stress of a long day at work. The soft texture of the dough, the way it yielded in her hands, the warm, earthy smell of baking goods, and the satisfaction of being able to create something real and tangible never failed to appease and refresh an oft-ignored part of her soul.

Dipping her hands in the bin of flour, she took a moment to simply luxuriate in the silken softness slipping through her fingers. Natalia had always loved the feeling of flour in her hands, and the sensual texture calmed her further.

Dusting the wooden cutting board with the white powder, she worked the dough, taking out some of her frustration and earlier fear on it. When it was finished, she let the dough rise, grabbed some sun dried tomatoes, and moved to cut a bit of rosemary; the mindless physicality of the task requiring her attention just enough to finally quiet the last of her roiling emotions.

Topping the dough and adding parmesan cheese, Natalia placed the bread in the warm oven, set the timer, and cleaned up. As the first teasing hint of the scent of baking bread wafted from the oven, the DNA tech leaned against the counter and sipped at her wine, nearly at peace for the first time since Det. Tripp had barged into the break room.

It was then, just as she was thinking that there was nothing wrong with checking up on her colleague after all, that the doorbell rang.

"You're going to be fine detective. You've got some pretty serious bruising, and a good bump on your head, but there doesn't appear to be any concussion, and your ribs are fine."

The EMT was speaking in a gentle, professional manner that was seemingly standard issue for emergency workers, but Calleigh heard him as if from a distance. Everything seemed disconnected, disjointed – as if she was only watching reality and not a part of it.

She was vaguely aware of Eric. His presence tingled along the edges of her perception, but could not penetrate the fog that surrounded her. She wanted to reach out to him, to connect to something, when suddenly Jake was there, his voice and touch grating along her wounded psyche. Her anger at him cleared her head a bit though, and she was able to snatch her arm out of his grasp as he steered her along.

The motion however, sent a spasm of pain radiating along her chest and shoulder, and her mind ran from the implications, cocooning itself again in the haze of detachment.

Jake was speaking, but she didn't hear. At some point this must have become clear because the former ATF agent stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Calleigh? Earth to Calleigh. Damn girl come on you're fine."

Summoning the anger again, Calleigh felt its heat wash through her, sharpening the edges of the world. Raising her eyes to Jake, she glared at him.

"I am fine, and you should be thankful for that Jake. You not only interfered with an ongoing investigation, my investigation, but you endangered a fellow officer, me and your interference cost me my suspect."

Jake had the gall to look surprised, "I just shot a guy for you Cal! And you were wearing your vest, you're fine."

"But you didn't know that Jake! You are just as reckless as ever. I don't want you near my investigation again, is that clear?"

Jake raised his hands in mocking surrender, and she nearly took a swing at him. The phantom pain in her chest made her retreat though, and she settled for turning and striding off toward her car.

Each step echoed her heartbeat, each heartbeat twinging with a ghost of soreness and without realizing it Calleigh reached up and fingered the whole in her shirt. Her fingertip touched the skin just below her left breast and the ghostly pain became corporeal, sharp and spiking. It felt real, and rather than jerking her hand away, the detective stroked the aching flesh, worrying it, until the ache became a living thing, radiating out from her heart.

She didn't even realize that she had gotten in her car and started driving until a horn jerked her focus back to the road. She shouldn't be driving Calleigh realized, but it was too late now, she was almost back to the lab – her body operating on instinct

Her consciousness seemed to skip like a battered CD, and she suddenly found herself standing in the parking garage of the lab.


This time, it was the concern in a deep, soft voice that drew her gently back to herself.

She turned to find Lt. Horatio Caine standing next to his champagne colored Hummer.

The lean red-head was staring at her intently, his near violet eyes searching for something as he canted his head in question and spoke again, "Calleigh, sweetheart, are you ok?"

Latching onto his voice like a lifeline, the wounded woman straightened, unwilling to let her Lt. see her weakness. A part of her knew he would think no less of her – it was not his way – but neither was it hers to let others see her vulnerable.

With a gentle smile, Calleigh attempted to allay his fears.

"I'm fine, just a little sore."

Caine smiled and ducked his head, completely unsurprised at her answer.

"I know you are Calleigh, but why don't you take the rest of the day off and go home ok? The day is almost over and people are wrapping up anyway. Go home and take care of yourself."

She was about to protest, when he caught her eyes and spoke again,

"Please Calleigh."

The gentle plea was her undoing, and she could only nod. The first twinges of reaction were chipping at the numbness, and she would damn well not have witnesses if she broke down.

Something must have shown on her face, for Horatio gently caught her hand before she could turn and leave.

"Calleigh, you know I'm here if you need anything alright?"

The genuine caring and friendship he offered warmed her, but she almost damned him for making her feel anything right now, so she simply squeezed his hand and gave him an only slightly forced smile before turning walking back to her car.

Her awareness didn't abandon her this time, but she was increasingly feeling the physical after-affects of her shooting.

The soreness in her chest and head had grown to a dull, throbbing ache that spread throughout her body, and the loss of the adrenaline eroded the protective state of shock cocooning her mind. The finest of tremors began in her hands, and as she drove spread to her body. In response, her mind fought to retreat further, battling for a return of her earlier numbness.

I have to get home soon, she thought, a creeping panic chipping further at her shredded control. She was in very real danger of causing an accident, and she sucked down oxygen - desperate for air - but seemingly unable to get enough.

Another horn made her jump and she pulled over to the side of the road and stopped, looking around.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, was the incongruous thought that came to mind, nearly causing her to giggle in hysteria. Choking down the response, she looked around. This was not her home, not even close. The houses were too rich, the neighborhood too…Natalia, this was Natalia's neighborhood, and that, right over there, is her house. Her unconscious mind had driven her here instead of home.

A part of her wanted to scream in frustration; she didn't need to be here, she needed to be home, where she could collapse in bed and let herself go where no one would ever see her. Another, smaller part wanted to stay, to knock on the door and walk into Natalia's home and simply be in the other woman's presence.

In the end, her body simply took over and made the choice for her. She parked in Natalia's drive and, before she could decide otherwise; got out, walked up to the elegant white door, and rang the doorbell with a shaking hand.

Frowning, Natalia tightened the tie on her robe and walked to the door, looking through the peephole.

The sight that greeted her made her heart jump like she'd been shocked, and she fumbled with the lock, swinging the door wide.

Calleigh stood on her step, looking lost, and not a little uncertain.

"Calleigh? Are you alright? Please come in, is something wrong?"

Natalia knew she was babbling, but she couldn't help it, her eyes devouring Calleigh's figure as the woman walked slowly into her house.

She had been worrying about her friend all day, and suddenly the smaller CSI was here.

Every tangled thought and whirling emotion she had thought was behind her now ambushed Natalia at the sight of Calleigh, rumpled and pale, standing in her living room. The blonde's normally vibrant, jeweled eyes were dull as slate and Natalia could detect a fine tremor running through Calleigh's body.

Real fear clutched at Natalia's chest, making her heart race and her breath short. The desire to reach out and assure herself that Calleigh was here - that she was whole and real and breathing – was a living thing in her heart. Unable to stop herself, the taller woman stepped forward and raised her hand to Calleigh's cheek, drawing her gaze and whispering, "Calleigh?"

"Calleigh?" The voice was soft, caressing the edges of the wounded woman's psyche. The warmth of the hand on her cheek seeped into her blood, thawing the numbness.

Calleigh looked up, and found herself on the verge of falling into a rich chocolate gaze. She stood here, frozen, desperate to let go, but unable to do so. Then Natalia opened her arms, and the last of Calleigh's restraint was stripped away.

The smaller woman gave into need, and stepping into Natalia's arms, was immediately wrapped in a warm, fierce embrace. Clinging to the other woman, Calleigh buried her face in the silken flesh of Natalia's throat and breathed down the scent and heat of the other woman, drawing it into herself.

She was held tight, anchored by slender arms and gentle hands that stroked her hair and down her back. For the first time since the shooting she felt grounded; no longer disconnected from herself or the world around her. At last she felt she could truly draw breath again, and she felt her heart beat, strong and affirming. Here in Natalia's arms, she at last felt safe, sheltered even. Her tremors gradually receded and her muscles lost their wire strung tension. Slipping her arms along silk shrouded skin, the small woman sank into Natalia's embrace and for the first time in a long time, felt like she had come home.

With the slow passing of her shocked state however, Calleigh became increasingly aware of another type of need that was slowly stealing through her, heating her blood.

In the wake of shock and numbness came hunger. Her body was pressed against Natalia's and she was increasingly aware of how they fit together – the press and flow of soft curves and firm muscle. It was quickly becoming intoxicating to her raw and starving soul.

On a purely clinical level, a part of Calleigh understood the reaction; near death experiences produced strong physiological and psychological reactions. That she didn't consider herself as gay was trivial to her body at this point, this wasn't about identity, it was about a need to feel alive after a traumatic experience.

Then Natalia leaned back and placed a tender kiss against her forehead, tipping Calleigh's chin up so their eyes met, and the feelings in the smaller woman's heart snuck up and efficiently dispatched what was left of her ability to think rationally.

Natalia's hand was cupping her cheek and Calleigh leaned into the touch, her eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of a gentle thumb tracing her lower lip.

Natalia watched her hand move as thought it belonged to someone else. She watched the contrast of her tanned skin against the cream and rose flush of Calleigh's cheek. She felt her heart race as the smaller blonde leaned into her hand and those luminous green eyes became hooded and dark.

The last rational part of her mind was yelling that this was a very bad idea! But as her thumb brushed its way across the curve of coral lips, Natalia replayed the image of Calleigh as she had been this afternoon - laying on the gurney, pale and shaken – and realized she didn't give a damn about right or wrong.

Time hung suspended as Natalia claimed Calleigh's lips with her own. The kiss was fleeting and gentle, but it lit Natalia's soul on fire. Mindless, she deepened the contact and was rewarded as Calleigh moved against her.

Calleigh's lips parted and the smaller woman gently nipped Natalia's lower lip. The sensation drew forth a soft moan from Natalia's throat, and the sound shocked her back to her senses.

Christ, what am I, what are we doing? I didn't mean for it to go that far.

Suddenly panicked, Natalia stood, unable to move, but unwilling to let go of the exquisite feel of Calleigh held snuggly in her arms.

As she watched the blonde open her eyes and catch Natalia's gaze, the taller woman's mind was a jumble: fear, desire, and longing all warred within her.

The kiss had been incredible; the feeling of Natalia's soft, full lips beneath her own intoxicating. So when the taller woman suddenly pulled back, it took the blonde a moment to fight her way free of the delicious fog of lust that wrapped around her mind.

Calleigh raised her eyes to meet a fearful chocolate gaze. She could feel the rapid pulsing of Natalia's heart against her own breast, and the taller woman's struggle to control her breathing. Calleigh could also see the desire written plainly underneath the fear in the dark eyes that held hers; desire that was echoed in her own heart.

They stood on a precipice she realized. Natalia had taken them to the edge, where they were poised. Their situation took on a crystalline clarity as Calleigh's gaze flickered to Natalia's full, parted lips.

They could step back, file this away under the heading of "friends helping friends" and never speak of it again. They could go on, as they had, colleagues and co-workers; or they could jump, take the ultimate chance, and maybe, just maybe, they could fly.

Calleigh felt her heart beat against her ribs, felt the lingering soreness not entirely offset by the glorious feel of Natalia's body against hers, and knew it wasn't really a choice.

It could all end in an instant, without warning, without meaning; what was the point of stepping back? And so she dove willingly over the edge, taking Natalia with her.

Fisting her fingers gently in caramel hair, Calleigh pulled the taller woman down and tasted her mouth again, her tongue flicking out to swipe a full lower lip. Instead of lips though, her tongue was sucked into a hot, eager mouth, and in the time it took her thready pulse to beat, the kiss went deep and greedy. They moved against each other as though starved, drinking each other down.

Calleigh's soul cried out in need, even as her heart soared at the feeling of Natalia's lips against hers, of hot, moist mouths, and heated silk. Moving away from the darker woman's mouth, Calleigh licked along a bronzed jaw line and down to find the thundering pulse point at Natalia's neck. Sucking it into her mouth, she let her hands roam until questing fingers found the tie of Natalia's robe.

Overcome with a desperate hunger to see and feel the other woman, Calleigh yanked the tie and parted the shining white fabric, sliding her hands inside while keeping up her exploration of Natalia's neck.

At the feel of Calleigh's hands finally reaching her overheated skin, Natalia's legs went weak and her head fell back, exposing the long line of her throat to Calleigh's lips. Her breath came in weak gasps and she felt like she was drowning in sensation.

Suddenly Calleigh slid a toned thigh between Natalia's quivering legs and the feeling of cotton against her aching flesh brought forth a hard spike of arousal and an answering wetness. It also made her aware that Calleigh was overdressed.

Gulping air, she fought against the need to surrender completely to the blonde's touch. With shaking fingers she attacked buttons and zippers.

Calleigh was mindless. Her hunger overrode everything. She wanted more. She needed to feel Natalia's skin on her own, needed to taste her in her mouth and feel her body as she came. She needed to possess this woman and be possessed in return, and she needed it now.

With the hunger driving her, Calleigh tore at her own clothes and stepped out of her shoes, then reached up and carelessly yanked the robe the rest of the way from Natalia's body. The two embraced again, and Calleigh moaned at the feeling of hot, satin skin pressed against her own.

With a soft growl, Natalia pulled Calleigh with her toward the bedroom, stopping only to pin her against the wall and let loose with a blistering kiss which the blonde returned with feral intensity, her hips rocking against Natalia's.

Suddenly twisting, Calleigh reversed their positions and now forced Natalia against the wall, kissing her way down tanned, heated flesh and taking one aching, pebbled nipple into her moist, hot mouth. Natalia groaned as Calleigh's hand came up to stroke and cup her other breast before switching and laving her tongue across the other nipple.

Fisting her hands in blonde hair, Natalia pulled Calleigh up and kissed her brutally, shoving the smaller woman back into the room.

As they tumbled onto the bed, Natalia finally slowed her assault on Calleigh's lips and raised her head to look at the woman below her.

She could feel Calleigh breathe against her chest, and the racing of both their hearts. The blonde's lips were swollen and her eyes were wild and dark. The sight made Natalia ache deeply, but she held still. This wasn't how she wanted it. She cared too much for Calleigh to make this fast, and she desperately wanted more than just a physical release. Natalia wanted Calleigh, all of her, and she wanted the woman for good, not just for tonight.

Stroking a slice of golden hair from Calleigh's forehead, Natalia made to speak, but was cut off as Calleigh captured her hand and drew it toward her breast.

For a second, Natalia though Calleigh meant to resume their sensual dueling, but instead, the smaller woman pressed Natalia's palm to the skin below her left breast – over her heart, where now that she looked, Natalia could see the redness and bruising beginning to spread form the site of the bullet hit.

"Please Natalia," Calleigh whispered, a rawness and vulnerability and need in her voice that caused Natalia's heart to constrict painfully. "I need…I need to feel again, I need you…" she trailed off, but Natalia suddenly understood.

Natalia knew what it was like to brush with death: she knew the fear, the cold and the numbness that choked you in its grip and the bitter taste of adrenaline that lingered far longer than it should.

Right now, Calleigh needed to feel alive, and Natalia could give her that. She would give Calleigh anything, and said so, before plundering the blonde's lips once again.

She let loose the last restraints holding her hunger in check and gave herself over that burning need for the woman under her. Her hands traced paths along Calleigh's body, stopping to stroke and tease places that made the smaller detective writhe and moan beneath her.

Natalia cupped her breasts, stroking the straining peaks, and then replacing her hands with her tongue as she worked her way down Calleigh's body. Using her thigh, she nudged the blonde's toned thighs apart and pressed into the smaller woman's heated center, immediately feeling the silken wetness that was there, promising and tempting.

She wanted to taste Calleigh's essence and worked her way lower, kissing and licking across the blonde's ribcage, swirling her tongue around her navel and nibbling across the line of Calleigh's hip.

Looking up at her lover, Natalia smiled. Calleigh's head was thrown back, her full lips parted as she gasped for air.

Using sure fingers to stroke trembling thighs apart, Natalia gave in to temptation and lowered her tongue to the glistening flesh, laving it with hard strokes.

Calleigh nearly came off the bed, her fisted hold in the sheets and her hand in Natalia's hair the only thing anchoring her.

Natalia wanted to taste and tease, to draw this out as long as possible, but that wasn't what Calleigh needed. The smaller woman was incredibly aroused; the evidence was a wonderful taste in Natalia's mouth, but what she needed was release – both physical and emotional.

Moving up, Natalia captured the blonde's mouth, and Calleigh drank her down, tasting herself on her lover's lips. Suddenly, Natalia pulled away from her lips.

Calleigh's ear was traced with a delicate tongue while a low voice growled.

"Keep your eyes closed and stay right there," and with that, Natalia's presence disappeared.

Calleigh was ready to explode. She was achingly aroused, desperate for Natalia's touch. Suddenly the weight returned and she felt Natalia kneel between her parted legs. Soft, teasing touches of her fingertips further parted trembling thighs and Natalia followed her hand with her mouth, licking and nipping her way toward Calleigh's glistening, swollen opening. She blew lightly across her lover, before flicking the sensitive folds with her tongue. Her actions drew a whimper from Calleigh, and Natalia knew she was ready.

Calleigh felt hands on her thighs, and felt Natalia move. Hands held her hips and she felt something smooth and blunt press against her opening, rubbing back and forth against sensation starved flesh. Thrashing her head, Calleigh tried to move her hips, seeking contact, but was denied.

"Please Natalia," she gasped, and her plea was answered.

Calleigh nearly came off the bed as Natalia penetrated her. Only her lover's grip on her hips kept her anchored. In one smooth, powerful motion, Natalia joined them.

Calleigh cried out, her belly cramping and her world nearly shattering at the sensation of Natalia buried inside her. Needing to see, Calleigh's eyes flew open, the breath being driven from her as the sensation of Natalia slowly drawing out was matched by the sight of what she was doing. Calleigh's eyes were arrested as she watched the long black shaft entering her with maddening slowness, and her inner muscles cramped at the look of pure heat in Natalia's near-black eyes.

Reaching out to her lover, Calleigh received a hungry kiss. As Natalia continued her slow, hard thrusts she lowered her head, wrapping her lips around Calleigh's aching nipples and laving first one, than another with her hot tongue.

The blonde's head thrashed back and forth and her hands scored along the bronze skin of Natalia's back, causing the woman to hiss and thrust harder into Calleigh. The lips on her nipple were replaced with teeth and Natalia bit, just hard enough for the pleasure to be excruciating, sending white hot pulses of pleasure along Calleigh's nerves and tearing a low cry from her throat and causing her to arch off the bed in sheer wanton abandonment.

The reaction was Natalia's undoing. Releasing Calleigh's hips, she wrapped herself in the other woman as she felt Calleigh's legs wrap around her hip and draw her in. The friction and pressure of the dildo against her own swollen, slick flesh was becoming too much and she bit her lip, unable to stop as she increased the speed and force of her movement into Calleigh. The blonde's strangled exclamations of pleasure, her fingers on Natalia's back and the grip of her legs drew Natalia on and the two found a rhythm.

Together they raced toward the edge of oblivion, a tangled mass of limbs mouths, and souls.

Calleigh could feel her orgasm building, and driven on by Natalia's mouth and hands on her body, she let it come. It rippled out from her womb, cascading along her nerve endings and shattering her vision. Her body arched and her hands clutched at her lover as her world fractured and focused on the pulsing that radiated out from her core. Her muscles clenched hard around the dildo as Natalia continued to move, her own ragged movements drawing Calleigh's release out and triggering her own.

Natalia watched Calleigh come, surrendering to the release her body had so craved, and it drove Natalia over the brink. She drove into the blonde, the pressure and sight of seeing Calleigh come stripping away the last of her restraints and she came hard, crying out. As the wave crashed over her, Natalia jerked her hips, wrenching a cry from both their throats as the sensation drew another tide of tremors from their bodies.

Finally, still shuddering slightly, Natalia withdrew tenderly from her lover and tossed the dildo away.

Completely spent and weak as a kitten, Calleigh could only reach helplessly for Natalia, unable to stop the slow trail of tears that traced a glistening path from her eyes.

Still gasping for breath, Natalia drew Calleigh into her arms and drew the blankets around them, kissing away the diamond drops with infinite tenderness. It was, she knew, just another form of release, and simply held Calleigh as close as she could, letting the smaller woman cling to her and bury her face in the hollow of Natalia's neck.

"Shhh" she whispered, "it's alright Cal, let it out."

The blonde detective did not sob, or break down, but the silent tears continued until the spent woman finally surrendered to exhaustion.

Resettling her lover, Natalia gently stoked Calleigh's back, fighting sleep herself. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, and she wanted to burn this incredible moment into her memory for all time. Her body was weak and languorous, but her heart was so full it was nearly painful. She wrapped her arms tighter around the sleeping woman, as if she could ward off the passing of time with her embrace.

In the end, she was not strong enough and Morpheus reached up to steal her away into comforting oblivion

Calleigh awoke slowly. She was cocooned in warmth and darkness, and even though somehow she knew immediately that she was not at home, there was nothing in her that feared that realization.

Suddenly she realized that her head was pillowed not on cloth, but on the soft swell of a breast, and she lay in a tangle of warm limbs and silken flesh. The memory of last night crashed over her and she stilled, analyzing it and remembering. She was only mildly surprised that the visions held no fear or recrimination. Last night, Last night was amazing. And now, lying wrapped around Natalia, she could not bring herself to regret what happened. Her only worry was that she had used the younger woman unfairly.

She had come to Natalia's door out of some unconscious but desperate need for sanctuary, and ended up finding so much more than that. She found warmth, and release, and love?

Listening to the slow, even beat of Natalia's heart below her ear, Calleigh decided that further examination could wait. Snuggling closer to her human pillow, she breathed deeply and was soon drawn back into sleep, content in a way she hadn't felt in years.

Natalia wasn't sure if it was the soft glow of the sun peering thought the blinds to warm the darkness behind her eyelids, or the whisper of a touch running back and forth across her ribcage that woke her.

Either way - as she woke to the glorious sensation of another woman pressed against her, and the feeling of a well loved body - she really didn't care.

"Good morning sleepy." The greeting, delivered in a sleep roughened southern drawl, skittered down Natalia's senses and snapped her eyes open.

The vision that greeted her nearly made her gasp. Calleigh was lying half across her body, the contrast of their skin - peaches and cream to bronze - was made brilliant by the first bright rays of Miami sun. That same sun caught the blonde hair and faceted eyes of the smaller detective, giving her a halo and illuminating the depths of her eyes.

Natalia was speechless. She remembered last night, but somehow, seeing Calleigh's sparkling eyes and feeling her body pressed along her own, Natalia was only just starting to believe it. Reaching up and sliding a thumb along a flushed cheek, Natalia attempted to respond,

"Good morning." Her own voice was hoarse, but it brought a smile to Calleigh's face. Not just any smile, but that blinding, mega-watt grin that fired Natalia's blood, and with an evil smirk, she rolled the two of them, until she was on top of Calleigh. Lowering her head, she indulged herself and pressed her lips to her lover's, reveling again in the softness and texture of her mouth.

Slender arms wrapped around her and tangled in caramel hair and Natalia's heart soared as Calleigh responded beneath her, opening her mouth and receiving her tongue.

Exploring each other until the need for air became too great, Natalia gently pulled back and rolled to the side, stroking a slice of hair from Calleigh's cheek and smiling.

"Now, it's a good morning."

Calleigh's expression turned soft and she reached up to cup Natalia's cheek.

"Yes, it is." The sincerity and warmth in her voice warmed Natalia's soul and she felt the prick of tears behind her eyes.

Calleigh smiled and opened her arms and Natalia moved into them, snuggling down into a delicious embrace.

They would have to talk: about where this was going, about work, about a lot of things, but for now, they had time until the real world intruded and both were determined to draw out this moment of peace and sanctuary as long as possible.

The sun rose higher, its warmth dancing across the two lovers and wrapping them in its blessing glow as they drifted, souls bound only to one another while their bodies nestled in the haven of each other's arms.

Natalia adjusted her simple, dark red dress one last time before taking a breath as the elevator doors opened. Her heart was beating fast, not quite in fear, but certainly in anticipation. Everything seemed new now, clear and focused after years of denial and feeling like a part of her was missing, damaged somehow. She didn't feel that way anymore. She felt free, unhindered, like at any moment she might step away from the earth and soar.

You feel like a schoolgirl with a crush…a massive crush, she chided herself. It didn't stop the giddiness in her heart from spreading a grin to her face though, and she didn't try to suppress it.

She and Calleigh had talked, for a long, long time yesterday, and even though it was only the beginning of a journey, Natalia couldn't help the excitement she felt about where they were going. Yes, they would be careful, especially at work. They were both professionals and their duty came first. They were also aware of the potential problems that could arise, though they both agreed it wouldn't come from their team. Horatio would be quietly supportive, Eric would probably shake his head and chuckle, and while Ryan might be shocked, he would get over it – the bonds they shared as friends would see to that.

As she walked up to the host, her "contact" and long time friend, she couldn't keep the ridiculous smile off her face.

I am through denying my feelings, she thought. Life was too short, and she had someone who would never, ever hurt her: someone who valued her, needed her, and someone who could turn her knees to water and heat her blood with just one look.

One of her first friends in Miami, her "contact," Jean, gave her a thorough once over and low whistle.

"Daaaaamn, Nat," he muttered lowly, shaking his head and smiling. "You look amazing girl!" As he searched her face, the handsome host softened and a calculating expression stole into his ice blue eyes. "You're really happy aren't you?"

Natalia couldn't have denied it if she wanted to and said as much.

Jean smiled and touched her hand. "I'm so happy for you honey, I sure hope he's worth it, you really deserve it. You better introduce me soon, or I will be so put out!"

"Actually, Jean," the CSI spoke with a smug grin tugging her lips, "you've already met them," she said as she nodded in the direction of the tables.

It took a minute but as comprehension dawned, the young man's eyes went wide and he pulled her aside, into a discreet hallway.

"Her! You are with her!" he whispered excitedly. "Oh, my God woman, way to go!"

Natalia could only blush, "so I take it you approve?"

A hug was her answer, "Oh sweety, I'm so happy for you, she is yummy!"

Natalia laughed, "Jean, you have no idea," she winked at him and he gaped. "Now, if you will show me to my table, oh great host, I have a date."

Shaking his head, Jean led her out to the seating area. Scanning the tables, Natalia's gaze was arrested by the woman in the corner table, overlooking the Miami skyline.

She wore her hair pulled away from her temples and clipped, to hang in a liquid fall of gold down her back. Standing, Natalia was treated to the sight of a simple black sheath that hugged the woman's curves and showed off her figure. Accented by simple silver earrings and a small diamond necklace that sparkled in the hollow of her throat, Calleigh presented a picture that promptly made Natalia's throat go dry.

Oh, it's going to be fun to take that dress off tonight, came the wayward thought. As she drank in the sight of the other woman though, Natalia let the thought come, and did not shrink away from the delicious heat it stirred in her blood.

Jean, the other patrons, even the incredible sight of Miami at night was lost to the CSI as she reached out and brushed her lips across Calleigh's cheek, enjoying the sparkle and heat it brought to the other woman's eyes.

As they seated themselves, Jean suddenly returned with a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. Looking up at Calleigh in surprise, Natalia saw the other woman was as confused as she.

Winking, Jean turned to his friend and popped the cork, neatly pouring two glasses.

"Ladies," he said softly, "I have a feeling this night needs Dom, and I would hate for the need for champagne go unanswered. So here you go, my treat Natalia."

Natalia could only stare speechless at her old friend and he just chuckled.

"Enjoy your evening ladies," he smiled suggestively and walked off, leaving Natalia to pick up her glass and grin ruefully at Calleigh.

"Well, it would be a shame to waste this."

Calleigh's slow, wicked grin did interesting things to Natalia's pulse rate.

"Well, champagne deserves a toast, do you have any ideas?" she murmured in a low, husky voice.

Swallowing hard, Natalia picked up her glass and stared into the golden liquid, watching it bubble.

She had started to open up to Calleigh about her past – about the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her ex-husband – and been both gratified and shocked when Calleigh had simply held her, and proceeded to tell her own tale of an abusive, drunk father. They still had a long way to go, but the foundation, the beginning, was there.

"How about…to new beginnings?" Natalia said softly.

Now it was Calleigh's turn to swallow, her eyes glittering in the candle light from the table.

"To new beginnings," she returned softly.

The two women touched glasses and drank to the future, their eyes locked; each finding warmth and safety and security reflected infinitely in the other's gaze.

The End

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