Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?
Vaguely. I seem to recall reading a particularly good Odo/Kira DS9 story and realizing that I couldn't find any about Jadzia, who was my favorite female at the time. Seemed natural to write my own. I didn't realize until much later how huge the fandom is.
What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?
Janeway. Mostly because of all the noise the Mulgrew made about the Captains interest in Seven being maternal. I don't know about you but I think if my mother looked at me that way I would have some seriously repressed memories popping up right about now.
Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?
Just femslash, with a little oddball thrown in by the Kira/Odo component. But since he is not really male...or human...I am not sure what category to put that in. So I will comfortably stay out on the fringes.
Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?
Oh I have. Just one. And only one person in the universe knows which one it is. LOL. I am fully vested in keeping it that way.
Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?
I thoroughly enjoy writing about the dichotomy of the individuals. Therefore, in order to enjoy what I am writing, there must be two strong, female proponents who are wildly different on the surface while still being wildly compatible underneath it all. (Xena/Gab or Janeway/Seven)
Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?
LOL, well...right now I am re-watching all 7 seasons of Voyager. Just for research purposes of course... I know a lot of the fandom has dropped off since the show ended, but that's ok, I write for myself anyway... torturing others is just a perk! :p
What's your preferred length of story to write and read?
I find the length matters much less than the quality. I will read a short story or an epic with the same avid attention if the writing is good.
Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
Oh yes. And I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue in under 5 seconds. Just thought I would share.
Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?
I would have to say my absolute, without a doubt, all time favorite across all the fandoms, is G.L. Dartt. The woman just KNOWS Janeway and Seven. I'll be happy if I can write them one tenth as well. What appeals to me about her writing is she evokes emotions in me that I cannot contain. I laugh out loud, or blush, or smirk, or even cry, when under the spell of her writing. She is an extraordinarily talented woman and I thank her for sharing herself with us.
Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?
Only when they are being particularly ignorant...such as commenting on the lesbian content. This is extremely irksome because I have disclaimers on all my stories that the content is there. It just like the whole "Homosexuality destroying the family" argument. Well, for the love of the goddess, if you didn't go looking for it you wouldn't have to see it. Jeez people can be dense. I choose to believe it is intentional because that much hypocrisy is just too convenient.
Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?
First Times. I swear I am a major sucker for a romance and first time stories kill me every single time. Especially J/7.
Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?
As long as you let me buy you an ale afterwards.
If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?
Well..something I have never done... interesting. I will have to let my mother know. She enjoys sharing in my corruption.
Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?
Well... DS9 (with the exception of Lenara and Jadzia) was a barely there show and it only captured me for two writing efforts. Xena was WAY maintext and is my most prolific area. However, I find myself in love currently with the subtext between Janeway and Seven. I don't care if they meant it or not, it's shut up and kiss her already!
Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?
I write what I would like to see, if the networks would grow a pair and do something REALLY unconventional. I mean, it either has to be all the way (Will & Grace) or just alluded to (Ivanova on B5). I have yet to find a show where there was just a lesbian couple... or even a single lesbian looking for her toaster oven. It is disappointing so I write to fill that void.
Do you like cheese?
My nickname in Grade School was Mouse. My mother used to say I was going to turn into a loaf of Provolone. 'Nuff said.
Every read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'
Yes, my very first story I ever wrote. It feels so young and so very...enthusiastic in a greenhorn kind of way. My exuberance at doing exactly what I wanted with the characters that I loved had not yet been tempered by the obvious necessity to keep them true to their nature. It is a funny read, although I do blush through most of it. Especially considering it didn't even have a love scene originally. I was pounced upon by veteran writers and schooled in the error of my ways. LOL.
Why do you write fan fiction?
Because it lets me see the characters how I would love them to be if the writers and the networks actually looked and understood the chemistry between their own creations. Or, in the case that they are already aware, if they would take a stand for the integrity of that chemistry. Look at Xena...after the show ended, the writers and producers then admitted what everyone had always known. "Other half of my soul." Duh.. Why did we have to wait for that?