Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?
Back when I was 15 (I'm almost 23 now.), I got hooked on Xena and just couldn't get enough.
What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?
Sam McPherson from Popular, hands down. She just doesn't GET IT sometimes.
Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?
I've only ever written femslash. The style I write in (i.e. the POV, voice, rating) definitely differs from fandom to fandom.
Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?
No, they're annoying. I like to think I go for what's realistic and succeed when it comes to characters both from the fandom and OCs.
Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?
Angst. It's the best thing ever.
Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?
I spend a lot of time researching things before I write and constantly check and re-check facts during the writing process. It takes me forever to finish a fic.
What's your preferred length of story to write and read?
Actually no. Once I start writing, the fics sort of take on a life of their own and I don't stop until it's finished. Sometimes that's 5 pages. Sometimes it's 105 pages.
Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
No, but I can unwrap a Starburst with my tongue.
Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?
I'm a huge fan of other fic writers. There are so many writers that I love, but if I had to pinpoint one in one of my fandoms, it would be Green Quarter. I'm just in love with her style of writing. It's smart without making the reader feel stupid. True genius at its finest.
Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?
Hahaha, no. But I've gotten into some pretty heated debates about them.
Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?
Most Popular fics feature a bathroom that adjoins Brooke and Sam's rooms, but truthfully it's not at all like that on the show.
Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?
Of course, you rock and even if you didn't, I still would. No one should have to suffer like that.
If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?
I've never written an RPS. I have plans to, but I'm not sure when I'll actually get around to it.
Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?
I'm all about subtext. I don't know why I can't seem to write or really read maintext fandoms (i.e. L Word and South of Nowhere). I think I enjoy reading between the lines more because it's open to interpretation.
Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?
Most of the above. The main fandom I write for [Popular] has been off the air for almost six years and it only had two seasons. So I'm always trying to find new ways to tell the same story.
Do you like cheese?
Cheddar and I have a not so secret love affair.
Every read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'
The opposite. I love reading old stories. They mark frames of time in my past. I grow quite nostalgic afterwards.
Why do you write fan fiction?
It's cheaper than Well that's true, but also I love creating my own world for the characters that I love.