Voq Je Bang’s new home is still very much at the bricks and mortar stage but with your help we should be up and running before too long.
Anyone who’s familiar with WordPress, let us know.
If you’re a graphic artist and welcome the challenge of adding some pazzaz to this rather blank canvas, let us know.
Together we can make this place feel like home.
Heather says:
I have professional graphic design experience. I did it for 11 years before I became disabled in 2018. I can help contribute to website graphic design. I have a little familiarity with wordpress. Not much mind you but some. I took a class on wordpress website management a few years ago. However I do have experience designing graphics for websites.
Here is a link to my portfolio for anyone who wants a look or is interested in perhaps hiring me for some freelance work. I work from home these days because of my disability.
ralst says:
That’s great. At the moment my biggest head scratch with wordpress is why comments and replies to comments aren’t showing up for the poster. Any idea?
FaioK says:
Good to finally find you again!
Mona says:
Alright, so replies to comments aren’t showing up? tried on mobile and on desktop to no avail. I believe the comment counter on the blog posts does show the accurate number of comments total, however.
ralst says:
looking into it. From what I can tell it’s only failing to show the posts/replies I’ve done myself but they show up when I visit without logging in.
dhamphir says:
I’ve had a little bit of experience with WordPress since my own website is set up using it. But in all honesty, it’s mostly trial and error. 😉
ralst says:
Yes, very much trial and error… although more error than try at the moment 🙂
I’m sure there will be plenty of questions floating around soon.
ralst says:
I have absolutely no idea what scalable vector graphics are even after Googling but I’m sure they will come in handy. At the moment we need some general Seven and B’Elanna graphics to go along with posts (as with the example photos on the home page) and also a new header.
What would be very useful at this stage is also ideas for ways to brighten up the place and make it more VJB.
Mona says:
Not to worry it’s just a fancy name for a image file type that never gets blurry when you enhance its size, like jpg or png. At any rate, I can help with graphics for things like sidebars or background patterns, and even small things like custom icons for a number if different things. Now, how feasible is it to implement all that, I couldn’t say.
ralst says:
We’ll be testing things out over the next few weeks and should then have a better idea of what’s needed. Custom icons sounds like a great addition.
Mona says:
I for sure have graphics skills, mainly with scalable vector graphics, but really no experience with WordPress at all. Either way I’m volunteering for whatever graphics things are needed!
Mona says:
Hmm, replies to comments seem to not be working? this is try number five, hopefully it goes through!