

(Questions by Ann)

What type of prompt do you like best: word, scenario, or would you rather just be given the bloody fandom and pairing?

I'm not very good at writing to prompts. The second I'm asked to write a particular pairing or storyline my mind goes off in the opposite direction and spews forth something entirely unrelated. It even happens when I'm the one supplying the prompt or trying to promote a particular fandom. But if I had to pick one, I'd say fandom/pairing would stand the best chance of prompting a story.

The dialogue between characters in your stories is exceptionally well-written. Do you have to work at it or does it come natural for you?

I have to question the exceptionally well-written part, but I'll answer nonetheless.

Voices are pretty much the foundation of everything I write, whether spoken or internal, and therefore if I can't hear a particular character in my head, I don't tend to write them. Characters like Seven of Nine, with her distinct way of speaking, are great for this, even if what I write isn't exactly how she speaks, I hope that it conveys the tone of her words - in reality her character does use contractions, but by not using them in fics, I think she sounds more like the real thing.

I think it just comes from a lifetime of talking to myself.

Do you prefer writing drama or comedy? Or perhaps, you fancy a little of both in your endeavors.

It really just depends on my mood. I tend to write more light hearted stories than anything else, but there are times when a good bit of angst is very liberating. I also think my short, angst-filled stories, are better written than my other works.

What is your favorite pairing?

Ugh! That's an impossible question.

If I had to choose I still couldn't narrow it down further than my favourite three, each of which are special for different reasons.

Nikki/Helen (Bad Girls) signify three years of angst, hope and the utter delight of getting to watch an interesting and complex lesbian relationship as the focus of a prime time television program. I sat on the edge of my seat during the last couple of episodes of series three, and did an embarrassing little squee of delight during their final scene. It was an experience not to be missed and something I get to relive in fanfic.

Xena/Gabrielle (Xena) was my first entry into fan fiction, as a reader, and still has the best range of stories of any femslash fandom. The sheer volume and quality of the work produced is staggering and during those odd moments when I'm a little disillusioned with the fanfic world, I just need to immerse myself in a good Xena fic to rediscover my joy in the process.

Seven/B'Elanna (Voyager) were the first femslash pairing I ever wrote and they're still the pairing I return to more than any other. In a strange way, they're home.

If you could be one of the two members of said favorite pairing, who would you be and why?

I wouldn't want to be any of them. That would be like having them cheat on the other half of the pairing, and I would never do that.

What inspires you the most to write?


If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?

The Great Wall of China and Forbidden City - I figured that while I'm seeing one, there's no way I wouldn't jump on a bus to go see the other.

You usually wait until the last possible moment to write you ficathon stories. How are you able to come up with something so quickly and write it so well?

Sheer desperation. Everything I write gets written quickly, as you can probably tell, so I'm just used to doing it that way. I really wish I could take my time and write things over a period of time, after due thought and consideration, but my brain doesn't seem to work like that. It's bad enough in fanfic but it was hell when I did my degrees - leaving your dissertation until ten days before it's due in, is not a good idea.

If you could spend a weekend with three authors on your site, who would they be? *seriously*

Seriously? Well I'd have to meet you, Ann, if only so that I could kill you for asking such a difficult question.

Erm, I'll get back to you.

Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke, and none of these lemon slices or ice cubes, either.

(Question by Wendy)

When you write for a pairing, do you identify with one of the characters more than the other (or, ya know, find the voice for one easier than the other)... and, if so, do you think that comes across at all? Or does it make you work harder on the other character, so that one actually comes out stronger?

I think it depends on the pairing.

With Seven/B'Elanna I tend to hear Seven much more clearly than B'Elanna, and that probably comes across in the longer stories, but I've noticed that I'll specifically try and write more B'Elanna pov's to counteract my own bias and gain a better understanding of B'Elanna's character. However, I think I still fall into the trap of having B'Elanna's thoughts revolve around her understanding of Seven, so I still end up writing about the Borg. Although it's been a while since I've reread any of my T/7 fics, so I can't be certain.

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