

Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?

Uh, that was in… winter 2001, I think… I didn't know it was called fan fiction. I didn't even know there existed a fandom. I just watched my first Stargate episode and got an idea to write. I sat down and typed it up… but didn't finish the story. Then in spring 2006, I found that file again… and finished the story. Then I snooped through the web, since I thought it was pretty cool (I know better now, but it was my first, so it is kinda special *g*). I found the Stargate-Palace, the German fandom…uh, I am German; German is my first language so the story was written in German. Then I realised that there were more people like me who enjoyed writing. I went a bit crazy… reading nearly everything I got into my hands. After I finished snooping through the German stuff… I searched for some Janet centered fanfics but found them in English. I had a problem with Daniel (I blame the German translation), so I settled for Sam/Janet… and yeah… it took some time until I thought I was able to write it myself… oh wait... I still don't think I'm really able to do so… but I have a good beta to fix what I miss. *grins*

What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?

oo-kay... I've only written Sam/Janet or Sam/Vala so far… since I just started… and the only guys I want to hit are those who let Janet die… but then, I'd like to hit all of my muses sometimes since they babble all at the same time… or not at all.

Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?

I have written gen and het (in German)… and I think there is a difference. I think in the het fics I just hinted the relationship. One could see it while reading, but it wasn't totally obvious. For the gen fics, I think I concentrated mostly on the plot of the story. When I write femslash, I try to concentrate on the relationship... and, lately, balance it with the plot... but then, I just started writing... and I guess it will change a bit, into more of the plot… and the hint or knowledge of the relationship. I shall see. *g*

Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?

Not intentionally… I wrote down a weird dream… and well… I was told that this was a "Mary Sue"… I didn't even know what that meant until then.

Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?

Uh… no… as long as I have an idea… well, that can be a problem. *g*

Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?

For the real long fics, I go really into detail… like for my first which included a lot about ancient Egypt. I looked up the names and what they meant so I'd have fitting names for the characters. For the short ones… well…

What's your preferred length of story to write and read?

That's a tough one… I love both long and short stories... as long as the plot (or sometimes no plot) and the writing is good, I enjoy it. I'd love to write longer stories, but for the moment, I don't have enough time, plus I still have to learn more English for that.

Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?

Okay… at least my flatmate had fun watching me trying it. I definitely can't… but it's fun to try. *LOL*

Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?

Wow… tough one… but yes, I am a fan... but I only joined the fandom recently (I watched Stargate since season two… but I made my first move to meet other fans 2006). I'm a lurker… I enjoy most fanfics. There are only a few I didn't like so much… and I suck with feedback. *hangs head in shame* Well… the first authors who come to mind are celievamp, Elizabeth Carter, elfcat255, Geonn Cannon… just to name a few. My favourite German author is sethos…oh.. and there's garfield. They all have wonderful styles and believable plots… or… well… believable non-plots. *g*

Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?

No, I live and let live. If people don't like what I do, I'm sorry, but it's not my problem... I don't think that I'm hurting anyone… whoever doesn't want to read it doesn't have to… and so far, I have not had any really negative experiences…

Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?

Uh… Sam whump… and of course… a caring Janet! Otherwise, I like the idea of them being stranded somewhere and… getting together then for the first time…

Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?

Currently, I think I'd be the one asking for a few pence…

If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?

Nope... haven't written that… yet.

Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?


Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?

Honestly… a bit of all of them... and sometimes I don't know… my mind is rambling a lot... and then it can happen while I am making pancakes and suddenly a Sam whumping scene pops up in my head. Other times, I re-watch an episode and I get the idea for a drabble/ficlet. When I get the main idea... I just sit down and start to type... and suddenly I have a short ficlet. I still don't understand how that works myself…

Do you like cheese?

With wine.

Every read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'


Why do you write fan fiction?

To get the ideas out of my head… while I haven't written them, the whole scenario plays in my head... and… well… that can be a scary situation… for example in a supermarket… So basically, it is to keep up at least a tiny little bit of appereance that I'm sane.

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