

Do you remember your first introduction to fan fiction?

I think it was

What main character that you've written femslash for, would you most like to hit upside the head?

The L Word's Bette Porter. She's the epitome of type-A personalities.

Is your fan fiction writing limited to femslash or do you also write gen, het or male slash? If so, is there a difference in style or content (besides the obvious) between them?

Right now, it's only limited to femslash. Not going to rule out others, though. I could write a het fic if the moons align.

Have you ever been tempted to write a Mary Sue?

As a parody? Sure, but it never got put on paper.

Are there certain genres you find easier to write for?

Absolutely. Can't write science fiction to save my life, but I can do romance and angst. Maybe a little mystery, too.

Do you research subjects before you write them and, if so, in how much detail?

Depends on the fic. I do look up NYPD police procedures when I write SVU fics. Same thing goes with CSI fics. With The L Word, I do a little more research because I only began watching the lastest season so there was three seasons to catch up on. Plus my main character is a dean of an art school so a little more digging is needed.

What's your preferred length of story to write and read?

I've tried not to limit myself when it comes to fics. Short fics do have their appeal, but I tend to gravitate toward the longer ones. Currently, I'm working on a 30,000-word fic.

Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?

Close, but no.

Are you, yourself, a fan of other fan fic writers and, if so, who are they and what is it about them that appeals to you?

This could take a long time. Geonn, Amy Jo, Celiavamp, halfofone, ncruuk, sydneysmoms, Ann, Debbie, Elizabeth Carter, Rysler. There's more but that's all I can remember right now. I enjoy a well-written story, and those writers have produced good fics consistently.

Ever wanted to head butt another fan for dissing your pairing?

At one time. Those pesky Grssom/Sara fans just won't quit. Then I distracted them with shiny things, so they were gone fairly quickly.

Do you have a favourite cliché, one that you'll read with joy even though it's been done to death?

Heroine saves damsel in distress, said damsel falls in love with heroine and they live happily ever after. This happens more often in SVU and CSI fics.

Would you lend me twenty pence if we were stuck at Charing Cross station and I was dying for the loo?


If you've written real person slash how does it differ from writing about fictional characters?

Real person slash gives you more freedom to build a character. In a way, that could be a harder thing to write because you have nothing to base your character on. Fictional characters have a structure, so you can build on that.

Do you find you're more inspired by subtext, maintext or barely there text shows?

Subtext, definitely. My muse loves the nuances.

Where do you get your inspiration for specific stories; missing or extended scenes from the show, ideas from other shows or real life situations?

A combination of ideas from other shows and real life situations. If the idea suits the show, it's fairly easy for me to write the fic.

Do you like cheese?

I live in the dairy state. 'nough said.

Every read over one of your stories months or years later and thought 'What the hell was I thinking!'

All the time. I cringe whenever I reread one of my older stories.

Why do you write fan fiction?

Because it's fun? I love to write, and fanfics are another outlet for me to hone my writing.

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