DISCLAIMER: Bad Girls is the property of Shed productions, this story depicts a loving/sexual relationship between women...okay, disclaimer done. Special thanks to my beta Rebs...cheers!

Not Quite An Angel
By ralst

Part 12

Nikki's head was pounding. This latest incident made it two car accidents in less than a week and neither of them had been her fault. She was beginning to think she was cursed.

* I think it would be a good idea if you got out of the car. * Thomas advised. * The automobile engine was a little after my time, but I don't think that smoke's a good sign. *

Nikki sighed. * You're not really an angel, are you? You're some evil little sprite sent to torment me into committing mass murder or something. *

* I assure you, Nikki, I'm exactly what I purport to be. *

Ignoring him for the moment, Nikki began to extricate herself from the wreck of the sports car. The broken bones and bruising she would have expected from such a collision were absent and the only thing keeping her from full health was the blinding headache that she put down to heavenly chit-chat. Together with the lack of onlookers and screaming sirens, it led Nikki to the realisation that the accident had been a hoax. Exactly what kind of hoax she wasn't sure, as the car was most definitely a right off, but she knew it was just another form of heavenly torment.

* You'd better have this fixed and returned to my garage by the time I get back from Helen's. * She warned. * Or I'll be having words with your boss. *

* My boss? * A chuckle could be heard over the connection between them. * Do you have any idea who my boss is? *

* I dunno, God, Allah or one of those guys. * Theology had never played a large part in Nikki's life, but she knew enough to know that something was in charge of things up there and if the Old Testament and the Charlton Heston films she'd seen as a kid were to be believed, that being could be a little hard on its employees. * I hardly think 'it' would approve of you tormenting poor deceased souls for your own enjoyment. *

There was a pause. Thomas had been in a little trouble recently, after a small mix up where he'd accidentally split up the Beatles and encouraged Ringo to try his hand at a solo career. It wouldn't normally have been that big a deal, but 'the boss' was a huge Beatles fan and had practically blown a gasket when she/he'd been told. He didn't think the Divine One would care one way or another about Nikki's accusations but he was loathed to test that theory.

* I suppose, for the sake of expediency, I could remove the wreckage. *

* And have it fixed and returned to my garage. * Nikki insisted.

* I don't see why not. * Thomas mumbled. * It is a fine automobile after all. *

* Good. * Having got her own way, Nikki brushed herself down and started heading in the direction of Helen's flat. If she was lucky Helen wouldn't notice her slightly ruffled appearance and if she did, Nikki would put it down to her rush to catch up with the gorgeous Scot. Women loved having you run after them, at least that's what she'd been told; she'd never run after anyone in her life.

* Where do you think you're going? *

Nikki searched her pockets and came up empty. It was ironic. She had more money now than she could have dreamt of during her lifetime, but she still didn't have enough cash for a bus ride and bunch of daffs. She thought about asking Thomas to sub her a few quid, but decided against it.

* Oi! *

She'd give Stacey a ring once she got to Helen's and have her bike over some cash. That way she could take Helen out for a slap up meal once they'd alleviated some of their pent-up frustrations.

* I'm talking to you! *

* Yes. *

* Where do you think you're going? * Thomas demanded. * Because it better not be where I think, or I'll... I'll... *

* You'll what? * Nikki prepared herself for a bombardment of Tchaikovsky or worse, S Club 7. * I'm not just some puppet you can string along. I'm my own person, dead or not. *

Nikki was sure he'd be pressing the torture button any minute, despite her empty threat to inform his boss. Her luck had always been on the bad side and she didn't see why that should change just because she was a goner.

Muffled sounds started emanating from the darkest recesses of Nikki's mind, and she hoped to God they were from Thomas and not just another sign of her mental deterioration. Eventually his voice came back over their heavenly connection. * Erm, yes, that's fine... Run along. *

* Huh? * Nikki wondered if BT had taken over the maintenance of heavenly telepathy, because she was sure they had a cross-line.

* I said run along. * Thomas' voice was overly friendly. * Say hello to Helen for me. *

* You do realise I'm going there to have my wicked way with her, right? *

* Yes, of course, you make a lovely couple. * There was more background noise that Nikki couldn't quite work out. * Nice talking with you, Nikki. Call if you need anything. *

There was a click and Nikki was once again alone with her thoughts. "Now that was weird."

John looked up from his perusal of the breast exam booklet to the sight of his ex-wife being felt-up by some bear of a man carrying half a rain forest. Seeing Helen being physical with anyone other than himself had always made John feel queasy, but when he recognised the irritating poet his displeasure quadrupled. "Steven, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, if it isn't the author." The bigger man made the job description sound like an insult and despite herself, Helen couldn't stop smiling at the jibe. "As to your question, rude though it was, I'm here to see Helen."

"What for?" John knew his type, a woman in every port or tube station. "Do you need money or something?"

"John!" Helen snatched the pamphlet from his hand. "Get out! Go on."

"What? What did I do?"

Steven smirked down at the bewildered man, pleased to have Helen's ex out of the way and the road clear for his advances. Not that he'd ever considered John competition, Helen had dumped him after all, but he didn't want some sourpuss hanging around to mess up his plans. "I suggest you leave, Johnny-boy, before I'm forced to remove you."

John looked at the man's meaty paws. He thought poets were meant to be all willowy shirts and effeminate hand gestures, not bulging biceps and reddened knuckles. "But..." He looked to Helen. "What about Nikki?"

"Nikki?" For reasons she couldn't quite fathom the mention of the director's name filled her with guilt, as if by thinking of Steven she was in some way betraying Nikki. It was absurd. Nikki didn't even want her but still she felt as if she was intending to cheat on her.

"You were going to introduce us, remember?"

"No." She crossed her arms. "But if you're really lucky, I'll send you an invitation to the premiere."

"Premiere?" Steven looked confused, but otherwise happy with how the confrontation was progressing. He didn't like the sound of this Nicky chap though, the last thing he needed was more competition.

"Come on, Hel, be reasonable." She stared at him. "You're not afraid I'm going to nick your friend out from under you, are ya?" He laughed. "I know I can be irresistible but I'm sure Nikki wouldn't abandon you."

"What are you on about, you prat?" Steven didn't know what the idiot was talking about, but Helen looked ready to strangle him. "The lady asked you to leave. So move it!"

"All right, already." Dodging Steven's supposedly helpful hand, John made his way to the door. "If you change your mind, you can reach me on my mobile."

At the sound of the door slamming Helen and Steven flopped down onto the couch. "I see your ex is as charming as ever," Steven joked. "I don't know why the hell you ever married the man, I really don't."

"Well don't ask me. I've blocked the entire incident from my memory." Helen leant back. "But I'm convinced a truck load of alcohol and some illicit drugs were involved."

"Even so," Steven winced. "The guy is such a.."

"He's not that bad." Helen thought back on the countless occasions she'd been embarrassed, humiliated or just plain aggravated by her ex. "On the other hand." She smiled. "Enough of John. What are you doing in these parts? Last I heard you were reciting poems to pub loads of nubile young English Lit students."

"Ah, the good old days." His eyes misted over and a lascivious smile crossed his lips. "Unfortunately a little misunderstanding with the landlord's daughter kind of put an end to that." He sighed. "Such a waste."

Helen smiled. It was nice to be with someone who was unashamedly cavalier in their attitude. No commitment, no demands and no whining when things didn't work out. Perfect. "So tell me more about how you plan to court this Scottish lass of yours."

Steven laughed. "Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?" Shifting over, he placed an arm around Helen's shoulder. He couldn't help feeling pleased with himself. He'd only been in the house half an hour and already she was practically all over him. If things kept going at that pace he could have her up the aisle in a matter of weeks, if not days.

Helen's smile became a little forced. For some reason she couldn't work up the same kind of enthusiasm for his attentions that she'd had in the past. She didn't know why, he was as handsome and charming as ever, but something just didn't feel right. All she wanted was a nice, simple, commitment-free roll in the hay, but the minute she came within an arm's reach of actually getting one, she started thinking about Nikki.

It wasn't just the other woman's warm brown eyes and enticing body, but the earnest way she'd explained her decision to wait until she was in love before pursuing a physical relationship. At the time she'd been more concerned with missing out on a night of bliss, but now she found the notion oddly appealing. Not that it would work for her. She was far too independent. All she needed were good friends and willing bed partners, love and romance could take a hike. "If you can't tell me, how about showing me?"

Lunging forward Steven captured her lips in a hungry kiss, his hands making a direct line for her cloth covered breasts.

Knock! Knock!

"Leave it," Steven groaned.

Helen pushed him back. "It could be important."

"As important as this?" He smiled what he considered his most charming smile. "Come on, Helen, let them wait."

Quickly pushing herself up from the couch, Helen backed away from the overly amorous Irishman. The force and impatience of his kiss had been in direct opposition to the gentle and thoughtful lover she remembered. And it was even less like the precious kisses she'd shared with Nikki.

Straightening her clothes, Helen put on a polite smile before opening the front door. "Nikki?"

"Hi, Helen."

Part 13

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