DISCLAIMER: The characters herein are used without permission. No infringement intended.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.
SPOILERS: This is set after season 1 episode 8.
FEEDBACK: To north_h7@hotmail.com

By North


"We're gonna run out of cars at the dump at this rate," Kenzi quipped while surveying the latest junked vehicle they had smashed together.

Bo hefted the mallet over a shoulder, panting. "Maybe a junked bus?"

Looking at the exhausted state of her friend, the slight Goth girl put an arm over the other woman's shoulders, "Nah, time to bring you in for ice cream."

"Oh good," the listless succubus replied, "I like the ice cream part."

Incredibly pale blue eyes watched Bo play with the spoon and not eat a single mouthful, her dark gaze not in the here and now.

Kenzi fixed her black wig and said, as usual, the first thing that popped into her head, "Want me to call her out and pop her one for ya?"

"What?" Bo gathered her wits, it was a visible struggle. "No, it wouldn't do any good. Besides, I can clock a person better than you."

"Yes, my super powered succubus gal pal. But since the depression of what happened has dented your badassedness, it is my duty as your friend and platonic long time human comrade to offer to uphold your honour." She made a show of rolling back her shoulders and puffing out her chest as if she were ready to enter a boxing ring.

Her antics gained more of a snort than a chuckle, but it was the closest thing to a smile she'd seen on Bo since that night with Lauren.

"It wouldn't help." Bo lost her focus and returned to playing idly with her spoon in the melted bowl of what was recently ice cream. "Lauren came to my bed because the all powerful Ash told her to. End of story."

"Yean, but it's not like she didn't want to be there, am I right? I mean, I called serious sparkage on you two long before there were orders on high to detain you with doctor sexy pants."

"Yes, I mean, no." Bo frowned, "I knew she was attracted to me but I thought it was more than that, that it was..." she waved vaguely with her spoon.

"The big L huh?" Kenzi forged ahead, "Yeah, I could see that. It might be. It's been over a week and you haven't spoken a word to her. Maybe you should call her out and get things sorted, you know? Get the skinny on what went down for real?"

"I doubt she'd tell me. Or she'd give more excuses about obligation and the Light Fae and fealty. Gah!" She tossed the spoon across the room where it scattered unhappily against the wall onto the floor. "How could she do that, Kenzi? It felt like so much more and she just went and turned it into a lie."

"How could something feel so right end up so wrong? Been there, done that girlfriend." She patted Bo's shoulder in an effort to console and support. "Do we even know why she's like, owned, by the Ash man?"

"No, no clue. Not like she ever told me 'Hey Bo, I'm the Ash's slave, you want to hang out?'"

Kenzi snorted, "Yeah like she's going to tell the girl she's into that 'hey look at me, I'm owned by the big bad fairy king.' That'd be a super downer to a date."

If anything, Bo's frown deepened, her brows scrunching together in thought.

"I wonder what the dude's got on her," Kenzi mused.

Bo suddenly stood. Kenzi looked up, startled.

"Let's find out."

The human smiled, "Do we have a plan?"

Bo bestowed the look such a comment deserved, happy that she had something to do other than wallow. "Do we ever?"

"Sure is a nice place," Bo stated under her breath as she stood in the opulent foyer, hair down, less makeup, wearing a chocolate brown matching blazer and skirt that just hit above her knees. The blouse underneath was burgundy. The fashion was as conservative as she went with the help of Kenzi's extensive wardrobe and being undercover demanded no leather and high heeled shoes instead of knee high lace up leather boots.

A dark woman dressed in a tasteful grey pant suit came towards her. "Right this way please, Officer Bowman."

"Thank you." She followed through wide archways, spacious areas more in the line of a cathedral or museum than a seniors' residence, to be escorted to wide oak doors and a sunlit filled room with a woman seated in a chair smiling up at her.

They were immediately left alone and Bo walked over to the woman whose hair seemed more blonde than white despite her age or perhaps due to the sunlight. Many smile lines wreathed her eyes and corners of her mouth that had the same dimple in the chin and big light brown eyes as her daughter.

Bo held out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lewis. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

"Not at all," the older woman's voice held a pleasant burr and her smile reached her eyes. She motioned for Bo to take the other seat in the breakfast nook overlooking the acres of greenery and flowers that were the backyard. "When you contacted me to let me know the RCMP was doing a standard security check due to my daughter overtaking an important person as a patient, I couldn't have been happier to oblige. I don't suppose I get to know who this VIP is, do I?"

The Fae couldn't help but respond to the older woman's charm and bright smile, returning it. "I'm afraid not, Mrs. Lewis. It would compromise security."

"Of course, of course." She waved it away, "But please do call me Miriam."

"Thank you." Bo proceeded to take out a note book from her blazer. "I only have a couple of standard questions for you Miriam. How long have you been here at Glenwood Residence?"

"Since the attack. Some years now. Yes, just before my daughter started working for the Ashfort Clinic."

It took everything for Bo not to accidentally break her pen in two. Ashfort. The Ash seemed to have to put a stamp on everything he owned one way or another. "The attack? Our records report it as a traffic accident." Thanks to Kenzi's digging on the computer and some adept hacking skills into hospital records.

"I suppose that's how they'd see it. But what caused the crash was something huge, some animal as big as a pony and with awful, large sharp teeth. It was terrifying. It was raining so hard that night and the roads were difficult. The car was ripped in two as if we had driven through a metal pylon instead of an animal. The thing bit me," she pulled the neck of her pretty butter coloured sweater to reveal a thick nest of scars along her clavicle and shoulder. "I thought it must have been a wolf, but it was too big and it was so dark that night. The policemen afterwards told me if had been a grizzly bear." She shook her head. "But I would think I would recognize a bear. It must have been the dark." The bright eyes clouded over at disturbing memories.

Bo was betting it hadn't been any animal this side of the human world at all. "It looks very painful." She said in real sympathy.

"It doesn't bother me at all now." The gaze cleared and the smile returned like the sun coming out from behind dark clouds. "I nearly died then you know. The bite was infected. My daughter helped find medicine I needed. I would have died otherwise. She's a brilliant doctor you know." A hand went to a nearby frame which she picked up and gazed fondly at before handing it to Bo. "There she is. That photo was taken just a couple of days before I was in that horrible accident."

She smiled indulgently at the older woman, trying not to appear too eager. Bo studied the photo. Lauren was there with a big open smile as she hugged her mother from behind, chin on her mother's shoulder, both smiling at the camera looking like they didn't have a care in the world. It was nothing like the guarded expressions and timid smiles from the Lauren she knew. "Was your recovery difficult?" She quickly apologized, "Sorry, it's not a part of the security check, but I can't help but wonder."

"Curiosity is natural. It's what drove my daughter to be a doctor and an excellent one at that. Though I think her father's death from diabetes when she was a child may have motivated her to go into medicine. Thank goodness she did." Miriam took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, telling more than her words when she said, "The recovery was long. And expensive. But thankfully just after the accident my daughter was hired by the Ashfort Clinic. I'm told it is a very prestigious private clinic. Because of that my daughter was able to afford the best in everything for me such as this beautiful place with the very best of care. She's always been a very loyal girl, she was always such a constant thing as a child. It made me worry for her."

It was force of will and years of hiding that helped school Bo to keep her face merely interested, but what the woman was telling her explained so much about Lauren. "Worry how?"

"She worked so hard that first year. Checking in on me, taking care of me, and helping set up my care. She always puts others first and I worry she doesn't do enough for herself. She never puts her needs first, you understand?"

"I'm beginning to." She put the slim pad away. "Thank you again for your time Miriam. Like I said, it was just a couple of standard questions and its protocol to do so in person. I have no doubt our client will be in the very best hands."

"That's lovely dear." She gracefully took the photo Bo returned.

"Naturally we require that you keep our enquiry a secret, even from your daughter."

"I realize that dear. It's so good to know she's doing well at her job."

Bo stood and took hold of Miriam's hand. "I'm afraid I have to go, but if I have any questions I'll call. In the meantime don't forget to keep our secret okay?"

"Consider it done. Anything for my daughter."

Like mother, like daughter apparently, Bo thought. She slipped out the door and was making her way back to the exit when her keen hearing picked up a familiar voice coming down the hall. What were the odds? She'd almost swear she was still suffering from when that Fae had stolen her good luck.

She backtracked and with a quick look around, went back in and directly to Mrs. Lewis. The woman looked up surprised but quickly became entranced when Bo took hold of the older woman's hand and used her succubus power of influence.

"I'm really sorry about this Miriam. But I need you to let me hide and forget that I'm in the room."

It was as if a glaze fell over Miriam Lewis' eyes as her mind became befuddled by the will of a powerful Fae. "You can hide in the closet dear."

Half a dozen jokes from Kenzi flitted through Bo's head. "Thank you."

"No problem at all."

Bo went straight for the closet doors and stepped inside, only closing them partially to give her a good view of the door to the room and where Miriam sat, however from this angle she could only see the back of Miriam's head. No sooner had she stepped in the closet and positioned herself inside then the outer door opened letting in Lauren.

"Hi, mom," Lauren walked over, hugging her mother closely. Bo saw she was dressed in simple blue jeans that hugged her form tastefully and a warm burnt sienna mock neck sweater which brought out the gold of her long hair and the gold in her brown eyes, turning them nearly amber. With the mock turtle neck no one could see any sign of the necklace – The Ash's mark of his ownership of her.

She immediately took the seat Bo had so recently vacated, taking her mother's hands in her own, so happy to see the other woman it made Bo ache to see it now that she understood what price Lauren had paid to still have her mother happy and well in the world.

Miriam Lewis shook her head slightly as if to clear it. "It's so good to see you Lauren. It's been over two weeks!"

Lauren's smile was more of a wince. "I know," she said apologetically. "I kind of ticked off my boss and he's making me work longer hours. But I'm here now. I know it's unannounced-"

"Oh tosh!" her mother patted her hand affectionately, "You stop by whenever you want. I'll have Alice cancel my bridge game. The girls can manage an afternoon with a different game. Besides, I think Susan cheats."

"No, no. I don't want to disrupt your days with the other ladies. I just wanted to stop by briefly during my break to see you."

"Always the workaholic."

Another closed smile and Lauren wouldn't meet her mother's eyes in a display of bashfulness which Bo now knew was evasion. "You know how it is."

"Well, I was hoping to meet the new woman in your life." That brought up the young doctor's face to meet her mother's with a startled expression.

"Now, Lauren." Her mother placated her in the way only mothers can, "I'm not so old that I don't understand some things. And I know you've been lonely ever since you and Sarah broke up after my accident."

Still stunned, Lauren stammered, "There were just some things she couldn't understand."

Yeah, thought Bo, like that if this Sarah found out about the Fae, the Fae would kill her. Their strictest rule was that the Human world could not know about them. Another piece about the mystery that was Lauren fell into place - painfully.

"And I know you like to hide in your work, but I know my daughter when she's smitten and the past few months you have definitely been taken with someone. I can tell. I'm your mother, dear, and a mother knows these things. So when do I get to meet her?"

The stammer was in full force. "Uh, you don't, that is, I'm not seeing anyone."

Bo could hear Mrs. Lewis' frown. "But there is someone, isn't there?"

"Yes, but we're not, that is, it isn't...it just isn't." Lauren struggled for a brave face, struggled and failed. "We're from two different worlds. It could never work out."

"You graduated top of your class, and the youngest. As if a little challenge could stop you. Why don't you tell your mother what the real problem is."

Under the warmth of her mother whom she sacrificed everything for, Lauren capitulated and confided as much as she dared. "I – I tried to protect her and be close to her but I made a mistake and screwed it all up." She had spread her hands in a hopeless gesture before slapping them lightly together and putting them on the table, clenched together. Bo recalled seeing Lauren's hands carefully held together like that many times over their various meetings. Lauren refused to look at her mother, only down at her clenched hands.

Miriam covered those hands with her own. "Then apologize, dear heart. I can see how much you love her."

Again a surprised look on Lauren's face. Bo's breath caught at the words and the truth in those eyes. "How can you tell?" Lauren asked her mother.

"I told you dear, a mother can tell these things. You should apologize and tell her how you feel."

Just then the woman who had greeted Bo at the foyer entered after a light rap on the ajar door. "Miriam? The other ladies are waiting for you."

"Thank you, Alice."

Lauren stood at almost the same time. "I should go, mom. It was great to see you. I promise I'll stop by on the weekend for a proper visit."

The older woman stood and embraced her daughter heartily. "You'd better."

Alice escorted the woman from the visiting room while Lauren watched them leave. Once the door had closed, Lauren's visage fell. Her hand wondered of its own volition to her neck, resting right where the Ash's token lay. "It's too late." She said to the air, tears she hadn't let show before now brimmed her eyes yet refused to fall. "But you're safe, that's what's important. No matter the cost."

Lauren nodded to herself, but she must not have been fully convinced because her hands shook as she tried to straighten already straight clothes and walked out of the room, barely managing to hide the lost look on her face.

Bo didn't wonder who Lauren meant when she talked about safety. Bo knew it was both of them. When it was safe, Bo slipped out from where she hid and left with determined steps.

Bo had to stifle a laugh at Kenzi's histrionics over the phone.

"Like OMG doc, she can barely move and she won't let me try to move her. As if I could, she weighs like a ton!" Kenzi fought to stifle her outcry at Bo's indignant swat at her thigh. "She's barely responding and you're the only one we can trust to check her out. She's upstairs in the bedroom. Can you hurry? She'll only let you see her. Maybe she's gone all buggy paranoia gal from some Fae critter bite again."

She hung up with a satisfied smirk. "She's coming." Light eyes widened upon Bo. "Please tell me you're not wearing that?"

"What?" Offended, Bo held out her arms and looked at herself in her tight leather pants and matching leather sleeveless top. She looked hot.

"You're sick remember? Ya gotta" Kenzi motioned in wild circles at her, "wear pajamas or something, but be in bed."

Now it was Bo's turn to smirk. Lauren had payback coming and Bo had decided it would be succubus style.

Up in bed only ten minutes later, Lauren must have flown there, Bo could hear the doctor come in the front door.

"Kenzi? Kenzi!" at the lack of answer, Bo heard footsteps hurry to her room. She lay back impassive on the bed with closed eyes, quickly ruffling the black cotton halter top, covering the matching bottoms with a barely modest strip of linen.

"Bo?" The call was a mixture of worry and fear. Despite Lauren's misgivings, which Bo knew so much more about now, she heard the woman come nearer, felt the bed dip where the other woman leaned in over her. "Bo? Can you hear me?"

Soft sure hands touched Bo and she revelled in the contact. Heavy silken hair brushed against her face and she opened her eyes to capture concerned lighter ones.

"Bo?" Anxious.

She quirked an eyebrow at the doctor. "Lauren."

Before Lauren could lean away, Bo grabbed her and flipped the woman over, pinning her to the bed. With her Fae strength, it was easy.

She looked at Lauren who had changed to her usual white top, slacks and had forgone the white lab coat. The doctor's bag fell of the bed with a loud clatter.

She watched Lauren swallow twice before asking again, "Bo?"

Even now, clearly anxious, Lauren's energy ran wild. Here they were both in bed, Bo as comfortable out of her clothes as in them, using her body to press Lauren down into soft pillows that smelled of Bo's warm skin.

Bo leaned down and claimed parted lips with her own, capturing the startled breath that followed from the woman beneath her. She caressed the mouth under hers and let the barest tip of her tongue taste Lauren, revelling in the sparks the touch created, sending electrical jolts down her body when their tongues touched again.

Lauren tried to push at shoulders rather unsuccessfully, but Bo relented and looked down at her from only inches away.

"What are you doing?" Anxious eyes searched Bo's.

The dark woman arched a shaped eyebrow and breathed, "I don't know yet, just let me."

Lauren's dark brows drew together in confusion and concern, but she didn't stop Bo when the other woman closed the short distance for another kiss, deepening it immediately as she slid her body over Lauren's completely. Their legs tangled and pretty soon Lauren was trembling beneath her.

Bo sat up, straddling the blonde as she began to unbutton the white shirt under her hands. Lauren's came to stop her, halt her progress.

"I hurt you." Lauren's voice broke.

Hands reached for exposed skin and slide under the shirt feeling Lauren's chest expand at the sudden inhale from the sensual contact.

"I trust you," was all Bo said as she held Lauren's gaze with her own.

A tear spilled over, running into the blonde's hair. "How? After." her voice broke.

"No one told you seduce me this time." Bo leaned back meaningfully. "You can leave if you want, but you haven't. Why?"

"I-" The hands that had reached Bo's arms shook. "I never needed anyone to order me to your bed Bo."

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Tell me why Lauren, I need to know."

Lauren was so scared, so torn. She was about to speak but Bo stopped her. "Wait." With purpose, she traced a finger down Lauren's neck to the necklace, the mark of ownership of Fae over human. She looped her finger in it and snapped it free. Lauren gasped. Bo contemplated the symbol in her palm. She dropped it into Lauren's hand. "You don't owe him anything anymore. I know you'll have to keep wearing that until we figure a way out of the debt, but tell me, is that what you want? Do you want to be able to make your own choices Lauren?"

They looked at each other for a silent, heady space of time. Then, slowly but surely, Lauren dropped the token over the bed onto the floor. With the same hand she reached up and held Bo's face. "I want the strength to make my own choices so that the person I want with me, the woman I love, will want to live that life with me. Free."

Bo leaned back down to Lauren, smiling, tears dusting her own eyes as she looked down happily into wet warm ones gazing up at her. She wasted no time reacquainting herself with the feel of Lauren under her hands, of the way Lauren gasped her name when Bo's fingers first entered her. The velvet warmth that enveloped her fingers, the force with which Lauren gripped Bo's shoulders when she was close to that silver edge of pleasure. The words Bo had always longed to hear 'I love you, Bo.' after Lauren regained her breath. The intense passion and tenderness in Lauren's face when she touched Bo. The tears that had filled Lauren's eyes when Bo said 'I love you' back. It all coalesced into a series of moments that all came to one crystallized realization that filled Bo in a way nothing ever had before.

Afterwards, as they lay in each other's arms, simply looking at each other, touching each other, refusing to sleep lest a moment be wasted, Bo almost laughed out of sheer joy. Dyson had told her that Lauren could never be in love with her. The silly wolf man couldn't have been more wrong. There had been nothing Lauren had done that hadn't been out of love.

Bo felt claimed by this woman in such a deep way it overwhelmed and amazed her, and she didn't mind one bit. Bo had never felt freer than right here, right now with the woman who loved her. Come what may, they would face it together.

The End

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