Coming Home - Thoughts
By Deanna

Now, in this moment, I can feel the stress of the effort of the day slip away as it takes me closer to where I need to be. I realize that everything I do keeps this sacred place, safe. All my struggles, all my pain, all my discomfort, all melts away as I realize that I am one moment closer to that place that I so desperately crave.

It is in the silence, that I hear the roar call to me, encouraging me to redouble my efforts. It is in the roar, that I hear the silence beckon to me, surrounding me with the arms of love, and the whispers of contentment.

It is within my struggle to get there, that I acknowledge that my heart calls me and I yearn to return to home. I have gone cross continents, across oceans, through space, passing time and still my heart hears the silent music of that longed for place, enchanting my soul and promising the luxury of comfort and loved ones.

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