DISCLAIMER: The story, and characters and anything and everything else concerning SG: SG1 belong to MGM, Gekko, Secret Productions etc, they are so not mine and no money is being made from this and no copyright infringement is intended.
SPOILERS: After Heroes 2. Ahem, she's still alive you know.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author

Don't Miss You at All
By Celievamp

It bothered her more than it should. Here she was at home, bundled up on the couch under the afghan watching old movies on the TV, late winter snow falling outside and a weeks worth of downtime to cherish, her arms around Janet.

And somewhere, somewhen another version of her was probably hurting.

Sometimes too much knowledge was a dangerous thing.

All the worlds where she had never been born.

All the worlds where Janet had never been born.

All the worlds where she had never gone into science.

All the worlds where she had never gone into the Air Force.

All the worlds where they had never figured out the Star Gate.

All the worlds where she had married Jonas Hansen.

All the worlds where she had married Jack O'Neill.

All the worlds where Janet's marriage had worked out.

All the worlds where she, Sam Carter, had never got up the courage to ask Janet Fraiser that all important question.

All the worlds where Janet had not said yes.

All the worlds where she had died on a mission – where the Nox had not revived her, where Hathor had killed her, where Jolinar had not given up her life to save her, where Daniel had not figured out what `I am here' meant. The million and one near misses she had had on her travels through the gate – and here on Earth – bike accidents, various electrocutions, Adrian Conrad.

All the worlds where Janet had died on P3X-666.

All the worlds where Janet was dead.

All the worlds where she was alone and hurting.

Sam nuzzled at the soft skin at the base of Janet's neck inhaling that unique mix of jasmine, sandalwood and Janet herself. "Hey," she said softly.

"He-ey," came the amused response. "You okay back there? Not squashing anything vital am I?"

"No, I'm fine. In fact I just figured it couldn't be better," Sam smiled, knowing that it was true.

"Glad to hear it," Janet settled against her again.

Don't miss you at all – Norah Jones and Duke Ellington (From the Album `Feels like love')

As I sit and watch the snow
Fallin' down
I don't miss you at all
I hear children playin' laughin' so loud
I don't think of your smile
So if you never come to me
You'll stay a distant memory
Out my window I see lights going dark
Your dark eyes don't haunt me
And then I wonder who I am
Without the warm touch of your hand
And then I wonder who I am
Without the warm touch of your hand
As I sit and watch the snow
Falling down
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all

The End

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