DISCLAIMER: The story, and characters and anything and everything
else concerning SG: SG1 belong to MGM, Gekko, Secret Productions
etc, they are so not mine and no money is being made from this and
no copyright infringement is intended.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: To mine own girl. Yes, I wrote another sappy short. Aint love grand?
SOUNDTRACK: Bjork "I miss you" from the album Post
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author
A Dream Can Come True
By Celievamp
The album was one that Daniel Jackson had taped for her from his eclectic collection which he was carefully re-amassing following his return from the dead, or at least Abydos. When she paused to think about it Sam Carter was amazed at how quickly the young man had become one of her firmest friends. Apart from a shared love of science and boundless curiosity they had discovered similarly
omnivorous tastes in music and a mutual delight in bringing a little strangeness into the daily life of one Colonel Jack O'Neill. As his military subordinate Sam was of course bound by the rules and regulations but that did not mean she could not give Daniel pointers.
The track changed and Sam began to sing along as she steered her car up the winding road to the base.
"I miss you - but I haven't met you yet
so special - but it hasn't happened yet
you are gorgeous - but I haven't met you yet
I remember - but it hasn't happened yet
and if you believe in dreams
or what is more important
that a dream can come true
I will meet you…"
Nice sentiments, she reflected, but unlikely to ever happen, Sam spared a moment to think on her social life which was currently dryer than the deserts of Abydos. No wonder half the base seemed to think she was an item with Daniel and the other half speculated on her relationship with the Colonel. She loved Daniel to bits – but strictly as a brother. And as for the Colonel – she had done with the lunatic fringe on her last unlamented visit to boys town. If only they knew the truth.
Though given the current political and moral climate it was probably best that they didn't.
As the song reached its climax she reached the gates to the NORAD compound. She showed her pass and security clearance and was waved through to the next checkpoint.
There was an unfamiliar car ahead of her. A new posting perhaps. The fledgling SGC was still taking shape, new people were joining almost daily. Sam tried to remember who was due to start in the next few days.
Well, the new Chief Medical Officer for one. Some more civilian staff on the admin side, another consignment of Marines that Colonel O'Neill was salivating about knocking down a peg or two. He was never happier than when he was marine-baiting, particularly Colonel Makepeace.
The car window opened and a slender hand extended, holding a temporary pass and other documentation. Another woman then. Probably not one of the marines – though Sam reminded herself not to jump to sexist conclusions. She had been the victim of them herself often enough, after all. Whoever it was there was a problem with her paperwork. The SF on duty stood aside to let her get out of the car whilst his colleague phoned down to the SGC.
Sam stopped breathing. The woman was petite, probably only coming to Sam's shoulder and slender yet with enough curves to make even the standard dress uniform look good. She wasn't wearing a cap so Sam could see her dark glossy hair and as the woman took off her shades, she noticed that her eyes were dark as well. Sam could see that they were the same rank – Captain – and that the woman was medical. Could this be the new CMO? She closed her eyes trying to recall the name. Fraiser. That was it. Captain Janet Fraiser.
She was half out of the car before she realised it, committed before she had a chance to chicken out, smitten even before she had heard the other woman's voice. The Captain and the SF turned to look at her as she walked towards them.
"Captain Fraiser?"
"Yes?" the woman looked a little startled, not expecting anyone to recognise her in this brave new world. Her wide eyes were deep pools of chocolate, her smooth skin the palest caramel. Sam Carter knew a moment of epiphany. She was in love.
"It's good to meet you, Captain. I'm Captain Carter – Sam Carter. Welcome to the Mountain."
"I'm so impatient
I can't stand the wait
when will I get my cuddle?
who are you?
I know by now that you'll arrive
by the time I stop waiting"
Sam Carter smiled. After a moment's breathless hesitation Janet Fraiser smiled back.
The End
BJORK LYRICS - Post "I Miss You"
i miss you
but i haven't met you yet
so special
but it hasn't happened yet
you are gorgeous
but i haven't met you yet
i remember
but it hasn't happened yet
and if you believe in dreams
or what is more important
that a dream can come true
i will meet you
i was peaking
but it hasn't happened yet
i haven't been given
my best souvenir
i miss you
but i haven't met you yet
i know your habits
but wouldn't recognize you yet
and if you believe in dreams
or what is more important
that a dream can come true
i will meet you
i'm so impatient
i can't stand the wait
when will i get my cuddle?
who are you?
i know by now that you'll arrive
by the time i stop waiting
i miss you