DISCLAIMER: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and all characters are property of NBC and Dick Wolf.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.

Early Morning
By Dawn Smith

Morning dawns once again and light streams through the window alighting the smooth face and blonde hair of the woman who nestles beside me. Though my arm is numb beneath her, I don’t want to leave my comfortable place. Each time I squirm, she moans softly. And, I know, somewhere in that beautiful head, she fears living without me as much as I fear losing her. Together, we are invincible. Only in her presence am I completely happy. Then alone do I smile wholeheartedly, and know all that is good and right in the world. Without her, I am a useless shell.

Softly, I brush away the bangs that fall, haphazardly covering her eyes. And, those eyes….how strange they look without the blue marbles peering from beneath. Even when they glare in anger, I am, as always, pleased at how they hold me--entranced. I find it difficult to move away from those glances. As an addict, I am consumed by my lust for this dear lady. For many a moment, my eyes have lingered on that face and how rudely constructed it is, with a jaw line is chiseled so cleanly, it almost looks brutish, but encompassed by the soft hews of blonde hair, it appears lovely. And the frame, so bony and sharp, it points at me in every direction, bruising me in that fantastic way. I stare at the small breasts that almost mock my incessant love for such things, reminding me everything should be kept in moderation. I am, truly, in awe!

Thankfully, a cool breeze in flowing through my window, expelling the heat that rises from my body as I stare at the object of all my love and desire. Then she rolls away from me and my eyes return to the ceiling. Though, I try to imagine what the room would look like in a different color, I am, still, distracted by her presence. Now, it is her sweet smell and the memories of the night just spent. Just thinking of it makes me yearn to wake her and take away the restful sleep that now consumes her. I sleep little when she is here, and she says, “sleep is difficult anywhere else.”

The End

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