4x12: Silvia Is A Hot Nerd; Pepa is a thug
Recap by Misty Flores


Previously on LHDP: Pepa's arrival in San Antonio ruffled more than a few feathers, but Paco, desperate to make amends, is determined that his estranged little sister stay with him. Don Lorenzo, still not ready to trust Pepa after the lesbian scandal she caused at Sara's first communion eight years ago (in which she showed up, got Silvia high, and made out with her on the dance floor), doesn't welcome the news, but he signs her transfer papers anyway.

Meanwhile, Silvia , Pepa's old crush and partner-in-crime, is flustered to realize that Pepa may still carry a torch for her, and although she is inexplicably unnerved and thrilled by her presence, makes it clear to Pepa that she's straight.

EPISODE 4x12: Silvia Is A Hot Nerd; Pepa is a thug.


On her first official day, Pepa sits (very sexily) on Curtis' desk, chatting with the Starsky look-alike, who is obviously trying very hard to make a good impression.

CURTIS: Just look at it this way: If you've got any questions at all? Curtis is here. Nothing happens in this precinct without the people down here knowing about it.

Montoya walks by with Don Lorenzo, and DL is none too pleased to see Pepa settled so comfily on Curtis' desk. She immediately hops off and stands at attention.

DL: What's this? Miranda. Seeing how your colleagues work, right?

She opens her mouth to protest, but he keeps going.

DL: Are you here to work or to look?

In the bullpen, Silvia has caught sight of the scene and freezes.

PEPA: I was just-

DL: [to Montoya, sarcastically] Why don't we get her a desk, maybe a chair?

Pepa exhales, trying to keep her patience.

PEPA: Don Lorenzo, I was just waiting for you to assign me a partner to patrol with.

DL: A partner?

Montoya jumps to the task.

MONTOYA: Don Lorenzo, I'll can help her out, show her procedure, and volunteer to be her partner.

He smiles at Pepa. Pepa smiles gratefully back.

DL: Montoya, you do what you're told and that's all, idiot.

The smiles immediately fade. DL turns to Pepa.

DL: Get a car, and head over to where we found Olmedo.

Silvia, immediately realizing what he's doing, blanches.

DL: Stay there and watch the place. Record any type of movement, do you understand?

PEPA: At the warehouse?

DL: Yes, at the warehouse.

Now Pepa is confused. Remember this is a woman who, at her previous precinct, had been given secret deep cover special assignments.

PEPA: But the sign exploded over the warehouse (a booby trap set off by Montoya when they were there before). Any idiot is going to know that the police have already been there.

Silvia and Montoya both wince.

DL: Any idiot? I don't care, Miss. I DON'T CARE. That's your mission.

He turns away. Pepa quietly fumes.

She can't take it anymore, and turns back.

PEPA: Don Lorenzo! Is this an actual mission or are you just trying to fuck me?

DL turns back and glares.

DL: Pardon?

PEPA: I asked if this a mission or are you trying to fuck me?

He comes forward.

DL: Are you a commissioner?

Silvia, unable to take it, comes forward. Montoya tries to block her, but she just shakes him off and goes right behind DL.

DL: Answer me. Are you a commissioner and I just don't know it?

Cowed, Pepa shakes her head.

PEPA: [weakly] No, sir.

DL: Then do what you're told. I've got way too much on my plate to bother with… what was it you called it?

Silvia is in agony watching a humiliated Pepa.

PEPA: [quietly] fucking me.

DL: … fucking you. To bother fucking with you.

He turns away, and runs straight into a stony-faced Silvia.

DL: Hello, darling. What's up? [he kisses her forehead]


DL: Yes?

SILVIA: Well if you're not fucking with her, then Pepa's going to need a partner. I'm going to go with her, okay?

DL's smug expression immediately drops. Silvia immediately locks glances with Pepa.

Meeting her gaze, Pepa smiles thoughtfully.


Seated in a car outside the warehouse, awkward silence rules as an obviously bored Pepa checks her gun before placing it back in her holster. Silvia watches Pepa.

SILVIA: I really think that we're not going to see a thing tonight.

Pepa silently agrees before glancing up.

PEPA: Not even the stars. That's what I hate most about Madrid, Silvia. You can't ever see even one fucking star in the sky.

Silvia stares at her.

SILVIA: But there are stars up there. It's just that we're in a street with a lot of light. If we were in a big dark street, they'd be there.

Pepa blinks at this. … Okay. She glances away.

SILVIA: I can point out Ursa Major!

That odd bit of information throws Pepa off. She offers Silvia a stunned stare, and when Silvia grins proudly (and nerdily), she bursts into laughter.


PEPA: Nothing, do you want a prize?

Silvia blushes and awkward silence resumes.

A car drives by.

PEPA: Write this down. 8133CMJ - Grey car. Do you have it?


She puts down the clipboard. Pepa looks at her carefully, and smiles, clearly happy with what she sees.


There exists a tense, palpable silence in the car. Pepa and Silvia keep exchanging glances, then glancing away.

Pepa begins to silently whistle, and Silvia, unable to take the tension, fumbles for the radio.

LYRICS: Imagine…. That things could work out if we tried…

It's obscenely romantic. Pepa grins to herself, amused, and Silvia squirms, more uncomfortable than ever. She bits her lower lip, obviously battling something as she glances at Pepa and then away.

Pepa, still grinning, begins to whistle along with the song. Silvia abruptly shuts off the radio.

SILVIA: Did you know you were my first kiss?


SILVIA: [nods] Yes.

PEPA: No. I don't believe you. They say you never forget your first kiss!

SILVIA: Well, I remember more the scandal that erupted from it than the actual kiss.

Pepa snorts, not sure whether or not to be amused or offended.

PEPA: Oh, really?

SILVIA: [stammters] Well, no, but… it's just… I'm just meant that-

Pepa takes pity.

PEPA: I get it, I get it. That it was just a stupid thing. Sure.

SILVIA: No, but we were just kids!

PEPA: [nods agreeably] Sure.

SILVIA: We were only eighteen years old!

PEPA: Yes, Silvia, yes. [pauses] If we kissed now it'd be different.

Silvia stops smiling. She glances away. Pepa offers her a charged look.

PEPA: We're not kids anymore. And it wouldn't be the first!

She laughs and finally just nods.

PEPA: But yes. I agree with you. It was just a silly thing.

Point made, she smiles at Silvia, who turns away. Pepa grins and glances out the window.

On the passenger side, Silvia quietly sits. And smiles.


The girls are still on their pointless stake out. Another car pulls up along side them. Inside the car is a JERK.

JERK: Hey, gorgeous. GORGEOUS! If you're that beautiful now imagine how you must look when you're ripe.

Disgusted, Silvia glances away. Pepa glowers.

PEPA: Get lost.

JERK: Oh, brunette. You know what? You're making my balls so hard.

SILVIA: Ssst. Ssst. She said get lost.

JERK: Oh, what's wrong, Brunette? What's wrong? What's wrong with my pussy? Is my pussy sad? [he laughs]

PEPA: I'm not going to tell you again.

She's battling her temper. He keeps going.

JERK: What's wrong? What's wrong with you?

Pepa and Silvia both give him frosty glances. Pepa's is much more dangerous. He flicks his tongue obscenely.

PEPA: Leave.

JERK: What's the matter, Brunette? Are you going to give me a spanking or what? Look, I'll make it easy for you.

He pulls down his pants and starts to moon them. Pepa's done talking.

SILVIA: What are you doing?!

Pepa has pulled down her gun and cocked it.

SILVIA: What are you doing?! Hey?

Pepa gets out of the car and points the gun into the other car.

PEPA: Police! Get out of the car with your hands up.

She drags JERK 1 out of his car and motions for JERK-IN-WAITING to come out too.

PEPA: Let's go!

Immediately, the shady dealers hanging out notice the commotion and make themselves scarce. Silvia watches in horror.

Pepa slams the JERK against the car. His pants are around his ankles. Clearly having lost control of her temper, she digs the butt of her gun into his neck.

PEPA: What should I charge you with? Huh? Lewd Behavior?! Sexual Harassment?! Vandalism?!

JERK: I'm sorry! Fuck!

Silvia gets out of the car. Pepa is very close to blowing the guy's head off. She has completely lost it.

SILVIA: What the hell are you doing?! Let him go!

JERK: I'm sorry! Fuck. I'm sorry!

SILVIA: Let him go!

Pepa hesitates and yanks the JERK off the car and sticks the muzzle of the gun under his chin.

PEPA: Get out of here. Now. And the next time you decide to talk to a lady through a window, remember to say 'Excuse Me' and 'Please'.

JERK: Yes, yes.

PEPA: What was that?

JERK: Excuse me and Please.

Silvia stares, horrified at Pepa's level of hostility.

PEPA: Get the fuck out of here.

She shoves him out of the way with his gun. The men scramble.

PEPA: Now. The both of you! LEAVE.

Silvia is in disbelief. The guys scram.

JERK-IN-WAITING: We always get in trouble because of you!

They take off.

Silvia stares at Pepa as if she's seeing a stranger. Pepa's right. They're clearly not the kids they were.


Pepa is still breathing hard.

SILVIA: What the hell was that!? Who do you think you are, Dirty Harry!?

PEPA: I was teaching those assholes a lesson.

SILVIA: On a stakeout!? An UNDERCOVER stakeout!?

Pepa's anger fades as she realizes how furious Silvia is.

SILVIA: Maybe my father was right about you. There's a screw loose in your head!

She stalks back to the car and gets in. Overwhelmed and hurt, Pepa lowers her head.

SCENE: Cachi's - the next day

Pepa broods at the bar, drinking a beer, when Silvia walks in.



She walks straight to the bar, and manages a sideways glance at Pepa as she settles down next to her. After a beat, their eyes once again face forward.

Activity goes on around them. Lola's employee greets Julian and they both happily decide to have a drink together and sample the new ham that Julian brought.

Pepa keeps brooding and drinking her beer, but Silvia has given up pretense and now just stares at Pepa, waiting. Pepa takes another swig of beer and finally faces her.

PEPA: I'm sorry for the little number I pulled last night.

Silvia sighs in frustration and continues to stare at Pepa. Lola notices the exchange. MONTOYA walks in and notices Silvia and Pepa sitting at the bar.

MONTOYA: Hi, Lola! Don't charge them for what they ordered, okay?

Pepa looks back and manages a small smile in his direction. Silvia is finally distracted from her staring when turns to see what has Pepa's attention and finally notices Montoya.

As he comes forward, she gives him a GLOWER, silently warning him to back off.

He blinks, but gets the message and immediately turns around, leaving them alone.

MONTOYA: And get me a coffee?

SILVIA: It's just… honey, with your hot temper and your gun? You'd be the perfect match for Lucas.

Lola, who has been listening, immediately puts a stop to that train of thought.

LOLA: No, don't even - don't complicate the family anymore than it already is, okay? We're going to end up on 'Jerry Springer'.

She walks away. Silvia deflates a little.

SILVIA: Well, let's be honest, I didn't behave any better.

Pepa doesn't look at her. Her expression doesn't change. Silvia begins to fidget.

SILVIA: And you know, it wasn't like it was even that important of an assignment. It wasn't anything.

MONTOYA: Hey, Lola. If they want anything else? Just put it on my tab, okay?

Pepa once again smiles at him. Silvia wants to murder him. Oblivious, Montoya comes up and wraps an arm around each of them.

MONTOYA: Hey, how are you? Do you want to eat anything or…

SILVIA: [with a forced smile] No, Gonzalo. Would you leave us alone for a while? Thanks.

He giggles and again leaves them to settle back on the counter. Pepa shakes her head.

PEPA: It's not because of the assignment, Silvia. It's just that in two days? The whole world is going to hate me as much as your Dad does.

Lola, who again has been eavesdropping, breaks in.

LOLA: Hate's a strong word. It's not hate. Things are more… warm. Okay, I'd say maybe a little cool.

PEPA: Yeah, cold as a glacier.

Lola sighs and shrugs. Silvia watches Pepa intently.

PEPA: And I… I can't find… [she looks at Silvia] I don't have any reason to stay.

SILVIA: Oh no? Well I do.

Pepa looks at her. Silvia smiles.

SILVIA: Yeah. The other day when I was getting into bed … [she starts laughing]

Pepa smiles hesitantly.

PEPA: What?

SILVIA: I remembered that guy with his butt in the air-

Pepa cracks up, which makes Silvia giggle even harder.

SILVIA: I couldn't stop laughing! And I'm not the laughing type!

They both start laughing harder. Montoya, eyeing them, tries to laugh with them. Lola has noticed the dissolve into giggle and watches suspiciously. When they both glance at her, she manages a half-hearted chuckle and turns to the utensils.

Silvia grabs hold of Pepa's hand.

SILVIA: And besides… I need to show you something tonight.

She smiles beautifully. Lola stares, more suspicious. Pepa quietly smiles, besotted.

When Silvia's smile widens, Pepa glances at Lola, who pretends to be shining a fork.

Pepa looks back to Silvia.

PEPA: Want to get out of here?

SILVIA [immediately]: Yes.

PEPA: Wait, I'm going to the bathroom.


They both keep giggling, Silvia's laughter turning to snorts. As soon as Pepa leaves, Lola leans forward.

LOLA: Hey, sis what are you doing!? What's with all the giggles?! … You're not flirting with Pepa, are you?

SILVIA: Oh, Lola, please. Don't be absurd.

Lola doesn't look reassured, but shrugs anyway.

SCENE: A Dark Street - Later

Silvia and Pepa sit in a dark street, settled on the hood of their car. They stare up into the sky. Silvia smiles at Pepa, who looks at her.

SILVIA: Hundreds of stars. You just have to know where to look.

PEPA: Yes. It's true that this place is… [looks at Silvia] perfect.

Silvia is visibly shaken by the intensity in Pepa's look, and glances away, breathing unsteadily. Pepa, however, has noticed something strange.

PEPA: How weird. Not one streetlight is turned on.

Silvia hides a smile.

PEPA: It's almost as if someone broke them all with rocks or something.

They burst into giggles, then fall silent.

PEPA: I used to do this in Sevilla. I'd go to the airport, and I'd sit at the end of the runway. The plans would fly out… maybe five meters above you. And it felt like… [She mimics a sucking motion] you were getting sucked up with them. And the smell of the gas… the air… the whole environment… the noise! I loved that feeling.

Silvia is overtaken.

SILVIA: Pepa, you have show me those things.

PEPA: Even how to be a thug?

Silvia contemplates this.

SILVIA: That too.

Pepa bursts out laughing. They sit in companionable silence.

Pepa considers their hands - so close to touching. She bites her lip, then gathers her courage and extends a pinkie, tentatively caressing Silvia's finger. Silvia's finger immediately moves away.

Silvia moves her head to the side, and we see that she is both flustered and aroused by the touch.

Rejected, Pepa's hand tightens into a fist, and she shakes her head at the futility of this attraction.

Silvia, however, can't fight the giddy feeling inside of her. She makes a decision and lifts her head.


Pepa looks.

SILVIA [firmly]: I want you to stay in San Antonio.

In the wake of that touch, they both know what that means. Pepa smiles, hope still alive.

They lay side by side, looking at the stars.


COMING UP: Episode 4x13: Silvia fights confusion and giddiness as she continues to hang out with BFF Pepa, who makes it clear that Silvia's a lot more than a BFF to her.

4x13: Silvia & Pepa = BFFs, sexual tension on the side

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