DISCLAIMER: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and all characters are property of NBC and Dick Wolf.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.

By D.S.


"Alex, we're at Wallace's place. The warrant says 'basement apartment,' but there's a cable running from his laptop to a computer on a landing upstairs. Can we grab the other computer? It's a quarter til eleven; if I don't hear back from you, we're going ahead. Otherwise, he'll toss it."

. . .

"I just got your message, Olivia. Judge Thomas didn't show up again, so arraignments ran late. If you're still there, the landing's fair game. Basement's just a general description, not a limitation. I'm off to argue Pignanelli's motions in limine. Talk to you soon."

. . .

"Liv, I just got back from court. Himonas ruled that Eleanor Ruffin's statements at the hospital don't qualify as excited utterances, so they're out. What she told you at the scene is all we have now, so don't screw up my case by getting yourself killed tonight. Call me when you're done."

. . .

"Geez, Alex, don't get all mushy on me. We'll keep your win-loss record in mind if Moreland starts shooting at us. You know, Himonas should have been at the hospital; then he would have seen for himself how excited Mrs. Ruffin was. Later."

. . .

"Olivia, it's a quarter til nine. Why aren't you answering your cell? What happened at Moreland's?"

. . .

"Sorry, Alex. Moreland felt like rearranging my partner's face, so I was tied up for a while. Is that a piano I hear? Elliot's fine, by the way."

. . .

"Tell Elliot I prefer his face as it is, and yes, that is a piano. Unfortunately, there's no place on this dress to hold a cell phone, so we'll be playing phone tag if I'm away from the table. Go ahead and call me, though."

. . .

"Wow, Alex, that sounds like some dress. Moreland's booked. I told Elliot you like his face, so now he thinks you're hot for him. Anyway, we're done for tonight. Probably can't say the same for you. Who's the lucky guy?"


"Alex, Cragen just told us about Pendleton's motion, and it's b.s. That photo array looked like a Pendleton family reunion. Gotta go; we're talking to Eleanor Ruffin's old neighbors out in Queens. You in court all day?"

. . .

"Don't worry about Pendleton, Olivia. I've seen suggestive photo arrays, and that wasn't. By the way, there is no lucky guy. From your message last night. I was just out with some other ADAs. I finally get someone I can stand to ask me out, and it's a bunch of lawyers – must be bad karma. I hate to ruin your evening, but if you've got some time, I'd like to get together about your grand jury testimony Friday."

. . .

"Excuse me? You wanna repeat that, Asswipe? Go on, you piece of–"

. . .

"Alex, hey. I started to call earlier, but something came up. I'll be back about 6 o'clock. Elliot's got some crazy idea about going home on time since we're only eight blocks from his house, so I'll be solo. I was going to suggest we grab a bite, but I suppose the only thing worse than being asked out by lawyers is being asked out by a cop, huh?

. . .

"Dinner sounds great, Liv. I'll wait for you in my office."


"Alex, it's me. Listen, Xheng was home when we went to search his place. There was a bulge in his waistband, so Elliot frisked him and pulled a 9 mil. The warrant doesn't include guns, but we can still bag it, can't we?"

. . .

"Sorry, Olivia, my briefcase was going through security when you called. There's a frisk issue like this up at the Court of Appeals right now. Our warrant application – Yes, Your Honor, the People are ready. If I could just have one moment, my detectives are in the middle of – Olivia, take the gun."

. . .

"Liv, did you get my message? Judge Tompkins couldn't spare thirty seconds of his valuable time for something so frivolous as the Fourth Amendment. Anyway, I hope you grabbed the gun. Our warrant application mentioned prior gun possession, and I think the court's going to OK it anyway. If the gun's hot, I owe you a lunch or something. Actually, I owe you one anyway; you were better company last night than my fellow JDs."


"Olivia, the Harrison case has just been reassigned to Judge Yao. I'm going to run our warrant application through again and see if we have better luck with him. If you've got anything new, leave word before two o'clock."

. . .

"Sorry, Alex, we're treading water on Harrison. Hey, if you're serious, I'm up for another dinner – pretty much any time, pathetically. I had a great time the other night."

. . .

"Do you ever stop talking on your cell, Liv? You walked right by me with that thing glued to your ear. Anyway, I have in my hot little hands a search warrant for Glen Harrison's house and garage, so knock yourselves out. By the way, was that a new sweater? That color looks great on you."

. . .

"Gee, you don't happen to be talking on your cell phone, do you, Ms. Pot? Anyway, thanks for the warrant; we're on our way over to say hi to Harrison. Ciao. Oh, yeah – Elliot says if he ever hears you say 'hot little hands,' he won't be responsible for his actions."

. . .

"Liv, I forgot – I was definitely serious about dinner. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?"


"Hi, Olivia. It's Alex. Earl Thompson's lawyer just called. He claims Thompson was in Florida from the 12th through the 16th. Can you find someone to put him north of the Mason Dixon line any time that week? Give me a call if you get anything. Actually, give me a call either way."

. . .

"Alex, ask and ye shall receive: Mrs. Esther Betabenner next door says 'that ratbag Thompson' made such a 'goddamn racket' with his buddies that she never did figure out who whacked the supermodel on CSI. TV Guide says that episode aired on the 15th. Can we use that?"

. . .

"Liv, thanks. I'll tell Humphreys his client's a liar, which I'm sure will be a shock. Don't forget – grand jury, 4 o'clock.

. . .

"Alex, I got held up by a traffic accident, but I'll be there on time. I know you're already at the courthouse; I'm just leaving this in case you get worried and check your voice mail. If you're still available for dinner, how about we leave straight from court? I'm looking forward to it. A lot, actually."


"Liv, thanks for last night; I had a really good time. Listen, my trial Monday is off, so I don't have to work today. I know it's your day off, and I just wondered if you might . . . want to . . . . Actually, never mind. This is dumb."

. . .

"Alex, are you there? Pick up if you're there."


"Hey, Alex. You remember I had to meet Munch this morning? I didn't want to wake you when I left. You were so . . . you're so beautiful, Alex. I know I said this last night, but I want to say it again: I love you."


"I'm on it, Elliot; I'm leaving her a message. Hey, Alex, can you pull the financials on Mahmoud? Forensics thinks some of the paperwork we found are invoices from him to Xheng. Um . . . so, when can we get together again? I'd like to – Yeah, Elliot, almost done. Be right there. Gotta go."

The End

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