DISCLAIMER: I don't own them if I did they'd be having way more fun together. CSI Vegas and its characters are the property of Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS to whom all rights belong. This is just for fun and not profit.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This began as a response to a challenge on the femslash_-fluff livejournal community. It's a CSI Vegas fluff story with Catherine and Sara as an established couple.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.

Nazca Lines
By Jac H.


"Boobies!" It was practically a squeal.

"What?" Catherine wasn't quite sure she'd heard what she thought she'd head, having been almost asleep.

"Boobies! Look, Cath, boobies."

Ok. Catherine had heard what she'd thought she'd heard. She propped herself up on her elbows and lowered her sunglasses from the top of her head, where she'd pushed them. Sara was kneeling beside her on the towel and pointing excitedly towards the ocean.

Catherine began to wonder if a vacation break to Tijuana had been such a good idea after all. The sun appeared to have had a somewhat disturbing effect on her lover.

"Sara, are you feeling ok? Is it the heat? Or are you channelling Greg? Teenage Greg at that."

"No." Sara sounded slightly exasperated now. "Look. Out there. Boobies."

"Yes, sweetheart, so you said." Catherine's tone was soothing and low; reminiscent of the voice she used when Lindsey was ill and in need of tlc. "Perhaps we should rent a beach umbrella. Get you some shade. Would you like a cold drink?"

"Catherine! I am not five. I do not have a fever. Will you just look!" Sara held out the high-magnification binoculars she'd been holding clamped to her face.

"Sara, I don't really think you should be staring at women through binoculars. Especially when you are supposed to be lying on a beach relaxing with the woman you profess to love more than life."

"What? Staring at women? What are you talking about? Is that water or tequila in that bottle? Oh no! You ate the worm didn't you? I told you not to do that."

Catherine wondered if she was actually asleep and dreaming. The conversation was becoming more surreal with every passing moment.

"No I did not eat the worm. No it is not tequila. Sara what on earth are you on about."

Sara sighed. Loudly and pointedly. "I'm not the one not making sense here. I'm making a perfectly reasonable remark. All you need to do is take these..." She waved the binoculars. "Look there..." She pointed seaward. "And see! Boobies."

"I'm caught in a French farce." Muttered Catherine. "Or a taping of 'Candid Camera'. God do they even show 'Candid Camera' any more. I'm showing my age aren't I?" This last was direct to Sara.

"Huh?" It wasn't the most intelligent thing Sara could ever recall saying but it did admirably sum up her confusion. "Ok. Time out. What the hell do you think I'm talking about, Cath?"

"Well, this.." She waved a hand around. "The topless beach."

Sara blushed crimson. "Catherine." It was long-drawn out. "You have a one-track mind. I'm talking about the boobies out there. I wanted you to see them before they fly away."

"Wha'?" Now it was Catherine's turn to be inarticulate. "Fly?"

"Out there. On the ocean. Three of them, Nazca Boobies. The Booby is coastal; they never come inland. You won't see one in Vegas, ever. The Nazca Booby is tropical. I've never seen one before."

She passed the binoculars to Catherine, who obediently raised them to her eyes. Out on the ocean bobbed three large birds.

"See. They're from the gannet family." Sara bubbled with enthusiasm.

Catherine lowered the glasses and turned her head to look at the book Sara was now thrusting towards her. She could just make out the title. 'Sea Birds of Central America.'

Catherine smiled and reached for her partner. "Sara Sidle you are the most adorable geek I have ever met." Before Sara could reply Catherine pulled her in and kissed her, gently but very, very thoroughly. As she did so she sank backwards to lie on the towel once more, this time with Sara sprawled on top of her.

The three boobies splashed across the waves and took wing heading deeper into the sparkling Pacific without an audience.

Sara had lost all interest in ornithology.

The End

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