Passion & Perfection

Holby City


From the Eurostar to back in England New PG Bernie/Serena When Bernie left the defunct Trauma Unit , she went to see Serena in the South of France ...What happened ...and afterwards - will they go back to Holby ? Will they separate again? Make a life together? Complete

A Berena Christmas Carol New PG Bernie/Serena Christmas Night for Serena and Bernie ...with help from the great Charles Dickens. Complete

Epiphany New PG Bernie/Serena Several years after Jason's wedding and Bernie's departure ...what happened to Bernie and Serena. Complete

Love in the time of Corona New PG Bernie/Serena Slight time discrepancy - Bernie is back from Ukraine, Serena is back at Holby after Elinor's death ... And Covid-19 is in the UK. Complete


That Girl, The One I Let Get Away New PG-13 Bernie/Serena After the wedding party at Albie's, Bernie leaves, the relationship with Serena apparently ended. Yet, aware that something is wrong, she sticks around to see if she can help fix it. The title is from the song of the same name by Olly Murs. Complete