DISCLAIMER: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and all characters are property of NBC and Dick Wolf.
SERIES: This story is the second in the 'Secrets and Lies' series following Bell's Dilemma.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.

The Thing You Most Desire
By Ruby

Part Two


"Where's Olivia?" Cragen asked when Elliot got back.

"She's taken Joey to the hospital" he replied. "Turns out, she found Laura because she came to next to her, she'd been raped too. There was a photo on the body of the two of them kissing, I've taken it to forensics, see if they can lift any prints." He consulted Olivia's notebook, "Camera owner could be a guy called Luke Walker and apparently his buddy Matt Harmon, kept bugging Joey to go out with him."

Cragen nodded, "Call Munch, they're back to interviewing the people on that list, find out if they've spoken to them yet, and see what they can dig up, but I don't want them tipped off. If it was them and we can get their DNA, they'll claim the sex was consensual so if we can't get anything out of tox we need evidence on the murder."

Having waited with Joey at the hospital then taken her back to school Olivia walked into the squad room and headed straight for Cragen's office "Got a minute?" she said tapping on the open doorframe.

Cragen sat back, "What's the problem?"

"I need to trace Joey's mother, but she was disallowed any contact by the family court and Joey's not 18 for another 2 months."

The Captain frowned, "Why do you need to trace her?"

Olivia rubbed her neck, "Her father kicked her mother out when he found out she was having an affair with another woman, Joey's afraid if he find's out about her and Laura, he'll do the same thing."

"Is that why he got custody?" Olivia nodded, "See if you can find her, and ask Alex if she thinks she can get the ruling overturned."

Detectives Munch and Tutuola were having a particularly trying day and were getting nowhere fast, so Elliot's call brightened their afternoon. Quickly putting together some DMV shots of young men, they headed over to the address they had been given for Luke Walker.

"You want to tell us where you were saturday night?" Munch asked the dark haired boy currently sitting in front of them looking smug.

"I was at the rave, which you know or you wouldn't be here," he replied.

"Smart boy" Munch replied sarcastically, "do you know Laura del Vecchio?"

"I knew of her, we didn't have the same classes."

"You see her at the rave?" Fin interrupted.

"She was around."

"See anyone paying her attention?"

"Only her girlfriend," he smirked.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Around midnight I guess, I don't know."

"You see any of these guys before?" Fin asked handing him some photos."

"No" Luke replied flipping through them.

Leaving the house Fin carefully sealed the photos into an evidence bag before the detectives headed off to see Matt Harmon.

"Did you know Laura del Vecchio? Matt" Munch asked conversationally.

"A bit, we had a couple of classes together."

"What was she like?"

Matt shrugged, "Ok I guess."

"What about Joey Chappell?"

Matt became more animated, "She was great, you could have a laugh with her… at least when Laura wasn't around."

"What happened when Laura was around?"

"She got all serious, distant."

"Did you see Laura Saturday night?"

"Yeah, she was dancing a lot."

"Did you see anyone approaching her or paying her lots of attention?"

"No one different to normal, and Joey was with her every time I saw her."

"Can you think of any reason for anyone to harm her?"


Handing him some photo's Munch asked, "can you have a look at these, see if you recognise anyone?"

"No I don't" Matt replied, handing back the photos, "do you think it was one of them?"

"At the minute, we're not ruling out anyone," Munch replied.

Arriving at Alex's, Olivia pressed the buzzer, "It's me" she said when it was answered.

"I'm just running a bath… have you looked in your coat pockets since this morning?" came the reply. Frowning she patted her jacket pockets, discovering something that hadn't been there the last time she had looked. Pulling it out she saw 2 keys on a ring designed to look like a Claddagh, a hinge half way round the circle and a clasp between one of the hands and the heart.

Her frown melted into a smile, Alex could be heart achingly adorable at times. Using her new keys to let herself in she walked up to the apartment, savoring the moment. Hanging up her jacket and looking around she remembered the first half of the blond's reply and grinned. She moved down the hallway, shedding her clothes as she went, pausing to take a steadying breath before opening the door.

Olivia had liked this bathroom from the first time she had seen it, exquisitely tiled in white and gold, it had plenty of room for all the plants Alex kept in it, tumbling from the walls and overhanging the shelves of bath salts and exotically colored glass bottles and jars. The feature however, was definitely the tub. Olivia had always been a shower person, not seeing the point in sitting in a lot of water with her skin getting wrinkled. It was an opinion she was fast revising since spending time with Alex. The blond had ripped out the bathroom completely when she moved in and had it put back to her exact specification. The bath was now inset into an area of raised floor with 3 steps leading up, it was the same shape but longer, wider and slightly deeper than a normal bath and had Jacuzzi jets in the sides.

All this Olivia knew, but the room she saw before her now, seemed like a cavern full of flickering lights and the soft sound of water moving. Her eyes getting used to the light caught a lust-filled gaze and felt her body temperature rise and her skin flush.

Alex sat watching her, thinking not for the first time, that there weren't words to describe how she felt about this woman. Moving her eyes greedily down her lover's body her mouth went dry and she slowly brought her glass to her lips to wet them before saying, "Come here."

Olivia did as she was asked and was soon sitting in the tub leaning back against Alex's chest, kissing the ADA over her shoulder.

"Hard day?" Alex said handing her a glass of wine.

"Mmm, better now" Olivia replied, leaning her head on Alex's shoulder and sipping the wine. She let the sensations wash over her, the water was hot and it soothed her, the stresses of the day slowly ebbing away, the jets were on their lowest setting and were pulsing the water in a steady rhythm. The wine tasted smooth and mellow and the combination of heat, alcohol and the motion of Alex's hands was relaxing her and lulling her to…, she groaned as Alex started to nibble the side of her neck, turning her head, wanting to feel the heat in her mouth, her tongue darting out then retreating, inviting her lover's to follow. The movement on her body became stronger, more focused, as Alex teased first one breast then the other before one hand moved down to her abdomen and beyond.

Olivia had lost all power of thought, the hands on her never quite reaching the throbbing, easing the ache. She started to bring her own hands down when they were stopped. "Please … oh … Ple"

"Shh" a voice whispered in her ear, calming her, "let me"; Olivia moved her hands and Alex finished her journey, using one hand to enter her while the other stroked her, tenderly at first and then with increasing pressure. She felt the body quivering in her hands, and thrust into her as deeply as she could, stroking her hard and biting down on the pulse point jumping so invitingly in her neck.

Olivia cried out before being reduced to a babbling bundle of nerve endings. Opening her eyes again as her breathing returned to normal she looked over her shoulder to see the counselor drinking her wine with a smug expression on her face. "Pleased with yourself?" Olivia inquired.

Alex nodded grinning, "Liz congratulated us on the Foster case, said she'd never yet seen you at a loss for words, of course she's only seen you in a courtroom."

Olivia smiled and kissed her, "Incoherent is all I'll admit to!"

"Really detective, want more proof, well we'll have to see what we can do about that won't we."

"Think your up to it counselor?"

Looking at Olivia with an expression that sent shivers through the dark haired woman despite the heat in the room, her voice was husky as she said, "To coin a phrase, you ain't seen nothing yet."

Sitting at her desk the following morning, her shirt covering the mark on her neck, Olivia admitted that Alex was right, she had rendered her speechless on more than one occasion the previous night.

"Judging by the expression I'd say someone had a good evening" Elliot said, bringing her back to the present. "They finally got the tox results back. Laura had Rohypnol in her system, they probably gave Joey the same thing which is why she can't remember anything."

"It causes amnesia," Olivia stated.

Elliot nodded, "Ain't called the Forget-Me Pill for nothing."

"Well I've found Joey's mother, she'll be here first thing in the morning. Alex is going to the family court with her".

"Excuse me, I'm looking for detective Benson," the woman asked Fin as he left the office.

Hearing her name, Olivia rose, "Ms. Bower? thank you for coming."

Jacqueline Bower walked towards her, "Detective, how's my daughter?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine now. This is Assistant District Attorney Cabot, she'll be going with you to family court this afternoon."

Alex smiled, "Ms. Bower, did you bring those papers we asked for?"

"Yes, they're in my bag. I …"

"Mom?" a voice sounded from across the room.

"Oh baby," Jackie said, opening her arms as her daughter reached her.

"What are you doing here? You're breaking the court order" Ian Chappell said angrily.

Alex decided it was time to step in, "Actually, Ms. Bower is here at our request Mr. Chappell, and as this is a public building and we've not asked you to come in, it's an unfortunate coincidence, that's all."

"Daddy, I want her here."

"This woman is not a good influence for a young girl to be around Joanna."

"Ian, Joey asked the detectives to find me, hate me all you want, but she needs me."

"You don't have any say in this, don't you think you've done enough?"

"Mr Chappell, Joey is perfectly capable of making her own decisions" Alex butted in.

He turned on her, "Who are you?"

"I'm an Assistant District Attorney, I'm working on your daughter's case."

"And you really think this is helping?"

"Daddy, you know I love you, but I want her here, please don't fight this."

His shoulders slumped, "I only want what's best for you Joanna."

"I know you do," the girl replied, torn.

Ian Chappell sighed, "We came in because Joey told me she was assaulted, she wants to make a statement."

Watching Olivia take Joey's statement from the observation room, Alex was struck once again by how empathic her lover was with the people she dealt with in her professional life. While the ADA had sympathy with the victims she did not connect to them the way the detective did and she wondered, not for the first time, about the price Olivia paid for getting so close. She had held her through the nightmares and seen the haunted look in her eyes when she thought Alex wasn't watching. Had she believed in reincarnation Alex would have said the detective thought she was doing penance for a former life, as it was she just hoped Liv finally believed that she deserved to be happy.

She started as her cell brought her back to reality, "Cabot."

"Alex, it's Josh."

The ADA once again cursed her mother for giving him her number, "I'm rather busy at the moment."

"This won't take long, I just wanted to invite you to dinner tonight."

"I'm sorry, that won't be possible, I'm afraid I'm busy" Alex replied, trying to be polite.

"I see, lunch tomorrow then?"

Alex closed her eyes, this had gone far enough, "Yes fine, where?" she listened to him as he told her the arrangements, wondering how impolite she was going to have to be, "I'll see you tomorrow then," she said when he finally finished. Not waiting to hear anything else she disconnected the call.

"Counselor, how are you today" detective Munch inquired pushing open the door.

"Wishing I was on a beach in Bahama's!" Alex smiled, "You?"

Munch smiled, "Well this might brighten your day, Luke Walker's prints were on the photo and both his and Matt Harmon's prints were found on the bathroom floor," he informed her as the ADA waited for Olivia to finish interviewing Joey.

Alex smiled, "That will get you those warrants, make sure you actually have them in your hand before you go in this time!"

"Mrs. Harmon?" Elliot queried as a woman answered the door.


"I'm detective Stabler, this is detective Benson, we have a warrant to search these premises."

"I don't understand…."

It's all in the warrant Mrs. Harmon, can you tell us where Matthew's bedroom is please?"

Nearby Munch and Fin were searching Luke Walkers bedroom…

"Looks like he was snap happy" Munch said, talking in the sight.

"And stupid" Fin replied pointing to a picture on a pinboard.

"How well did you know Laura Del Vecchio?" Elliot said conversationally to the boy sitting in front of him, Olivia being barred from the room.

"Like I said, we had a couple of classes together."

"And Joey Chappell?"

"Her too."

"But several people have told us you asked Joey out?… what's the matter, she turn you down?"

"It's cool, but she needs to straighten herself out."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well you know, her and Laura, it's not natural."

"What do you mean, her and Laura, Matt?"

"They're dykes."

"I see... did you go to any floor in that building other than the one where the rave was being held?"


"So how did your prints come to be in a bathroom upstairs?"

"I was drunk, maybe I got it wrong."

"Have you ever had sex with Joey?"


"What about Laura?"


"Then how do you explain these" Elliot asked showing him the photo's Munch had found at Luke's.

"Ok, so I did, but they were up for it."

"I thought you said they were dykes?"

"I told them I could straighten them out."

"What, all they needed was a real man?" Matt looked at the table, "Who took the pictures?"


"Did he try straightening them out too?"


" Where were they when you left?"

"There, said they wanted to sleep so we left them."

"And Laura was still alive?"


" I don't think she was Matt, I think you strangled her."

" She was alive."

"Then explain this. In this photo Laura's wearing a scarf," Elliot handed him the photo that had been placed on the body, "but in this photo, her scarf's missing and see her neck, all red." Elliot handed him another photo of Laura on the bathroom floor. "Now we found that scarf in your room, so how did it get there?" The detective stood and leaned across the table, getting right up into the boy's face, "You couldn't bear the thought that Joey preferred her to you could you? So you raped her girlfriend and then you strangled her, with her gone Joey would come round, Joey would…"

Matt broke down, "She kept calling out the bitch's name, I loved her and all she could shout was Laura, Laura…"

Olivia finally got off the phone and went to join Cragen to see how Alex was doing, she could tell by the look on her face that she was about to lose her temper. "Come on, her death while unfortunate was not premeditated, man 2, 10 to 20" Matt Harmon's lawyer was saying.

Alex stood up before saying with precision, "Your client drugged and raped two girls. He then took hold of the scarf around the victim's neck and strangled her with it, put the scarf in his pocket, before walking back to a party. It was a premeditated hate crime that ended in the death of an 18 year old girl. You take Murder 2, 25 to life counselor or I'll make sure you're front row at his execution." Alex stood up straight, looking at them for about ten seconds before turning to go.

Olivia could see Matt was looking alarmed, "Wait" he said. Alex turned back and watched them confer, the lawyer sighed and then nodded. "We'll take it" he said.

Alex walked out of the room and went straight into the other interview room where Luke Walker was waiting, she was on a roll and didn't want to lose the mood she was in.

"What are you offering?" his lawyer said as she walked in.

"Murder 2, 25 to life."

"My client didn't murder anyone" the lawyer pointed out.

"No he just raped the victim and her girlfriend, then stood and watched his buddy murder her, did I mention he was taking pictures? We have a good one of the corpse. That sounds like depraved indifference to me which is murder 2 on its own, add the enhanced sentencing for a hate crime and your client could have a very short life and a very well organized death." Alex didn't even bother sitting down, "I'm not going to argue. Take it to court and when I win you'll get the needle, your choice" she shrugged looking at Luke, "but your buddy's already pled out."

"Nice work Alex" Cragen said as she walked out, having got Luke Walker as well.

The counselor did not look happy, "I don't know, I almost wish they hadn't taken it."

"If they hadn't Joey would have had to testify" her lover pointed out.

"I know, it was the only reason I made them an offer."

Walking back across the room, Olivia said, "you want to go for lunch?" under her breath.

"I'd love to" Alex replied, "but unfortunately, I can't. Raincheck?"


Part 3

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