DISCLAIMER: All main, recognized characters belong to William Broyles, Jr., John Sacret Young. and Warner Bros.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.
SEQUEL/SERIES: To Debt and Dodging A Bullet.

Harmonic Divergence
By Cheyne


Now what? What happens now? She thought as she recounted the events of the night before. I finally got her. Finally! And, damn, it was worth the wait, worth the torture of watching her painstakingly suffer through those dead end, hit and run quasi-relationships she ends up in. Then I have to watch her at the bar, drown her drunken sorrows alone...or with men who really don't care because their souls are just as broken as hers. They're all lost, need to connect, want to bond in any way possible. Most of them are young men who, once they get to this rat hole, become little boys who dream the umbilical cord was never severed. They're scared, they're angry, they've forfeited their innocence for instant, imposed guilt because of the shockingly violent and hopeless world of war they've been sucked into. Then they come here, either for R & R or for medical recuperation and they find her. And she's kind and nurturing, like their mothers, smart and strong, like their best foxhole buddy, vivacious and lovable, like their favorite girl next door and capricious and beautiful, like their girlfriends, wives or lovers. Some of them are really good kids, terrified and reaching out for the proverbial mother's bosom for security and they find that realm of safety in someone like her. Others are just bottom feeders who lost respect for anything and everything living a long time ago and they see her as possible redemption and when they realize she is just as human and flawed as they are, they see nothing wrong with using her and throwing her away, like a piece of trash. But she's wising up, starting to set up better barriers, starting to don emotional armor that's protecting her better, giving her the opportunity to step back before an attack and assess the situation. Kind of like she did with me.

I still don't know how the hell I pulled that off. I never thought she would ever agree to something like this. She's too puritanical, too meritorious, too...snobbishly traditional. Something possessed her to comply and I know it just wasn't honor that prompted her to yield. Curiosity? She could have left after I got her off the first time but she stayed, almost eagerly awaiting more. And, she could have left before she fell asleep in my arms but she didn't. And she didn't have to do what she did this morning. I'm glad she did but that was on her terms, not mine. And she wants to come back tonight and do it again. Is this a case of 'be careful what you wish for?'

It's not like she can become my girlfriend, for Christ's sake. How fucking high school is that? But even if it wasn't beyond my scope of possibilities - the last thing I need here is any personal attachments like that...very bad for business but not too good for her, either. The Army wouldn't tolerate it and I wouldn't be able to save her career regardless of how many influential ties I have or how many people owe me a favor. There's no way I would want to be responsible for that, either directly or indirectly. I love her way too much for that. Wait. What? Did I just say I love her? Please. Well...I have had a 'thing' for her for quite a while...I hardly think that qualifies as love. Hell, I don't even know what love is. I think I could have known and appreciated it at one time...but I'm way too jaded now. I remember what I used to think love was - when I was young, foolish and naive. When I actually believed it existed. No, she's a good person but I don't love her. I'd be an idiot to say I wouldn't want to fuck her again but love? A relationship? Not only no but hell, no! She'd drive me nuts.

Two hours later and she still wasn't out of bed yet. She yawned and stretched and rolled over on her side. I need to get my fucking lazy ass out of bed. I have things to do. I desperately need a shower. I have to be at that horrible excuse for a range this afternoon and test those Rugers for General Felson. I'm sure the shipment is good but it can't hurt to test a few. Christ, my calves are killing me. Damn, McMurphy, I can't remember the last time I was this sore from sex. Oh, yeah, what a nice surprise you were in the sack.

Now, let's see...the paperwork. Ah! There it is. She lifted a manila envelope out of the crate and removed documents from inside. She thumbed through a handful of forged and falsified AE Form 2496's, a military authorization form legally permitting imported weapons from the United States into the hands of the owner. Okay, these all look in order. She picked up another envelope, extracting the contents for inspection. Typed statements of ownership identifying all the firearms, indicating how each arrived in the country...these look good, too. If they're detected as counterfeit, it will be by eyes better than mine.

Putting the paperwork aside, she picked up one of the 38. Ruger, all steel, six round, double action revolvers. Pachmayr grips. Bitchen. Four-inch barrel. Hmmm. Don't like the way the swing-out cylinder sticks, though, but a little LSA should take care of that. Short underbarrel lug around extractor rod...nice. She studied the weapon more in-depth. Blued steel, adjustable rear sight, trigger mechanism mounted into a single unit complete with triggerguard...he should be able to remove that easily enough for maintenance. The main spring is coiled, the firing pin is mounted into the frame, with transfer bar safety...damn, this is a nice fucking firearm. Felson's getting a deal, the ungrateful son-of-a-bitch. He'll want all this and a slip between the sheets to seal the deal. I shouldn't complain, it's easy cash for me. Well, let me fire one or two up, make sure the quality is the same as the last shipment.

Making her way to the beach, to the deserted area that doubled as a dilapidated shooting range, she approached the targets that were set up, affixed to damaged buoys, in front of the water so that all of the spent shells would go out to sea. She loaded six rounds into the cylinder and assumed a very steady stance. Okay, baby, show me your stuff. Six bullets effortlessly rimmed the bullseye.

"Nice grouping," came an admiring utterance behind her. She didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She recognized the inflection immediately.

I shouldn't be this excited to hear her voice, to know she's here. "Well, good afternoon, Lt. McMurphy." Is the smile in my response as undisguised as hers? She spun slowly to look at the brunette. Damn. Was she always this attractive or did she become more so because of this morning? "What brings you down here?"

"I'm on a lunch break. I take a lot of breaks here. It's quiet. Peaceful. Private. People rarely use this area." The nurse approached her. "I'd ask you what brings you down here but -" she gestured to the Ruger, " -that's rather obvious. Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

This is good. She doesn't act embarrassed or regretful. She's actually behaving as though we're good friends...like we've always been good friends. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about any of this anymore. "It's a very long and boring story."

"Funny...somehow I don't think anything about you can ever be classified as boring." They exchanged a heated glance and McMurphy looked away, at the sand.

Aha...now she's acting like I expected her to. Don't let the silence go on too long or she might leave and - I really don't want that. "Want to try it?" Wow, that was a look. I'd better clarify. "The gun, Colleen."

"I'm not great with those."

"In case you haven't noticed, you are in the Army. Don't you think you should be?" She's shrugging, like she's shy. How cute. She sure as hell wasn't shy this morning. Don't go there, KC, you'll get yourself all hot and bothered again. "Here."

McMurphy accepted the weapon from her. "It's not that I haven't ever fired one, I mean we had to familiarize in OCS. It's just that I 'm not a good shot. Nothing like you. And, I'll be honest. They intimidate me. I'm always afraid they'll go off unexpectedly. And someone will get hurt who's not supposed to. Someone like me," she smiled, sheepishly.

Oh, I can teach her so much. "No, it's guarded, which means the hammer should strike the firing pin only when the trigger is completely pressed. See this? It's a dual cylinder crane lock, you operate it by this pushbutton on the left recoil plate -"

"KC…you're speaking Greek, okay? I'd just like to shoot it, not know its mother's maiden name," McMurphy grinned.

"Okay. Hold it like this." Another excuse to put my arms around her. Poor me. Standing beside the nurse, she demonstrated how to comfortably balance her weight. "When you're not firing, always make sure the gun is pointed either downrange or at the ground. You don't want to point it up, just in case it does accidentally discharge - which it shouldn't, but if it does - always remember what goes up must come down." She's hanging on to every word I'm saying. Nice to know she takes me seriously in something other than sex. She showed McMurphy how to hold the weapon, to support her shooting hand at the wrist with her other hand. Then she stood behind her, put her arms around the brunette and held McMurphy's shoulders to steady her. "Now before you fire you need to line up your sights like they taught you in training, breathe and you need to relax..." God, this feels good.

"How am I supposed to relax with you where you are?" McMurphy asked, almost coyly.

Damn good point. "Concentrate. Your other lessons will be later..." Oh, good one, Koloski, now she'll really relax.

Laughing, McMurphy lowered her arms and said, "Yeah, that worked."

Repositioning the brunette, she continued. "Now...aim...and squeeze the trigger...squeeze...squeeze..." The gun expelled a round with little kick and the bullet sailed into the outer circle of the bullseye.

"Oh, God, KC! Look where it went! I've never even hit the target before much less get it that close to the center!"

Look how excited she is. I bet she could kiss me right now. She's leaning back into me, this is heaven. "Want to try again?"

"Yeah," McMurphy was enthusiastic. She started to move away from the nurse when McMurphy stopped her by quickly grasping her arm. "No," she said, gently, "stay."

Mmmm, you bet. As long as you want me here. Oh, Christ, KC, you've been bit.

Let's see...a bottle of bootleg champagne, moonlight and a healthy libido. Yeah, that should do it. Picnic on the beach, my ass. Our days together are numbered. It'd be nice if it could be something more but that's being unrealistic. This place is just too small, too nosy and too destructive and we need to do what we can while we can get away with doing it. Thank God for this old range that nobody uses. Thank God she agreed to meet me here. I don't know what I would have done if she had said, No, KC, we can't continue this. It's wrong, it's against everything I've been brought up to believe in...that whole prim, pontificating, Catholic upbringing crap. Don't get ahead of yourself, KC, she hasn't shown up yet. There's a chance she still might panic and change her mind.

Is it fucking hot tonight or is it me? Could be both. She should be here anytime now. I don't know if I can wait, I need to take a swim now, otherwise God only knows what I'll smell like. Without hesitancy, she stripped off her clothes, left them in a pile and dove into the water. Perfect. This is exactly what I needed - if nothing else, to calm down.

Seeing McMurphy before the brunette spotted her, she relaxed. Why was she doubting herself so? She knew what kind of gravitational pull she could have when she turned on the charm. Was it that she wanted this so much that it made her unsure of herself? Or was it the fragility of the situation that caused the insecurity? She's looking for me. I bet she thinks I stood her up. Let's see what she does. Good, she spotted the champagne, she'll know I'm here somewhere.

McMurphy approached the makeshift champagne bucket, full of melting ice and a bottle and a pile of clothes next to it. The nurse looked around and saw no one in the immediate area. She knelt down, dropped the folded up blanket she had brought with her and picked up the bottle of champagne.

I should let her know I'm right here before she decides to bolt. "It's Dom. With the label off. Can't be too careful." She looks very enticing by moonlight...now if I can just get her to take her clothes off.

McMurphy looked out over the water. "KC? What are you doing in there?"

"Cooling off. Care to join me?"

"I didn't bring anything to..."

Please tell me she's not going to finish that statement.

"Um...okay, sure."

She is just too fucking cute. She watched the nurse slowly unbutton her blouse. Jesus, McMurphy, you weren't this slow last night. You'd try the patience of a saint...not that I'd understand what kind of patience a saint has.

"Are you watching me?" McMurphy asked, sounding modest.

She's kidding, right? Of course I'm watching her. KC laughed. "Would it get you in here any faster if I turned around?" Intrigued, she watched the brunette peel off the rest of her clothes and scurry into the water, wading quickly toward her. Oh, yeah, come to Mama...

They had circled around each other a few times but McMurphy hadn't come any closer than, maybe, four feet. She's too close to suddenly play hard to get. Shaking her head, she disappeared under the water. You need to learn not to play games with me, McMurphy. There you are. She grabbed the brunette's hips, burrowing her face right into the V of the nurse's thighs. That's more like it.

Squealing with delighted surprise, McMurphy lost her balance and splashed under. Beautiful AND graceful. I want her. Bad. Guess I should save her life first. She simply stood up and pulled the nurse to the surface, sputtering and flailing. "Can't you swim?"

Coughing out the little bit of water that had gone up her nose, McMurphy wiped the water away from her eyes. "That was just a little unexpected, that's all. I can swim fine. In fact, I love the water."

Great...then I have another surprise for you. Pulling the brunette into her embrace, she licked the water off McMurphy's neck up to her earlobe and then retraced her action with soft kisses. I cannot believe how bad I want you, Colleen. "I cannot believe how bad I want you, Colleen." I'm so glad I said that out loud.

That was the last spoken sentence between them before they made love in the water. It was very intense but very quiet, as loud orgasmic responses might draw unneeded attention or unwanted company. Yet, somehow, having to restrain and hush the impulse to cry out in pleasure and ecstasy, made it much more impassioned and thrilling. The concentration to try and climax simultaneously ceased any other normal thought process until the ultimate goal was achieved. Frenzied hand and finger movement underwater, deeply exploratory kisses above the surface, she could have eaten the brunette up. She was grateful, at that moment, for her vast sexual experience because she knew how to inhibit herself to hold back until just the right moment. Like...right...now... Barely able to breathe herself, she sensed that McMurphy might not be able to suppress her reaction to the sensation ripping through her body in waves, so she covered the nurse's mouth with her own, holding her tightly to her own body until they both started showing signs of normal respirations.

Oh, Christ...that was incredible. She buried her face in McMurphy's neck. "Jesus, Colleen," she gasped.

"Can we get back on solid ground?" McMurphy breathed, caressing the back of her head. "I'm not too steady on my feet right now."

I love that I can do that to you. Actually, I love that you can do that to me, too. "Sure. How about we crack that bottle of champagne?" And then I can fuck your brains out again.

"Yeah...that sounds good."

She had talked McMurphy into moving their rendezvous to an even more secluded area, only a few yards from where they had originally started out. This was just a precaution, in case the beach area became otherwise occupied. She had used this particular expanse before for a tryst or two and so far she had never come close to getting caught there. It was a small grotto and someone pretty much had to know it was there in order to find it. She was still way too worked up and the last thing she wanted was any interruptions. Suddenly she just couldn't get enough of Colleen McMurphy.

McMurphy barely got the blanket spread out when she tackled the naked nurse, planting kisses on her breasts, sealing her lips around a rock hard nipple. I wouldn't mind getting just a little rougher with her...but...I should be grateful that she's being this accommodating. I don't want to push it.

"Oh, God, KC, don't stop, please don't stop..."

I still cannot believe what being with her does to me. She's so eager to please me and to be pleased. Who would have thought that silly bet would have rewarded me with this?

She devoured the nurse quickly and efficiently, leaving the brunette quite breathless and before the brunette even recovered, she allowed McMurphy to consume her, as well. She is very good at this, for a novice. No hesitation, she just dives right in, not bashful in the least. Had to guide her a little bit along the last but at least she's getting an idea of what I like. Yep. Could definitely get used to this. She held the nurse securely in her arms, kissing the top of her head before reaching for a cigarette. The woman in her arms emitted a troubled sigh.

"What are we going to do, KC? We can't keep this up. First, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to spend the amount of time I suddenly want to spend with you and, second, we're bound to get caught or found out."

Lighting the cigarette, she inhaled the smoke deep into her lungs and expelled it slowly. "I've been thinking the same thing. I'm not big on commitment anyway, Colleen, you know that..."

"And I'm not sure I can handle what you do and then come to me after..."

Damn it, why does this discussion have to come up now? I don't want to deal with this right now. "Look..." she began, gently, "why do we have to call this anything other than what it is? I really like what we do together and I'm glad I've been able to provide you with the opportunity to explore this side of your sexuality. But I think we need to agree that this is nothing more than a mutually inclusive roll in the hay." Even though I really don't believe it and it's going to kill me to never be this intimate with you again.

McMurphy lifted her head up and pushed away from her, glaring. "That's it? That's all I am to you? Basically another customer?"

Oh, Christ, don't look at me like that. I can't bear to see that hurt look in such deeply expressive eyes and know that I'm the cause of it. "No. Of course you're more than that to me. But you just said you can't handle what I do and I'm not about to give it up. So that puts us at an impasse. And even if we were going to take it a step further, look where we are? This has disaster written all over it." She sat up, watching McMurphy relax a bit.

"You're right. I know you're right. Why does something that feels so good have to be so taboo?" The nurse brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them.

I know that's rhetorical and I'm not about to answer it anyway, even if I am an expert on the subject. She reached over and placed her hand on the brunette's wrist. "I'm not trying to sound cold or indifferent. It's just that I gave up in believing in happy endings long ago. I would love nothing more than to carry on an affair with you, I really would. But we'd be setting ourselves up and you know it. It wouldn't matter how quiet we tried to be about it, the minute someone started suspecting it, we'd both get labeled and crucified." Regardless of how much I don't want to give you up.

She sounded sad. "I don't want us to be over." But your tone of voice is resigned to the fact that it can't go on. I so don't want to fucking talk about this right now! "But I know you're right. Besides, I guess we can't be over if we never really began. We did kind of start this somewhere in the middle, didn't we?"

"Well, honestly, you did take me by surprise when you finally agreed to hold up your end of the bet."

"Took me by surprise, too...but I'm glad I did." The nurse's smile was once again warm but demure. Typical McMurphy.

Oh, so am I. "Hey, the night is still young...I think we should make the most of it. Take advantage of the moment, while we have it."

"God, KC," McMurphy laughed, "how many other clichés are you going to come up with? That's so unlike you."

True. And I don't need to convince you because I've had you and I will have you again before we part company tonight. She leaned over and kissed the brunette softly but determined. "Why don't we crack that bottle of champagne before all the ice melts."

McMurphy kissed her back and smiled, reaching for the Dom. The nurse indicated the bedpan, which held the bottle. "You're such a romantic."

"I thought you'd appreciate that. You want me to open it?"

"No, I can do it." The brunette removed the foil around the top and began twisting the wire that held the cork in place. "I've always wanted to try this stuff. Never thought I'd ever be able to afford it or be with anyone who could afford it. I'm not going to ask where or how you acquired this..." McMurphy started working at the cork, which inadvertently shook the bottle.

"Uh...Colleen, be a little careful, it's under a little pres -" POP! Thunk! Shit! Everything whirled once and went black.

"KC? KC...Come on, baby, wake up."

She rose to consciousness hearing this concerned but soothing voice very close to her. Fluttering her eyes open, she immediately recognized that her vision was somewhat blurred in her left eye. And then there was pain. "Ow...what happened?"

Then her memory returned as she was able to focus better on the beautiful and caring face hovering over her. "Damn, woman, you may not be able to shoot a gun but you're lethal with a champagne cork." Please don't tell me I have a black eye...please... But McMurphy, gently pressing something cold against her left eye, took away all hope of having escaped a shiner. Oh, goody...here come the tiny waves of nausea.

"I am so sorry," the nurse wailed, obviously mortified. "Believe it or not, you probably have a slight concussion...so...I'm going to have to spend the night with you to make sure you're okay, okay?"

"You gave me a black eye and a concussion? What a fun date you are." Well there go my plans for the rest of the evening. Oh, my fucking head is throbbing. "How bad is the eye?"

"Right now? Puffy. Nice shade of crimson with a touch of violet starting to come through." McMurphy indicated the drenched piece of clothing in her hand. "This should help reduce the swelling."

"What is that?" It looks like my bra...

"Um...it's your bra."

WHAT??!! A hundred percent Padat Egyptian silk??? Reduced to a cold washcloth??!! Oh, my aching head... "What was wrong with your bra?" She was trying not to react too sharply.

"Yours was the first thing I grabbed. It was expensive, wasn't it?" the nurse asked.

Just a tad... "Don't worry about it" Serves me right for wearing it tonight. I should have known I wouldn't be wearing it that long... "Were you able to save the champagne at least?"

"KC - you're not thinking of still drinking that. Are you?"

That? That?? "That champagne cost about half of what that bra cost. The rest of tonight is not going to be a total loss."

McMurphy pushed some damp hair off her forehead and dipped the now ruined silk bra into the ice water in the bedpan. The brunette, almost lovingly, held it against her bruised eye and cheek. "I was going to get you back to your place and play doctor."

Now that sounds promising. Hopefully I won't throw up on her...or pass out again. Maybe I could entice her to stay here until I feel capable enough to walk out of here. "We can play doctor right here. While we finish the champagne." She ran a hand up McMurphy's inner thigh. She probably thinks I'm a nymphomaniac. Which, by her expression, doesn't seem to be putting her off.

"I'll make a deal with you. We'll work on that bottle and then we'll make our way back to your place, where I'll tuck you in...and tuck myself in with you. Until morning."

"And then what?"

McMurphy leaned down and softly kissed her rapidly blackening eye. "And then give you tender, loving care."

How can she keep awakening new sensations in me? I absolutely cannot get enough of this woman. She slid her free hand into McMurphy's hair and gently brought the brunette's face to her so their lips met in an unhurried, appreciative kiss, which deepened quickly, tongues dancing and swirling inside each other's mouths. This must be one of the many reasons I prefer women to men. Men just cannot kiss like this and men do not appreciate a kiss like this. Ooh...whirlies...not good. Suddenly KC withdrew her talented tongue and broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?"

"Woozy. I'd love to say your kisses caused it but I think you know I'd be lying." She closed her eyes and McMurphy eased her backward, flat onto the blanket.

"It's the concussion. I think we better get you back and then if you feel like drinking the champagne or...doing anything else...we can decide that once you're safely in your bed. I don't think I want to be explaining to Dr. Dick how I possibly could have found you naked and passed out with a black eye in a secret hideaway."

Oh, why not? It would feed his fantasies for years. "With a bottle of Dom in a bedpan. He'd have the MPs out looking for a perpetrator."

McMurphy gathered up their clothing and quickly dressed. "Feel okay enough to put some clothes on?"

"Yeah," She slowly sat up again. "But I could use a little help." Well, this is a switch...I've never had anyone help me dress before...

The brunette smiled and reached for her sleeveless pullover, assisting her in getting to her feet, fully clothed, except for the bra. "You okay? Feeling dizzy?"

Shit. Major head rush. "A little. But I'll be fine, Dead-Eye Dick."

"I'm never going to live this down with you, am I?"

File that under 'never.' "Not any time soon."

With McMurphy's support, they took a step and she stopped and turned to the nurse, looking deeply into her eyes. "What?" the brunette questioned, clueless.

"Just lay one on me before we leave here, in case when we get back to my place, I pass out for the rest of the night."

"I won't let you pass out, KC, that's why I'm going back with you."

Oh, God, don't let that be the only reason. "Is that the only reason?"

Smiling, the brunette took the smaller woman in her arms, held her confidently and securely, and kissed her nearly senseless. "Does that answer your question?"

Nice. Very, very nice. "Oh, yeah," She replied, in a low, throaty tone, her eyes still closed. "I think I could get used to that kind of TLC, Nurse McMurphy."

"Maybe we're being too hasty about going our separate ways. Sexually."

Obviously. "Why don't we discuss it when we get back to my place?"

"Let's see if we can get back to your place first, without further incident, and then we'll take it from there."

"Just know that if I'm conscious when we get there? You're in trouble." And, be prepared, because this concussion, regardless of how slight, just might make me go all out of my head and take you hostage and never let you go. And we'll take that from there.


Now what? What do I do now? She thought as she walked quickly back to her rickety make-shift BOQ, to strip off her fatigues, grab her bath gear and head for the showers. She couldn't stop the anxiety from creeping into her nor could she stop smiling. Wow. That was...I can't...what the hell happened to me last night? Good Catholic girls don't sleep with other women. Especially not prostitutes. They never covered that kind of sin in catechism...damn, they're probably going to have to bury me face down so I can see where I'm going. But...oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, that was worth it. That was the most amazing sex I've ever had. Not to mention the most intimate I've ever been with anyone and...I liked it. I really liked the power I felt with what I did to her to make her respond like that. I've never experienced being in bed with someone who legitimately responded to me like that and actually cared about my satisfaction, my pleasure, where my desires came first. No one has ever sated me and met my needs so completely the way she did.

I liked the way she tasted. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. I can still taste her. The blush crawled up her cheeks. Sheesh, I'm flushed, I'm wet...what the hell did she do to me? Securing herself as much as possible in the open shower stall, she removed her robe, draping it over the wall furthest from the spray, turned on the water and stepped beneath it, letting it wash over her. God, this feels good. Even with this annoyingly tepid temperature. I don't want to wash her off me. I've never felt like that with the men I've been with. The sooner I could scrub away that mess, the better. Wait - what am I saying? I love men, I love sex with men, I shouldn't be discounting them all like that. And, besides, sleeping with one woman does not make me a lesbian. Does it? Does it mean that underlying feeling is there? No. No, that's...that's unacceptable. But the guys I've been with have never been as considerate, as generous as she was. In fact... She stopped all movement, shocked at her next revelation...Good God, I had a vaginal orgasm last night. In fact, I had three. I've never had a vaginal orgasm before last night. And it took another woman to give me one. I've faked enough of them. Okay. Okay, Colleen, don't panic, it doesn't mean anything. She's just good as what she does. She's a professional. She's talented. That's why she has generals and admirals and diplomats seeking out her services. She resumed her shower. Get a grip, Colleen. You have a full day of saving lives ahead of you, you need to put this in perspective and get your head together here. Besides, you're going to see her again tonight. Holy shit! I agreed to do this again tonight! She began shampooing her hair. No, no, I need to stop this before it goes any further, regardless of how much I liked it or how wonderful the sex was. If I get caught with her, it will be a scandal I'll never live down. Kiss the military goodbye, forget about an honorable discharge, plan on resigning my commission and maybe owing Uncle Sam a hefty fine. And then - worst of all - I'd have to go home and deal with my mother. Damn it! Why can't things ever be easy? She rinsed off her hair, shut off the water, grabbed her towel and began drying off as she heard Boonie calling her name in the distance.

"And where were you last night?" Dr. Dick Richard asked her, practically leering at her, as they tended to a private first class who had fragments in his upper left thigh. The doctor had been working most of the previous night on a platoon who walked into an ambush north of Danang.

"What are you talking about?" Oh, no. Here it comes. The unmerciful kidding, the looks, the innuendo...and the funny thing is, he won't even really have a clue to what really did happen last night. Or this morning.

"What am I talking about? I needed you to fill in first thing this morning, Boonie didn't find you all snug as a bug in a rug in your own bed. So, whose bed were you in?" He was removing shrapnel out of the soldier's leg as he talked.

Glancing between Dr. Dick and the more than interested GI on the gurney, McMurphy said, "Even if it was any of your business - which it is not - I hardly think it's a topic of conversation for the here and now." Wipe those salacious smiles off your faces, both of you!

"Methinks the lieutenant doth protest too much," the young patient stated to the doctor.

"Methinks the lieutenant got laid," Dr. Dick announced, as he dropped a sliver of metal into a bowl.

If I ignore them, maybe this conversation will go away. Please, God, make it go away. Make it -

"I'd love to claim responsibility, Sir, but as you can see, I was otherwise engaged last night," the GI indicated his leg injury.

"Honestly, Private, I'd have rather been doing her than tending to your buddy's sucking chest wound but, thems the breaks."

Doing me?! Doing me??!! Oooooh if we weren't in a sterile environment, I'd slap him so hard!

"So, McMurphy, whose bed have your combat boots been under? Anyone I know?" Her silence only prompted him to continue. "How did KC make you pay up, anyway? Something unbearably kinky, I hope? Kissing Lila's wrinkly, pasty-white ass? Are you going to actually be earning the title of 'head' nurse? Do you need some new kneepads?"

"No, I'll just use yours," she smiled. Take that, Dr. DICKhead.

He wasn't even fazed. "I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather relinquish them to."

She sighed. This was going to be a very, long day.

Great, I can finally take a break. Things have finally settled down a bit and I need to get out of here before I get snagged for something else. She removed her surgical gown, gloves and cap and walked down to the beach. She needed to isolate herself, to reflect on the events of the previous twelve hours, so she headed to the deserted area that doubled as a decaying but functional shooting range. She could have some peace and quiet there because it was nearly always abandoned. So no one was more surprised than she when she rounded the boulder that separated the range from the regular populated recreation area, and spotted the back of the sexy redhead, gun in hand, ready to obliterate a target on a poor, unsuspecting buoy. Good Lord, she's something. Why didn't I notice this before? Probably because you never thought about her in this light before. God, I want to kiss her again. Ok, Colleen, knock that off. She probably regrets she ever made that bet. Now that she's had time to think, she'll probably go back to being the same aloof, calculating KC. She jumped, startled, as KC fired off six shots in rapid succession.

"Nice grouping," It came out before she even realized she said it. Shit. I should have kept my mouth shut. But that was awesome. She's not even turning to look at me. Ok, Colleen, you should have been prepared for this, you should have -

"Well, good afternoon, Lt. McMurphy." Is that a smile in her voice? KC spun slowly to look at her, the redhead's expression welcoming, friendly...damn near intimate. Was she always this gorgeous or did she become more so because of last night? "What brings you down here?"

I wish I could say you but I had no idea you were anywhere near here. "I'm on a lunch break. I take a lot of breaks here. It's quiet. Peaceful. Private. People rarely use this area." She approached KC. "I'd ask you what brings you down here but -" she gestured to the Ruger, " -that's rather obvious. Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

She's reacting as though she is very happy to see me. That's encouraging. "It's a very long and boring story."

"Funny...somehow I don't think anything about you can ever be classified as boring." They exchanged a heated glance and she looked away, at the sand. I wish she'd stop looking at me like that. All I can think of is what she did to me last night, how incredible it felt and what I did to her this morning. God damn it, I'm getting wet again. Why are you allowing her to do this to you? Yeah, right, as if you had any control over that.

"Want to try it?"

What? What the hell is she talking about? Is she reading my mind? Well, it's probably written all over my transparent Irish face.

"The gun, Colleen."

Ohh, right. The gun, of course. Interesting. In less than twelve hours I've gone from McMurphy and bitch to Colleen, with affection behind the way she says it. I could get used to the way she says my name. "I'm not great with those."

"In case you haven't noticed, you are in the Army. Don't you think you should be?"

Smart ass. Obviously that hasn't changed.

"Here." KC offered the Ruger to her.

She accepted the weapon from the redhead. "It's not that I haven't ever fired one, I mean we had to familiarize in OCS. It's just that I 'm not a good shot. Nothing like you. And, I'll be honest. They intimidate me. I'm always afraid they'll go off unexpectedly. And someone will get hurt who's not supposed to. Someone like me." Great, Colleen, make yourself sound like an incompetent child. That won't make any points. Points? Why the hell do I care about that? I'm driving myself crazy here, I've got to stop this.

"No, it's guarded, which means the hammer should strike the firing pin only when the trigger is completely pressed. See this? It's a dual cylinder crane lock, you operate it by this pushbutton on the left recoil plate -"

"KC...you're speaking Greek, okay? I'd just like to shoot it, not know its mother's maiden name." She's obviously as passionate about this as she is about...well...other things. And she is passionate. I never would have thought it, I mean she's a prostitute, I would think sex would be mechanical to her by now. Wouldn't sex for pleasure be sort of like being a busman's holiday? I guess not, if last night and this morning are any indication.

"Okay. Hold it like this."

Oh my God, she's going to touch me again. Please don't let her smell or sense my arousal. I hate being out of control like this. Who would have ever thought she would have this kind of effect on me?

Standing beside her, KC demonstrated how to comfortably balance her weight. "When you're not firing, always make sure the gun is pointed either downrange or at the ground. You don't want to point it up, just in case it does accidentally discharge - which it shouldn't, but if it does - always remember what goes up must come down."

She should have been a weapons instructor. She's making it sound much easier than the range commander in OCS did. A lot nicer to look at, too. Wait, what am I saying? I am not a lesbian!

KC showed her how to hold the weapon, to support her shooting hand at the wrist with her other hand. Then KC stood behind her, put her arms around her and held her shoulders to steady her. "Now before you fire you need to line up your sights like they taught you in training, breathe and you need to relax..."

God, this feels good, so natural, like I belong here. Relax? She must be joking..."How am I supposed to relax with you where you are?" I wasn't going to make any reference to last night unless she did but this is too much.

"Concentrate. Your other lessons will be later..."

Laughing, she lowered her arms and said, "Yeah, that worked." Yes! Yessss!!!! We're still going to get together again later. Well, I'm ruined for the rest of the day.

Repositioning her, KC continued. "Now...aim...and squeeze the trigger...squeeze...squeeze..." The gun expelled a round with little kick and the bullet sailed into the outer circle of the bullseye.

"Oh, God, KC! Look where it went! I've never even hit the target before much less get it that close to the center!" Damn, she is good. I've never shot like that. She made it so easy. I could kiss her right now! She relaxed and leaned back into the redhead's arms. This just feels too damned good.

"Want to try again?" KC didn't take her arms away from her shoulders. She could feel the redhead's warm breath on her neck.

"Yeah," she said, enthusiastically.. KC started to move away from her when she stopped the hooker by quickly grasping her arm. "No," she said, gently, "stay." God...I never knew danger could feel this wonderful. Face it, Colleen, you've got it bad.

I need to really think about what I'm doing. I am intentionally going to meet a woman, knowing that before the evening is over, sex will be involved. Think, think! I need to stop this before it goes any further. I've had the entire afternoon to rehash this whole situation, I know what I could be getting myself into. She finished dressing and checked herself in her smoky, heat-damaged mirror. Oh, good. You look like you're in a fun house. She tucked in her blouse, ran her hand through her shoulder-length brown locks, picked up a folded wool US Army blanket and reached for the door handle. Do I really want to go through with this? I could just not show up and not be tempted. I'm sure KC would understand. She drew a deep breath. KC might but I wouldn't.

All the way to the designated meeting place, she argued with herself about whether or not she should continue to walk forward or turn around and go back to the bar and drink herself into oblivion. Before she knew it, she was there. She looked around. Oh, no...maybe she stood me up...maybe she changed her mind about me, about this... She was about to panic when something out of the corner of her eye pulled her focus. She approached it to discover it was a metal bedpan, full of melting ice and a bottle of champagne and a pile of clothes next to it. Did she disappear into the sand? She looked around and saw no one in the immediate area. She knelt down on the folded blanket she had dropped and picked up the bottle of champagne.

"It's Dom. With the label off. Can't be too careful." A voice came echoing from her left.

She looked out over the water. Where the hell was she? Oh, I see her. "KC? What are you doing in there?"

"Cooling off. Care to join me?"

"I didn't bring anything to..." Jesus, Colleen! How stupid can you get? You aren't supposed to have anything to swim in. That's the idea. "Um...okay, sure." She unbuttoned her blouse slowly, almost self-consciously, removing it and adding it to KC's pile. "Are you watching me?" she asked, modestly. Do you think she's actually going to turn around and give you your privacy? She's already seen everything close up, why would she look away?

KC laughed. "Would it get you in here any faster if I turned around?"

No, but you're being eager to have me in there with you gives me incentive. She peeled off the rest of her clothes and scurried into the water, wading quickly toward KC.

They had circled around each other a few times but she stopped about four feet away from KC, not really knowing why. The hooker shook her head and abruptly disappeared under the water. Hey, where did she go? Oh, shit! She was grabbed at the hips and suddenly there was a face in her crotch, the force of which knocked her off balance and below the surface, which caused her to take in a little unanticipated water. She felt a hand grab her and pull her up.

"Can't you swim?"

Not when I'm so distracted and ambushed by you! Coughing out the little bit of water that had gone up her nose, she wiped the water away from her eyes. "That was just a little unexpected, that's all. I can swim fine. In fact, I love the water."

She felt herself pulled into the redhead's embrace and closed her eyes as KC licked the water off her neck up to her earlobe and then retraced that action with soft kisses. Oh, God, KC, please take me now before I explode. "I cannot believe how bad I want you, Colleen." Oh, yes, yes, yes!!

Their lovemaking began intensely quiet, as they both knew silence was essential to their safety and privacy. It was almost more of a turn on to have to remain as inaudible as possible. The feeling of an impending orgasm was building quickly. Frenzied hand and finger movement underwater, deeply exploratory kisses above the surface, at that moment, she wanted KC to have this effect on her forever. Oh, God, oh...wait...no...not yet...I want to come when she does...I want... Suddenly there was a hungry mouth covering her own, a hot tongue fencing with hers in the same rhythm as the fingers down below. She wanted to scream out, enraptured, out of control, as the swelling of sexual satisfaction billowed and then rippled throughout her body, exiting through each and every nerve ending.

I can't breath, I can't think, I can't...oh, Jesus, oh God...KC released her lips and buried her face in her neck. "Jesus, Colleen," the redhead gasped.

"Can we get back on solid ground?" She exhaled, caressing the back of KC's head. "I'm not too steady on my feet right now."

"Sure. How about we crack that bottle of champagne?"

And we can lay out that blanket and make love all over again. "Yeah...that sounds good."

KC had talked her into moving to an even more secluded area, only a few yards from where they had originally started out. It was a small grotto and it looked to her as though someone pretty much had to know it was there in order to find it. Fine by her. And, anyway, KC was obviously still very aroused and the last thing she wanted was for anyone to accidentally or even intentionally discover them. Two weeks ago, KC was barely speaking to her. Now the redhead couldn't keep her hands off her. Not that she was complaining.

She had just gotten the blanket spread out when she was tackled by the naked hooker, who lavished kisses on her breasts, impatiently seizing, then concentrating rather roughly on one of her impossibly erect nipples. Hmmm, this is a little more aggressive than she's been previously but that's okay by me. In fact, I kind of like it. I like it very much. "Oh, God, KC, don't stop, please don't stop..." How the hell can this feel so wonderful? Because she knows what she's doing, that's how.

That seemed to be all the encouragement KC needed, proceeding to more than satisfy her, leaving her gasping once again. She hadn't even really caught her breath when she playfully wrestled with the redhead, pinning KC beneath her. Devoid of all cognizant thought, she let her intuition take over, impulses leading her to all the sensitive places on the redhead's body. KC directed her a little more to the right, to the left, higher, lower, lighter, harder...which made the hooker's climax all the more intense. Her reaction to KC's passionate orgasm nearly sent her over the edge again, too. When KC settled down, she crawled back into the redhead's arms, feeling the touch of KC's lips to top of her head before KC reached for a cigarette. She emitted a troubled sigh.

"What are we going to do, KC? We can't keep this up. First, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to spend the amount of time I suddenly want to spend with you and, second, we're bound to get caught or found out."

Lighting the cigarette, KC inhaled the smoke deep into her lungs and expelled it slowly. "I've been thinking the same thing. I'm not big on commitment anyway, Colleen, you know that..."

"And I'm not sure I can handle what you do and then come to me after..." Damn it, Colleen, why must you always have to get all moral, all sermony...does it always have to be all or nothing? Why can't you just once -

"Look..." KC began, gently, "why do we have to call this anything other than what it is? I really like what we do together and I'm glad I've been able to provide you with the opportunity to explore this side of your sexuality. But I think we need to agree that this is nothing more than a mutually inclusive roll in the hay."

What??!! She lifted her head up and pushed away from KC, glaring. "That's it? That's all I am to you? Basically another customer?" Wow, I can't believe how much that really hurt. I don't want to be her girlfriend but, Good Lord, I do want to be more than just a casual lay.

"No. Of course you're more than that to me. But you just said you can't handle what I do and I'm not about to give it up. So that puts us at an impasse. And even if we were going to take it a step further, look where we are? This has disaster written all over it." KC sat up, watching her relax a bit.

Nice save, Miss Koloski. Leave it to you to be the rational one. "You're right. I know you're right. Why does something that feels so good have to be so taboo?" She brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them.

KC reached over and placed her hand on her wrist. "I'm not trying to sound cold or indifferent. It's just that I gave up on believing in happy endings long ago. I would love nothing more than to carry on an affair with you, I really would. But we'd be setting ourselves up and you know it. It wouldn't matter how quiet we tried to be about it, the minute someone started suspecting it, we'd both get labeled and crucified."

She was sad. "I don't want us to be over." Because no one else has ever made me come like you have. God, I never thought I'd reach a point where I would be a slave to my libido. "But I know you're right. Besides, I guess we can't be over if we never really began. We did kind of start this somewhere in the middle, didn't we?"

"Well, honestly, you did take me by surprise when you finally agreed to hold up your end of the bet."

"Took me by surprise, too...but I'm glad I did." Her smile was once again warm but demure. Very, very glad I did.

"Hey, the night is still young...I think we should make the most of it. Take advantage of the moment, while we have it."

"God, KC," McMurphy laughed, "how many other clichés are you going to come up with? That's so unlike you." Who stole the KC I know and love? Oh, yeah, that's right...she's been replaced by the KC I now know and lust after.

The redhead leaned over and gave her a soft but determined kiss. "Why don't we crack that bottle of champagne before all the ice melts."

Kissing KC back, she smiled, and reached for the Dom, indicating the bedpan, which held the bottle. "You're such a romantic."

"I thought you'd appreciate that. You want me to open it?"

"No, I can do it." I'll probably never get this close to a bottle of Dom Perignon again, let me indulge this fantasy as well. She removed the foil around the top and began twisting the wire that held the cork in place. "I've always wanted to try this stuff. Never thought I'd ever be able to afford it or be with anyone who could afford it. I'm not going to ask where or how you acquired this..." She started working furiously at the cork, which inadvertently shook the bottle.

"Uh...Colleen, be a little careful, it's under a little pres -" POP! Thunk!

It happened so fast, it took it a minute to register. She looked up just in time to see the cork bounce off redhead's cheek, a hairsbreadth below her left eye and then watched helplessly as KC slammed back onto the blanket, out cold.

"Oh my God, KC!!" She scrambled to the redhead's side, felt her neck for a pulse. It was steady. She looked for the rise and fall of KC's chest. Respirations looked good. Oh, thank heaven, I just knocked her out. Wait - what am I saying? This is not a good thing. Good Lord, Colleen, you're as useless as tits on a tomcat. Oh, no, her eye is beginning to swell...she is going to kill me! No, no, no, no... She looked around and grabbed the first thing she could and dunked it into the melted ice water. She applied it very carefully to the quickly bruising area. "KC? KC...Come on, baby, wake up."

The redhead appeared to slowly swim to consciousness, reacting a little disoriented to her concerned but soothing voice. Fluttering her eyes open, KC blinked as though she were trying to focus. "Ow...what happened?" Then it seemed to dawn on her. "Damn, woman, you may not be able to shoot a gun but you're lethal with a champagne cork."

She gently pressed the damp, cold cloth against KC's left eye, the expression on KC's face revealing two things: The realization was hitting her that she was going to have a black eye and she was queasy.

"I am so sorry," she lamented, sounding as mortified as she felt. "Believe it or not, you probably have a slight concussion...so...I'm going to have to spend the night with you to make sure you're okay, okay?" God, don't look at me like that. Please don't turn on me now...I'll never be able to assuage my guilt.

"You gave me a black eye and a concussion? What a fun date you are. How bad is the eye?"

"Right now? Puffy. Nice shade of crimson with a touch of violet starting to come through." She indicated the drenched piece of clothing in her hand. "This should help reduce the swelling."

"What is that?"

Oooh, I'm not too sure I like that look, either. "Um...it's your bra." And I hope it wasn't real expensive.

KC's eyes snapped up to meet hers. "What was wrong with your bra?"

Okay. Probably more expensive than I really want to know. "Yours was the first thing I grabbed. It was expensive, wasn't it?" Why the hell would you wear it tonight when you knew it would end up in a heap on the sand?

"Don't worry about it. Were you able to save the champagne, at least?"

"KC - you're not thinking of still drinking that. Are you?" Great. Another reprimanding look - I'm not making any points here.

"That champagne cost about half of what that bra cost. The rest of tonight is not going to be a total loss."

She moved some damp hair away from KC's forehead and dipped the now ruined silk bra into the ice water in the bedpan. Almost lovingly, she held it against the redhead's bruised eye and cheek. "I was going to get you back to your place and play doctor." Now that was a much nicer look. Things just may be salvageable.

"We can play doctor right here. While we finish the champagne." KC ran a hand up her inner thigh.

She is incorrigible. And insatiable. I like that in a person. What a shame this can't work out. But...we've still got tonight. "I'll make a deal with you. We'll work on that bottle and then we'll make our way back to your place, where I'll tuck you in...and tuck myself in with you. Until morning."

"And then what?"

She leaned down and softly kissed the rapidly blackening eye. "And then give you tender, loving care."

KC slid her free hand into her hair and gently brought her face to her so their lips met in an unhurried, appreciative kiss, which deepened quickly, tongues dancing and swirling inside each other's mouths. My God, this woman can kiss. I honestly think she could get me to climax just by kissing me. Suddenly KC withdrew her talented tongue and broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?"

"Woozy. I'd love to say your kisses caused it but I think you know I'd be lying." KC closed her eyes and she eased the redhead backward.

"It's the concussion. I think we better get you back and then if you feel like drinking the champagne or...doing anything else...we can decide that once you're safely in your bed. I don't think I want to be explaining to Dr. Dick how I possibly could have found you naked and passed out with a black eye in a secret hideaway."

"With a bottle of Dom in a bedpan. He'd have the MPs out looking for a perpetrator."

Yeah...after he took photographs and confiscated the champagne. But I bet he'd have a whole new respect for me... She gathered up their clothing and she quickly dressed. "Feel okay enough to put some clothes on?"

"Yeah," KC slowly sat up again. "But I could use a little help."

She smiled and reached for KC's sleeveless pullover. I never thought I'd be helping her dress - but before last night, I never thought I'd be helping her undress, either. She assisted the redhead in getting to her feet, fully clothed, except for the bra. "You okay? Feeling dizzy?"

"A little. But I'll be fine, Dead-Eye Dick."

"I'm never going to live this down with you, am I?"

"Not any time soon."

With her support, they took a step when KC stopped and turned to her, looking deeply into her eyes. "What?" she questioned, clueless.

"Just lay one on me before we leave here, in case when we get back to my place, I pass out for the rest of the night."

"I won't let you pass out, KC, that's why I'm going back with you."

"Is that the only reason?"

Smiling, she took the smaller woman in her arms, held her confidently and securely, and kissed KC nearly senseless. "Does that answer your question?"

"Oh, yeah," KC replied, in a low, throaty tone, her eyes still closed. "I think I could get used to that kind of TLC, Nurse McMurphy."

Oh yeah, me, too. "Maybe we're being too hasty about going our separate ways. Sexually."

"Why don't we discuss it when we get back to my place?"

"Let's see if we can get back to your place first, without further incident, and then we'll take it from there."

"Just know that if I'm conscious when we get there? You're in trouble."

Somehow that seductive smile on your face tells me I'll be in anything but trouble. Forget Confession...I'm going to need special dispensation from the Pope to get my ass out of this one. But, hey, I might as well have something worthwhile to confess. Let me get this woman home...Now.

The End

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