DISCLAIMER: Jerry Bruckheimer, CBS and various others own CSI, not me. I just played in their sandpit for a while.
SOUNDTRACK: Nina Simone Can't get out of this mood (written by Jimmy MacHugh and Loesser).
SPOILERS: Set around and after the Season 5 Episode: Ch-Ch-Changes.
SERIES/SEQUEL: First part of 'The Nina Simone Suite'.
ARCHIVING: Only with the permission of the author.
DEDICATED: For the one I love as always.
Little Visions of You
By Celievamp
It was all Warrick's fault. He told me to listen to Nina Simone if I wanted to know true heartache.
So I hit the downloads, got me some music, listened to that voice and realised that it spoke to my heart.
There was this one song
'What a fool to dream of you,
Twasn't part of my scheme to sigh and tell you that I love you,
But now I'm saying it, I'm playing it dumb,
Can't get out of this mood,
Heartbreak here I come.'
And I just stopped what I was doing and went to find her. I had to know. Heartbreak here I come well, hopefully not. But if I didn't say something to her then I would never know one way or the other.
Watching Sara Sidle work, I wondered what it would be like to have that level of concentration, that oh-so-delicate yet informed touch working on my body. I shivered in anticipation.
I knew she was interested. There were enough rumours going around about how she spent her off-time some swore that she had been making hot monkey love with Grissom for years; I'd also heard that she and the ice maiden Catherine Willows had a thing. I hadn't seen signs of either being more than wishful thinking. Greg fancied her. That was obvious (as was the fact she thought of him as an annoying little brother). The other guys treat her like a favoured kid sister. And me? From my very first day with the unit I always knew when those dark eyes were watching me. I wondered if she liked what she saw.
She didn't give me much to work with. The odd look, the occasional word, the more usual silence. Added together it was, well, less than nothing if such a thing were possible. But I had to know.
'All day long before my eyes come little visions of you,
They shouldn't, they mustn't, but they do.
Can't get out of this mood,
Can't get over this feeling,
Can't get out of this mood,'
We talked. Okay, I talked and sometimes she talked back. She had one of the faces, sometimes she looked so plain then you would catch her in a certain angle or in a particular light or she would smile and she had a beauty all her own. And there was a lot more going on with her than the stereotyped workaholic that she liked to present herself as being. And I wanted to know more everything about her. Everything.
But at the same time I did not want to scare her off. Not that I think Sara Sidle would scare easily. But I knew I could be a little full on sometimes. And she deserved a little time and care.
So I was going to take my time, take things slow. Invite you out for a coffee, maybe breakfast. I know you used to do that with Catherine Willows sometimes, go out for breakfast at the end of your shift. So maybe that would be a good start.
You've noticed I'm here. You're staring at me, a quizzical expression on your face.
"Hey Sara," I smile, try to hide the butterflies suddenly playing kamikaze in my stomach.
"Hey Mia," you smile back. I melt a little more.
"I was wondering do you want to get some breakfast at the end of the shift. There's a new place opened up on the other side of the mall. I wondered if you'd like to give it a try."
The smile fades slowly and you're assessing me again. And I know how that evidence feels. Everything laid bare. I can see my whole scenario playing out in your head. And then you're smiling again and I can breathe.
"I'd like that, Mia," you said. "That would be great."
Heartbreak here I come. Or not.
Can't Get Out of This Mood
Jimmy MacHugh, Loesser
All day long before my eyes come little visions of you,
They shouldn't, they mustn't, but they do.
Can't get out of this mood,
Can't get over this feeling,
Can't get out of this mood,
Last night your lips were appealing,
The thrill should have been all gone by today, in the usual way,
But it's only your arms that I'm out of.
Can't get out of this dream
What a fool to dream of you,
Twasn't part of my scheme to sigh and tell you that I love you,
But now I'm saying it, I'm playing it dumb,
Can't get out of this mood,
Heartbreak here I come.
I can't get over this feeling,
Last night your lips were appealing,
The thrill should have been all gone by today, in the usual way,
But it's only your arms that I'm out of.
What a fool to dream of you,
To sigh and tell you that I love you,
But now I'm playing it, now I'm playing it dumb,
I can't get out of this mood,
Heartbreak, heartbreak here I come.
The End
Sequel Mia-Anderings