Over Kate/Claire When you help someone deliver their baby, you become part of their family. Complete
Only A Confession Kate/Sun After over-hearing a conversation between Kate and Jack Sun ponders her own feelings. Alternate scene in 'Whatever The Case May Be'. Complete
Struggling To Breath Kate/Sun Kate, Sun and a beach. Complete
Think Nothing Of Falling Kate/Juliet Kate is still yelling for you and now, you can't feel her words, but you can hear them and they're loud and hard and scared-sounding. They cut deeper than the rocks at the bottom of the well cut your skin, but you're twisting and turning, and that's when you see it. The bomb is right next you, begging you to set it off. Complete
Fall To Pieces Kate/Juliet Then again, her entire life, she's finding out, has been one big irony-fest. Complete
Running Parallel To You Kate/Claire Two times Kate Austen meets Claire Littleton. Complete
The Hour When The Ship Comes In Kate/Juliet Kate finds a woman on a clifftop that's not who Kate thought she was. Complete
Something Worth Running From Kate/Juliet "Kate has stopped carving marks into the tree. These days, all they are is proof of her betrayal. They aren't something to be proud of, they are something Kate wishes she could erase from her memory." Complete
The Flip Of A Coin Kate/Juliet When you flip a coin it's all luck which side comes up and which direction your life takes. For Kate, the flip of the coin is mentioning Rachel when Juliet catches her searching her tent. The coin hits the ground, one side comes up and everything changes. Complete
Keep It Precious Kate/Juliet "The world twists and turns and bends at the edges and suddenly nothing's like before. She slips and falls and then she's gone and you're still here and this is so wrong wrong wrong." Complete
Running from the Jabberwocky Kate/Ana-Lucia Kate and Ana Lucia are lost for one night. Complete
Focus Claire/Kate You didn't expect her to stay but that doesn't lessen the ache as she walks away. Complete
Promise Claire/Kate Kate thinks about Claire after the Oceanic Six are rescued. Complete
Downfall Kate/Ana-Lucia Kate and Ana-Lucia get lost in the jungle and must fight to stay alive. Complete
Maybe It's Time For Something (Someone) New Kate/Juliet Kate was tired of the back and forth, but didn't know how to break free from the cycle. Complete
Feeling Alive Shannon/Kate "Kate feels like she shouldn't trust Shannon's motives, but can't quite articulate a good reason not to." Complete
Someone Else's Life Kate/Juliet Juliet imagines a future life. A life that isn't hers. Complete
A Smile Just For Her Kate/Juliet If Jack didn't know better, he'd almost say it looked like they were flirting." Complete
All That I Have Left Kate/Juliet Kate goes looking for someone she's never met. Complete
So, Not Summer Camp? Kate/Ana-Lucia Ana Lucia's self-analysis of her reaction to the island. Complete
Step From the Road to the Sea to the Sky Kate/Juliet Juliet hated the smell of blood. Complete
Friends Since When? Kate/Juliet Sawyer has a question. Complete
Doesn't Hurt at All Kate/Juliet Sawyer has a question. Complete
Before Juliet Kate/Juliet There's a first time for everything. Complete
So Damn Much Kate/Juliet It hurts. Complete
Forevermore Kate/Juliet "What are we doing here, Kate?" Complete
All On You Kate/Juliet "I've made my bed / And I can't fall asleep in it" Complete
And I would go to the ends of the earth for you (but not you for me) Kate/Juliet Kate/Sawyer Juliet sees Kate once in the days that follow. Complete
With Every Passing Season Claire/Juliet A year with Claire and Juliet. Complete
Moments With Claire Claire/Juliet Juliet's moments with Claire. Complete
Love in Letters Kate/Claire Kate writes letters. Complete
When Caring Can Be A Step in the Wrong Direction Kate/Claire This is how it always begins. Complete
Now Kate/Ana-Lucia Kate and Ana-Lucia have some alone time. Complete
The Rules of the Game Kate/Ana-Lucia Kate challenges Ana-Lucia to a competition. Complete
Fair Trade Kate/Ana-Lucia Some things aren't worth stealing, some things are. Complete